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MIDIbox of the Week (MIDIbox64 of Pierrot)


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Hey Pierrot

Even that it's not my type of design... this a piece of art!

Greate job and I bet a hell lot a work :o

You should send the pics to the museum of modern art in New York, perhaps they would want to exhibit it  ;D

Congratulations and greets


PS: I have no further questions, cause I already saw it in the French forum ;)

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Hello everybody !!!

Thank a lot for what you say  !!  :D

So, to anwer to you questions, yes , it is an hand-made box.

The front panel is composed of a wood panel , and the sides with wood piece.

All is sanding down , put in shape wth many kind of files.

Then , there are many layers of putty ( special for cars'body)...and after many hours of sanding and polishing , I put many layers of paint.

The LCD"body" is still made in wood , and the differents parts around leds, and buttons ( play, pause, stop , record , etc) are in plastic card .

All the buttons are and made too , with polyurethan resin ( lots of work too  :P ).

So, i you have any question , i'm happy to answer  :D


Bye bye


p.s: Steven_C  : no, i'm not industrial designer  ;D ...still student  :) ( but you are right, I like design )

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi everybody !!

Sorry to have been missing since so long time ... so , the pictures I promished to show you how it is inside the midibox , and how are made the buttons :






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wow !!!

this is awesome !!!

and its all DIY !! (did i say awesome allready ?)

where can i learn how to make those knobs/buttons ?

what materials did u use for the case ?

wood is the base but how did u make ir that round ?


was it worth the money?

i mean...  would'nt it be cheaper just buying the knobs/buttons ?

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Hello Everybody !!

I see that lots of people would like to know how all is made ... so I'm going to try to explain :

*First , the maters: it is made in wood , paper , plastic and mastic( all wath you want  ! ). there are no rules to do it, just to respect some things like don't make thin parts, with salient / re-entrant angles , and avoid to make complicated shapes ( prefer shape with smooth corner).

*the matrix: it is made with a "caouchouc aux silicones" ( in french  ;D ) it is a "synthetic  silicon rubber" composed of 2 pastes ,that need to be mixed together and that make an elastic part.

* To make the matrix, apply some synthetic rubber around the masters , and let the rubber polymerize.

After the rubber is beame solid, just remove the master, and you get a matrix ! ( note : don't use special turn out product ! it detain the rubber's polymerization )

pictures here :





* The buttons: it is made in polyurethan resin ( 2 constituents )


The resin I used made with a mix of 50% of resin ,and 50% of hardener. You just have to mix them 20 second, and put into the matrix , and wait for 10 minutes.You'll see the resin become trouble, and become totaly opaque and beige.


to make all the parts ( around 260 parts for me ), I needed around 3 days.

Note that the color of the parts is beige ( this strange pale yellow) , and i tried to color them in puting into the resin a universal colouring ( black ) ,but it made a strange chimical reaction : it make lots of bubbles ! lool

That is why all parts are painted with acrylic paints


for the price of all those parts, including resin and all, it is around 150 euros ( around 180$ I think).

So, next time, I'll buy it , because it take to much time to make, and the result is nice but not so good than with comercial parts ! lol

In fact I wanted to control all the design of my midibox, that is why I made myself the buttons and the case ...but itis relly to much work ( 1 month !  :P) and I have one other to fiish for a friend ! ??? :P lol

So, I Hope that You'll understand my bad engish and hope you understood all  ;D



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thanks Pierrot !!

this is realy interesting, RESPECT for the hard work/patience.

i dont think i will ever do those buttons/knobs but still a few questions :

- i see the hole in the knob is round ! how did u fixed it ??

- me personally more interested in making the (wood) case.

please send more pictures of how u made it

-  what do u mean by "wood , paper , plastic and mastic" ??

the wood and mastic i understand but how did u use the paper and plastic ?

i REALY liked the shape of this case !!! rounded ! no corners !

i want to make one myself !

so can u tell more details (as detailed as u can) ?

general question : is there a preference for wood/plastic/metal case when thinking on electronics ?

thinking of 'grounding'...'static electricity' ... etc.

and Pierrot: that is a VERY nice studio u got there...

what kind of music r u creating ? where can i hear it ?

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Hello RasOfir !

To answer to your questions :

For knobs: [ftp]http://krokro1.free.fr/Photo%20schema%20bouton.jpg[/ftp]

For Buttons : [ftp]http://krokro1.free.fr/Photo%20schema%20bouton%20switch.jpg[/ftp]

For the box :[ftp]http://krokro1.free.fr/Photo%20dessin%20ensemble.jpg[/ftp]

The front panel is in wood  ( 5 mm of thickness ) and all the holes are made with a hammer drill , and square hole are made with a square file...


and all is assembled with glue, and nails  

After asembling, I put on all the surface lots of mastic ( used to repair car's body)...and had to sand down and polish a lot  ;D ( ouch , my fingers  :P)

For plastic and paper, ....I don't know what to say .. lol

I used lots of plastic cards ( used for model building) , old pens ( with plastic body ), and lots of thing I found and who get the good shapes to do what I wanted ..it you who have to choose !

For electric problem ..I haven't with my midibox ....but just take care of the hot part of the Core ( transistor ) with wood : problem of fire maybe... ?I don't know

For the Music and my home studio ( but very small  :P ;D)  thank you !

I make electronic music,exatcly,  House music :)

( I try to do it in the french tradition of the house music , that mean disco, funky and filtered  :P ) .... some picture here :





For music, ..I have some tracks there ( but only made with software, I have not still the time to make complete tracks with my harware ..)...there are remix, and full played tracks :

"don't stop" ( stupid mix)


"funky ?" ( chocolate mix)


"Every day Every night"


"I'm facinated" (Reconstruction mix):


"So Long" ( Disco Classic Mix):


"Lounge Music" :



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