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writing the waves on the registers


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HI,i am an absolute beginner

need help for this problem:

in the C+ software YMF262 imlementation,can you tell me if that is right:

1)you "create" a sinus waveform(WS=0),and you create the others by shifting the registers?is it OK?

2)how do you precisely write this register to make a wave(i know there is WS... but what does mean the tab LFO_AM TAB?

3)if you want to enter the sound of a piano ,how do you do?is it possible?

4)if anybody has full explanation about this software implementation i will be delighted ;D



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Thanks for the answer,

as i am really starting with all can you tell if it is right:

i need a software implementation to make work the YMF262,like i found one in the web?

the mios rule the whole when all the device is connected;

i hope i am precise with my questions(by the way i am french,sorry for unappropriate words) ;)



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Hi Stef,

it seems that you are mixing something - MIDIbox FM is a MIOS based application which gets use of the hardware YMF262.

The PIC18F452 is not qualified for emulating a YMF262. You cannot run programs which are written for PCs or microcontrollers with "more horsepower", but less realtime capabilities. I think that you are in the wrong forum... ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Stef,

I think you're in the wrong forum...

This forum is about the MidiBox hardware and related software. Look at www.ucapps.de

There is a YMF262 software for the Midibox, but it is written totally in Microchip PIC assembler. No C++ code, sorry ;)


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Hi Raphael

OK i am really lost!

i want to make the midibox FM so i get the differents related files:

the core and the opl3.

this opl3YMF need to be programmed to work?Or am i wrong?

so is the mios doing this programmation or must i programm it myself with the picburner?

My question seems to me simple but all the answers dazzle my mind.Don't forget i am an absolute beginner .

thanks for the most precise answer because i don't understand why i am in the wrong forum:it is an hardware one so i want to build the hardware and programm what need to be programm.

if you have already make one midibox have you take some notes that you could give me.

thnaks in advance

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Hi Raphael

OK i am really lost!

i want to make the midibox FM so i get the differents related files:

the core and the opl3.

this opl3YMF need to be programmed to work?Or am i wrong?

so is the mios doing this programmation or must i programm it myself with the picburner?

My question seems to me simple but all the answers dazzle my mind.Don't forget i am an absolute beginner .

thanks for the most precise answer because i don't understand why i am in the wrong forum:it is an hardware one so i want to build the hardware and programm what need to be programm.

if you have already make one midibox have you take some notes that you could give me.

thnaks in advance

Hi Stef,

I would suggest you build a Core module first (http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core.html), and try to get it working. This will reveal to you if you like to solder stuff, and what equipment you need to buy to get started at all (Soldering Iron, Tin-sucker, soldering tin, etc). You could buy a Core kit (and if you want to invest in the FM right away grab a kit for that module too) from SmashTV (as far as I know SmashTV does not offer an OPL3 module kit yet, just the PCB) or from Mike. I really suggest ordering a kit if you're a total beginner, saves you the hassle of finding the right components.

If you finished the Core (flashed the PIC and all) and that was fun to do, then build the FM module (http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_opl3.html. This will be more difficult as the YMF chips have to be found on an old soundcard, have to be desoldered without damage, and then you have to solder them without damag to your fresh boards. These are SMD chips (very small pins) so be sure to use a soldering iron with a small tip.

If you've done everything right, you should be able to control the zfm synth chips via MIDI. Then you're at the stage you're asking questions about now: how to get sound out of it!  ;)

f you need partlists, a soldering guide, or other general info about the midibox FM look at www.uCApps.de - you'll find everything you need and much more over there.

Cheers,  Alex.

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you don't program the YMF262, in the midiboxfm the core module will control the ic , so you need to program the PIC on the core module

like somone said before; try to read up on the pages on ucapps.de. its a lot of info but it's all there, you just have to do it in the right order. if you don't have the patience/time for this you probably also won't be able to build the hardware for this project..

so if you wanna build a midiboxfm; go to this section; on the first page you read;

Sounds can be played once the MBHP_OPL3 module has been connected to the MBHP_CORE.

so, you need to build the core module and the opl3 module;

so now read on at the pages of the core module, learn about the different codes/software you have to burn/upload in the PIC/core;

bootstrap loader (needs a programmer, or you can buy it already burned from one of the shops)

mios (the operating system for all the midiboxes, uploaded with computer with midi)

the different applications (in your case midiboxFM, upload with midi)

then read on how the OPL3 module works and how to build it., read further if you want to expand it etc. and before you know it.. you could be answering these kind of questions for the next wave of confused new people  ;)

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really thanks you ILLOGIK you are very logic,i do appreciate.

sure i am not patient but i asking precise questions to go fast :P

is there a place where i can learn to programm the opl3:is it the skeleton,looking at the code source,it doesn't to seem the way.

for an absolute beginner,saying that you have to get off a opl3 from a soundblaster means to programm it;is it logic;ILLOGIK,no? ::)

OK thanks a lot i will have a nice afternoon...till the next harassing question :-*


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for an absolute beginner,saying that you have to get off a opl3 from a soundblaster means to programm it;is it logic;ILLOGIK,no? ::)

not really; it means you have to desolder the opl3 (it's a chip / ic) from the soundblaster as seen on the photos on the OPL3 module pages, this chip then has to be soldered on the OPL3 pcb

now, if you really wanna do this project (which i'm not sure of); build the HARDWARE, then start thinking about the software/programming because you are asking the same questions again and they don't make a lot of sense.

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Hi Stef,

is there a place where i can learn to programm the opl3:is it the skeleton,looking at the code source,it doesn't to seem the way.

for an absolute beginner,saying that you have to get off a opl3 from a soundblaster means to programm it;is it logic;ILLOGIK,no?

No, it´s not logic... You DON´T programm the OPL3 itself. The OPL3 has no own intelligence, it is just USED BY the core module. Saying that you have to get off a opl3 from a soundblaster means you have to get a chip that is not mounted on a SB (anymore). What Smash probably told you means he doesn´t sell OPL3 chips, so you have to get one from somewhere else (e.g. from an old SB card).

Perhaps if you compare the elements of a normal computer to a MidiBox, the basic concept is easier to understand:

Computer MidiBox

Motherboard = Core Module

Sound Card = OPL Module

Windows XP = MIOS

Cubase = MidiBox FM Software

So the whole MidiBox system is like a new "computer" system only used to make the OPL put out sounds. Build the Core and OPL module, "install" MIOS and the FM software and just use it. You don´t need to program (write new software) yourself, the software is already there.You just need to "install" the software onto the Core module (the PIC controller). "Installing" software on a PIC is called "Programming the PIC", but this doesn´t mean writing e.g. C or Assembly code yourself! Saying "I want to program the OPL3" is like saying "I want to install software on a Soundblaster". You just install software on the computer (not on the Soundblaster).


P.S. Please don´t take this personal, but I´m not sure if there´s a language problem keeping you from understanding the concept - so perhaps it would be a good idea to also ask your questions in the french section of the forum.

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Sure i do agree  your explanation is really clear,Seppoman

and for Mr Illogik don't underestimate my willing to understand or doing something but compare towhat i intend to do his project should be a children palying if it was cleacly explained.

you tell me the YMF262 has not to be programmed but just consider the link i have given so if there is an implementation you can program it,no.

Mr illogik no use to answer you are like all the fucking wankers who just show there little ego on the forum when they don't master a subject,i am used to but i got no time for that.

Good bye Everybody,in fact you should all make kits and others silly things like this.

When i WANT to UNDERSTAND something i want to be able to know what do exactly the first to the last resistors and how,and how to change it.Understanding a concept is a easy but useless thing like this forum and project.

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Sure i do agree  your explanation is really clear,Seppoman

and for Mr Illogik don't underestimate my willing to understand or doing something but compare towhat i intend to do his project should be a children palying if it was cleacly explained.

you tell me the YMF262 has not to be programmed but just consider the link i have given so if there is an implementation you can program it,no.

Mr illogik no use to answer you are like all the fucking wankers who just show there little ego on the forum when they don't master a subject,i am used to but i got no time for that.

Good bye Everybody,in fact you should all make kits and others silly things like this.

When i WANT to UNDERSTAND something i want to be able to know what do exactly the first to the last resistors and how,and how to change it.Understanding a concept is a easy but useless thing like this forum and project.

I advise you to do one of 3 things:

1. Learn English. All suggestions by everybody in this thread have been polite and helpful, if you could only understand what they're writing. Also for me, understanding what you're writing yourself is quite a puzzle sometimes.

2. Get somebody who can understand English to help you with posting the questions and reading the answers, that will probably clear most of your questions up a bit.

3. Find another hobby. You get frustrated much too soon, you probaply would never finish the project anyway if you're dissapointed this soon.

That's how I think about it. Have a nice day.

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i actually understand whats going on here.

newstephane the link you gave us was a SOFTWARE implemenation, that means its a program which runs on an ordinary PC and EMULATES the OPL chip. its not for programming it..

also if you WANT to UNDERSTAND midibox.. you should read!!!! READ and READ.. its all here.. it explains all.. well most of it..

still your post is unjustified and i feel you are not treating us with the respect we have given you!

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Well spoken

Perhaps if you compare the elements of a normal computer to a MidiBox, the basic concept is easier to understand:

Computer                  MidiBox

Motherboard      =    Core Module

Sound Card        =    OPL Module

Windows XP        =    MIOS

Cubase              =    MidiBox FM Software

So the whole MidiBox system is like a new "computer" system ...

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