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MIDIbox SEQ new frontpanel idea

latigid on

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53 minutes ago, latigid on said:

Beware that current likes to flow along the path of least resistance, meaning you may get some bleed into lower Vf LEDs instead of the intended higher Vf one. Safest is to use only one colour.

Thanks for the warning. Would you get bleed mixing 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 Vf LEDs or is this a save range?

How does the bleeding works in a matrix? Can i mix colors per row/column (e. g. all on D0 are green and all on D1 are yellow)?

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6 hours ago, tago said:

Would you get bleed mixing 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 Vf LEDs or is this a save range?

Depends how hard you drive the matrix, but should be okay

6 hours ago, tago said:

Can i mix colors per row/column (e. g. all on D0 are green and all on D1 are yellow)?

Best to keep the colours the same per column.

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14 hours ago, latigid on said:

PCBs have 2x 74HC595 each. So each is like an 8x8 matrix.

I also consider 2x 74HC595 and 3x 74HC165 (1x BTN matrix and 2x for encoders) per PCB.

May i ask which MBSEQ_HW.V4 (standard_v4, wilba, tk) you use for your two 8x8 matrices? Furthermore i can't figure out how easy it would be to setup two 4x8 matrices (should be enough for my design).

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  • 1 month later...

Adrian is finalising the case design, hopefully he doesn't mind me teasing a few pics. Note that these are not final and will probably change.



Concept, shown as the left-handed design. The PCBs will work both ways, but you have to choose a left- or right-handed front panel.



This one has too-high caps around the wheel. Originally the wheel PCB was mounted at a different height, but now everything mounts on a (very clever) interior shelf. Only one sort of round cap required.



Many things will change: circular holes for the MIDI DINs, different knob choice, maybe coloured windows.



The IO can be mounted either at the back or bottom. This means the unit can be either desktop or 19" mount :).


More info as I receive it.



Edited by latigid on
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On 09/01/2018 at 10:45 PM, latigid on said:

The IO can be mounted either at the back or bottom. This means the unit can be either desktop or 19" mount :).


What is the material used for the bottom part? It seems metallic but the color is like plywood.

Edited by Antichambre
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I'm still unsure, if for me as a right-handed person it would be better to have the wheel section at the left side.

There are situations where I want to quickly switch between selection groups (such as between track and parameter layer selection) while changing steps with the right hand. In this case, it's actually better if I could switch with the left hand.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Also agreed on that!

Back in 2010, without thinking, i automatically put all "important" controls of my first/original SEQv4 (the narrow one below the synths) on the left hand side, to be able to play the keyboard with the right hand. Until now, I have never second-guessed that orientation and am really happy with it. Maybe this should be the recommended/"default" setup of the new MBSEQv4+ for right-handers?

As Bruno, asked, i would be also interested in what left-handers think?
My sister is a left-hander (but not into synths :)) and i know that during classical piano training we both received as kids, they had to emphasise training on her "weak" right hand, as this often (but not always) has to play more complex passages (in classical pieces anyways). So left-handed keyboarders may already be trained to prefer their right hand for non-bass sequences and would also prefer the menu on the left side? Just some wild guessing going on from my side... :)

As far as i've understood, cases for both versions should be available at some point in time, so it is not really a "this or that" decision, everyone needs to decide on his/her own when building a new v4+.

Many greets,

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I am left-handed. I always thought the SeqV4 layout alright for me. On the other hand (no pun intended), the other machines I used the most are MPCs, and they (except for the 2000/2000XL) have the Menu section at the right, and that actually felt alright too.

I must stress though that I am not really a keyboard player, I only ever write drums in real time, so the switching-while-playing argument doesn't really apply. I do agree that left-handed people are just so used to doing things with their right hand, not being given the choice (computer mouse being an obvious example), that they are more comfortable to do so. EG I hold my mobile phone in my right and write text messages with my right thumb. 

At home I have the sequencer on the left and the mixer on the right, and that's the configuration i always default to. I think it's because like that, I can use my better coordinated hand to do stuff on the sequencer, like using the thumb to hold the menu key and index or ring finger to switch to a different mode or mute/unmute stuff, while adjusting faders/sends on the mixer.

Now you really got me thinking if the example layout above wouldn't be better for me!

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Hi all!

I spent the day trying to get clean BOM on Mouser for a future( pretty close now ;) SeqV4+ !
I just modify and complete what it was already made by @latigid on and @Smithy
I separate the components by boards as it is on the Dokuwikkii.
They are editable by everyone. Update it in case of reference unavailable or if you find something wrong or missing. "1801_" is the date ;)
Don't order it without checking a few, and maybe you can remove some 595 or DIN socket you surely already own ;)

 - 1801_wCore-Main
 - 1801_wCore-USB
 - 1801_wCore-SD
 - 1801_Midi8
 - 1801_Midi-I2C
 - 1801_Seq _leMec (two sets are required)
 - 1801_Seq _Enc (two sets are required)
 - 1801_Seq _Jog

Good shopping!


PS: I forgot the Line Driver I will do it later, or if someone ... it's very small boards ;)

Edited by Antichambre
22R 1206, 10K THT added in 1801_wCore-USB
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Many thanks Bruno! :cheers:

Just to note, there will be some PCB revisions for version 1.1. In general, you can consider to start getting parts together, but I would recommend waiting until the spec is validated.

Also, some of the non-Mouser parts will be offered along with PCBs. So hopefully that's only two parcels needed to ship.

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