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  • 2 years later...

Dear Michael

I tested your app one year ago, quickly with only a Core and i was so fun that i decided to make a complete box, when i would have some time and materials to.

But I can't make working my own Control surface (i did it on veroboard and did not follow your design).

Using the mac software to control the Sensorizer is OK.

Therefore, i tested my CS with the ain64_DIN128_DOUT128 app and everything is ok.

i've edited the mios_tables.inc :



	;; encoders 1-16

	;;        SR  Pin  Mode






my encoders are connected to SR1_D0, SR1_D2, SR2_D4 and SR2_D6. They are Smash TV encoders. None works (but it works with the ain64_DIN128_DOUT128 app) I also edited the ACSensorizerDefines.h :
// ***** LCD ***** 

#define SENSORIZER_LCD_TYPE			216	// currently only supported: 216

// ***** AIN ***** 

#define AIN_MUXED					1	// 32 AINs via AIN-module

#define AIN_UNMUXED					0	// 8 AINs via J5, default setting

#define AIN_MUX						AIN_UNMUXED

#define AIN_NUM						8	// number of Analog Inputs, default: 8

#define AIN_DEADBAND				7	// 7 for 7-bit values, default: 7

// ***** SRIO ***** 

#define	SRIO_NUM					4	// number of ShiftRegisters: 1..16 (128 DI/O max), default: 4 for 1 DIN-module

#define SRIO_DEBOUNCE				0	// 0 = hiQuality buttons, 1 = low quality buttons, default: 0

#define SRIO_UPDATE_FRQ				1	// 1 ms for Rotary Encoders, default: 1

// ***** ENCODERS *****

#define ENC_NUM						4	// number of Encoders

#define ENC_TYPES					2	// mixed speed:1, slow:2 <default:2 for Voti.nl Encoders>

// Encoder numbers as defined in mios_wrapper/mios_tables.inc

#define ENC_PARAM_A					3	// enc number for Param A

#define ENC_PARAM_B					2	// enc number for Param B

#define ENC_SENSOR_SELECT			0	// enc number for sensor selection wheel

#define ENC_MENU_SELECT				1	// enc number for menu switching wheel

#define DIN_ENC_PARAM_A				17	// ENC0 PushButton	// not needed

#define DIN_ENC_PARAM_B				21	// ENC1 PushButton	// not needed

#define DIN_ENC_SENSOR_SELECT		25	// not needed

#define DIN_ENC_MENU_SELECT			29	// not needed

// ***** DIN ***** 

#define DIN_PEDAL					4	// DIN-pin of connected Foot-Pedal

#define DIN_PEDAL_SECOND			5	// alternative pin-out (e.g. front _and_ rear)

#define DIN_PANIC					6	// sends PANIC! (all notes off)

#define DIN_LOAD					9	// loads current patch

#define DIN_STORE					8	// stores current settings to current patch

Only the Panic button is working !

I compile using XCode and selecting "ACSensorizer.syx" in the target menu.

I only have 2 SR. Bankstick no yet connected.

So what's wrong ???

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

dear AC

i finished the acsensorizer and this is awesome !!!

but i d like to know more about your sensors ? i got Sharp GP2Y0A21YK ( http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=242) but its behaviour is erratic

i attached it under the frontpanel with 2 holes of 4,5mm for the LEDs (to pass the beam) . Is it good ??

is it the type of gear to use ? or just ribbon ?

best regards


Edited by julienvoirin
Posted (edited)

Hi Julien,

great to hear you like the sensorizer :-)

i got Sharp GP2Y0A21YK ( http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=242) but its behaviour is erratic

i attached it under the frontpanel with 2 holes of 4,5mm for the LEDs (to pass the beam) . Is it good ??

Yeah, I'm using some of those with different distances. Thus, it's the main reason, that I created the nice calibration methods. There are two calibration modes, one is min where you should trigger the minimal amount and then set the maximum value. With auto-calibration, ACSensorizer should do the rest for you (I think it might be good to have a pedal attached for that, as it's much easier to press the pedal shortly if you have the right range. I think I wrote a quick setup instruction in the wiki IIRC.

After calibration, the sensors work fantastic and quite stable. Of course (as autocalibration is so easy) you might also use it creatively: for example, you can configure the sensor to work only on one octave. Of course the calibration is saved per patch and not uniquely.

When working with those IR-based distance sensors, you just have to notice the short inverted range that's around 2 to 4 cm in front of the sensor (depends on the model). I also found that the signal quality is varying if there is something reflective in front of the sensor (glass, plexi). Also, some sort of transparent materials might be UV-protected; those will eat (or reflect) the IR-Beams totally.

And btw: it's not worth to take them apart, they won't get better without their custom lenses ;-)

also see: http://www.audiocommander.de/blog/?p=71 (scroll down a bit)

...ah, and make sure, you never (ever!) short-circuit them. I immediately destroyed two while I had them connected wrong for just one second. After that I made sure I used male connectors that accepted only a certain orientation of the female connector. If they're dead, they just transmit glibberish.

I also found that some larger pressure-pads (pressure resistors) work really well, as they provide quite fine control (depends on the type you have though).



Edited by audiocommander
  • 7 months later...

Hi Pbard1,

I recently built an AC Sensorizer according to your design and am having a problem with it. All my hardware is vector board' date=' point-to-point, construction. 1 Bank stick. I'm using Bournes push-button detented encoders. All encoders and buttons work in virtual 64e mode. But all I get is PANIC! operation of 1st push button, bank load and save with 2nd and 3rd buttons. I noted that you had helped another midiboxer with a similar issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I haven't set up a fully functioning software/firmware compiling environment yet, but I suspect that I will probably have to recompile some code! I've built a midibox-based eDrum machine several years ago, and when I saw your design, I got caught up in the "hobby" again. Thank you (in advance) for any help.[/quote']

You should look into two things:

1. DIN Connections


...see point 9 DIN Connections and check your DIN Setup.

As you get a Signal (PANIC), I think it is most likely your wired setup is not right.

Sorry, I don't own a MB64e, so it is quite likely the encoder setup on the DIN is different. However, you can edit the Encoder Settings, so you might not need to resolder your DIN-Board. But that probably requires a little bit of testing, tweaking and fiddling...

2. If you are absolutely sure you connected the DIN right, go and check ACSensorizerDefines.h and tweak around the Encoder settings, esp.

  • SRIO
  • DIN



 *  ACSensorizerDefines.h

 *  ACSensorizer


 *  Created by audiocommander on 14.12.06.

 *  Copyright 2006 Michael Markert, http://www.audiocommander.de


 *  ** Description **

 *	This file contains changeable parameters for recompilation

 *  with different setup modes and adapted settings



 * Released under GNU General Public License

 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html


 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms

 * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation








#include "ACMidiDefines.h"

// ***** BASIC SETUP ***** 

#define SENSORIZER_MODEL_ID_DEFAULT 0x0	// default configuration (DOUT:1, DIN:0, ENC_TYPE2)

#define SENSORIZER_MODEL_ID_ONE		0x1 // first, grey model (DOUT:0, DIN:Xtended with hardware bug, ENC_TYPE1)

#define SENSORIZER_MODEL_ID_TWO		0x2 // second, black model (DOUT:1, DIN:default, ENC_TYPE2) 

// select model ID (dependent settings for DIN, DOUT, ENC_TYPES)


// enable modules

// the project compiles to a much smaller size if you set unneeded interface options to 0

#define SENSORIZER_INTERFACE_LCD	1 	// if LCD conncected

#define SENSORIZER_INTERFACE_HUI	1 	// if HUI connected (DIN/ENC)

#define SENSORIZER_INTERFACE_NRPN	1	// if NRPN-control (via MIDI) enabled

#define SENSORIZER_INTERFACE_BS		1	// if Bankstick(s) attached & enabled

#define SENSORIZER_INTERFACE_SYNC	1	// if Syncronizer (Clock forwarding & bar counter) enabled

#define SENSORIZER_INTERFACE_HARM	1	// if Harmonizer enabled


	#define SENSORIZER_INTERFACE_DIN	1	// if EXTRA(!) DIN pins enabled (see DIN, usually pins 16-31, just down signal)

	#define SENSORIZER_INTERFACE_DOUT	0	// if DOUT module connected (sensors 1..8 => DOUT SR1 1..8)


	#define SENSORIZER_INTERFACE_DIN	0	// if EXTRA(!) DIN pins enabled (see DIN, usually pins 16-31, just down signal)

	#define SENSORIZER_INTERFACE_DOUT	1	// if DOUT module connected (sensors 1..8 => DOUT SR1 1..8)


	#define SENSORIZER_INTERFACE_DIN	0	// if EXTRA(!) DIN pins enabled (see DIN, usually pins 16-31, just down signal)

	#define SENSORIZER_INTERFACE_DOUT	1	// if DOUT module connected (sensors 1..8 => DOUT SR1 1..8)


// ***** MIDI SETUP ***** 

#define MIDI_GLOBAL_CH				15	// application wide Midi-Channel: 0-15

#define MIDI_MERGER_MODE			MIOS_MIDI_MERGER_DISABLED	// if MIDI-IN should be forwarded

// harmonizer

#define MIDI_HARMONIZE_NOTES		1	// if incoming notes should be forwarded (harmonized)

#define SENSORIZED_NOTE_VELOCITY	100 // note velocity for sensorized NOTE_ONs (= CC#0)

// syncronizer


	#define FORWARD_CLOCK			0	// if clock should be forwarded (regardless of MIDI_MERGER_MODE)

	#define SEND_CONTINUE_EACH_BAR	0	// CONTINUE is sent each first bar


// ***** MIDI ASSIGNMENTS ***** 

#define MIDI_CC_HARMONIZER_LISTEN	37	// 64-127: listen for next note-on, 0-64: exit listen-mode

#define SENSORIZER_PEDAL_CC			MIDI_CC_PEDAL	// select which CC should be sent on pedal down/release

#define BROADCAST_PRG_CH			1	// sends PRG_CH on GLOBAL CHANNEL with current bank/patch on load/store (default: 1)

// ***** LCD ***** 

#define SENSORIZER_LCD_TYPE			216	// currently only supported: 216 (=> 2x16)

// ***** AIN ***** 

#define AIN_MUXED					1	// 32 AINs via AIN-module

#define AIN_UNMUXED					0	// 8 AINs via J5, default setting

#define AIN_MUX						AIN_UNMUXED

#define AIN_NUM						8	// number of Analog Inputs, default: 8

#define AIN_DEADBAND				7	// 7 for 7-bit values, default: 7

// ***** SRIO ***** 

#define	SRIO_NUM					4	// number of ShiftRegisters: 1..16 (128 DI/O max), default: 4 for 1 DIN-module

#define SRIO_DEBOUNCE				0	// 0 = hiQuality buttons, 1 = low quality buttons, default: 0

#define SRIO_UPDATE_FRQ				1	// 1 ms for Rotary Encoders, default: 1

// ***** ENCODERS *****

#define ENC_NUM						4	// number of Encoders


	#define ENC_TYPES				1	// mixed speed:1 (for model_one <grey>)


	#define ENC_TYPES				2	// slow:2 <default:2 for Voti.nl Encoders & SMASH's DIN>


// Encoder numbers as defined in mios_wrapper/mios_tables.inc

#define ENC_PARAM_A					0	// enc number for Param A

#define ENC_PARAM_B					1	// enc number for Param B

#define ENC_SENSOR_SELECT			2	// enc number for sensor selection wheel

#define ENC_MENU_SELECT				3	// enc number for menu switching wheel

#define DIN_ENC_PARAM_A				2	// ENC0 PushButton	// not needed

#define DIN_ENC_PARAM_B				6	// ENC1 PushButton	// not needed

#define DIN_ENC_SENSOR_SELECT		10	// not needed

#define DIN_ENC_MENU_SELECT			14	// not needed

// ***** DIN ***** 

#define DIN_PEDAL					3	// DIN-pin of connected Foot-Pedal

#define DIN_PEDAL_SECOND			2	// alternative pin-out (e.g. front _and_ rear)

#define DIN_PANIC					7	// sends PANIC! (all notes off)

#define DIN_LOAD					11	// loads current patch

#define DIN_STORE					15	// stores current settings to current patch

#define DIN_EXT_MIN					16	// Extra DIN pins, send out PIN - DIN_EXT_MIN on pressed (no signal on release)

#define DIN_EXT_MAX					31	// - " -

#define DIN_EXT_CC					14	// CC for extra DIN pins, see above





Thanks for the quick reply Michael,

I actually built my midi board according to your specs. I used the 64e firmware to check for encoder activity.

all worked fine as far as the encodesr are concerned. I will however check all other settings according to your message and will post my finding on this forum.

Thanks again!



Problem solved!

Programming environment not setup properly. I recompiled after changing proper encoder table. Voila!

Thanks Michael for pointing me in the right direction. Now to play.......

  • 1 year later...
compiling using the svn resolved everything :frantics:

great app, thanks for sharing

He Julian, and Audiocommander


How did you do this?


I bought bosone's ACsensorizer box. It worked OK but I wanted to update it to the latest version, I red about some bug-fixes.

So I bought a new PIC, burned the bootloader and uploaded MIOS 1.9_g and the ACsensorizer 4.6 code. But after that the 4 encoders didn't work anymore, I tried several things but couldn't get it to work. So I put back in the old PIC and everything worked fine again.

I broke my head about this, red a lot and tried all kind of things, without succes. Somewere I red about encoder problems with latest MIOS version 1.9_g, and related to that something about the latest sensorizer SVN repository. I downloaded the ACSenorizer folder from the SVN server and tried to compile the code with the normal make command, but I couldn't get it to work.


In the meantime I uploaded MIOS 1.9f, and send the release sysex package ACSensorizer 0.4.9Black from the SVN server and yesss! that worked. 

So I have an updated, working sensorizer box yeahhh


But I would like to know how to compile the code from the SVN server, and get the box working with MIOS 1.9_g




Posted (edited)

To use the SVN AC Sensorizer v.50, rename Makefile to Makefile.orig


Create a new file called Makefile and put this in it:


export MIOS_PATH
include Makefile.orig


I also figured out how to port this code to the pic18f4620 if anybody's interested. I modified the memory addresses to support 64k and recompiled the linker using sdcc (p18f4620.lkr)

Edited by sneakthief
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hi, first post ever here. Audiocommander, many thanks hanks for developing the AC Sensorizer!

I'm really stuck this time, lost many hours already. Similar story here, AC Sensorizer @1.9g, built from scratch, encoders not working, hardware works with other apps, triple checked the DIN-Encoders part. With Sneakthief solution I hoped for a breakthrough, but nope, without his makefile mod I can compile ACSensorizer0.5 hex without errors, but encoders still don't work. With mod I get compiler errors concerning invalid paths it seems, I'm not that clever, but fighting AC since last September.

C:\ac>SET PATH=C:\MSYS\1.0\bin;%programfiles%\gputils\bin;%programfiles%\SDCC\bin;%PATH%
Makefile.orig:33: include/makefile/common.mk: No such file or directory
Makefile.orig:36: modules/app_lcd/dummy/app_lcd.mk: No such file or directory
Makefile.orig:37: modules/iic_eeprom8/iic_eeprom8.mk: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `modules/iic_eeprom8/iic_eeprom8.mk'.  Stop.

I successfully built midi-cv before using the same method, so I guess my compilation environment works, I'm able to proof check the hardware also, as far as I can tell.


I'm using SVN repository and win7


OK, the simplest question I hope, could any of you guys (Elektruck?) send me working 1.9g AC 0.5 hex file? I really need a small step up, I'm losing it :smile:




Edited by kulka

Hi Pawel,


cheers and nice to hear you like it.


First of all, I have no experience how to compile it with the latest setup. I haven't updated up by MIOS compiler environment for years. But looking at your makefile output, there's clearly something missing with your path, missing in your makefile or indeed simply missing MIOS files in the directory (it says: No such file or directory).

So, the error at this point has nothing to do with the ACSensorizer project.


Second: please look back a couple of pages. There are at least two different encoder types around and you have to play around a bit with the different ENC_TYPES settings in the ACSensorizerDefines.h file. However, this step requires then a new build.






ps: I will be away for the next weeks and return in April, just so you wonder if I don't reply at once.


Thanks Michael for your prompt response,


I tried already different enc_type settings to no avail, the only response I get on the LCD is "PANIC!" message from striking one button (the buttons seems to be out also, usually bad enc settings results in bad enc performance, here I get no reaction at all), otherwise the app seems running (input bars moving randomly). It also compiles fine using SVG repository and AC0.5. I get errors only using additional file as suggested by Sneakthief in previous (14 Feb) post. OK, maybe fresh attitude needed, first I check MIOS 1.9f (where can I get it?, only g version seems to be online).


thanks a lot, still if anyone could send me AC Sensorizer 0.5 hex or sysex compiled for 1.9g I'd be glad :)





Well, there can go a lot of things terribly wrong. To rule out wrong wiring, you could do a general test by removing the encoders and hooking the device up via MIDI. ACSensorizer has a MIDI control API:



see NRPN Controls and "Examples: Turning the Menu Wheel (virtually)"


I've seen encoders that have different pin configurations than the ones I used here (at 9.) http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=acsensorizer_04#step-by-step_building_instructions






1. First of all, make sure you're using the right toolchain to compile this:




2. Here is my zipped folder of all the AC Sensorizer 0.50 files that compile perfectly. This has been tested on 3 different cores running MIOS 1.9g:




3. If you're still having problems, reflash MIOS 1.9g. If this doesn't work, I bet your wiring is wrong.


Sorry to point out the obvious, but did you notice that the physical layout of the DIN board doesn't match the layout of AC's diagram?


The actual DIN chip goes:


0       7

1       6

2       5

3       4



( http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_dinx4.pdf )


...whereas AC's diagram lists his connections like this:


6     7

4     5

2     3

0     1


( http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?cache=&w=656&h=462&media=ac:sensorizer_din_01.png )

Posted (edited)

Many thanks guys for detailed troubleshooting path, that's very kind of you. I'll try my best to make use of it this week and let you know, do remember scratching my head with DIN pins layout though, and yes, a lot can go wrong here, and I admit that setting up the compiling environment and compiling the code brings my IQ to its very limits :smile:



It's getting better! I uploaded Sneakthief's AC5.0 hex and got some response from the first two encoders, finally it's alive a bit, thanks!! My wiring was ok, encoders are indeed of different type, skipping values a bit, hope to fix it when I manage to compile myself. Now need to wire remaining two encoders the same way.


edit #2:

It's almost perfect! Sneakthief's AC5.0 folder compiles flawlessly in my environment, for some reason with SVN rep it didn't.
Encoders are working, a bit unstable, but fully usable, changed model to 'black" and SRIO_UPDATE_FRQ to 2ms, and it's better. Now finally off to box making, phew.


The only thing left - I can't store patches (LCD > 'PRG write/read error'). Memory chip works fine in MIDI-CV app, it formats and stores patches there correctly. So my question is: does the AC need different type of chip/configuration to store patches?

I use single atmel 24C256 eeprom.


I took a big leap in one day thanks to you guys!




Edited by kulka

Glad my environment worked for you! It took me a while to set it up and get it working.




1. First of all you have to successfully write a patch, otherwise you'll get a read error if you try to load that patch.


So please make sure that you've tried to write a patch with the Save button.


2. I honestly don't know what happens when an EEPROM is formatted by one application (eg. MIDIbox CV) and then used in another application like this one. Maybe you should try a blank EEPROM instead?


3. Also, I set my EEPROMs to address A0.


Just wanted to mention that this circuit here works great when connecting the inputs of the AC Sensorizer to my modular synth:




As the circuit emulation (and my experience) shows, this circuit takes +/-12v and limits it to -0.25v and 5.2v. This is a safe range for the AC Sensorizer's inputs and effectively gives you a CV to MIDI converter.


Also, if you want to connect a modular synth gate-output to the DIN board to use as a trigger (or what AC calls "Pedal trigger" in this project), you need to rewire the DIN module and and a protection diode:


1. "you maybe want to drive the pins "high-active" (which means: +5V = on, 0V = off). In this case please solder the two red isolated cables not to 5V, but to 0V (Vss), so that the resistors act as pull-downs.


2. attach a 5.6v Zener diode to the gate input, with the anode going to ground... kind of like this: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ZRI7MKFc8do/SwqrIZlxTeI/AAAAAAAAAlk/NO1diakEINQ/s1600/Zener+Diode+Voltage+Regulator+Circuit.JPG


Why a 5.6v Zener? Because with the diode voltage drop you're still within the voltage limits of what a pic can handle.




saving presets still not working, tried blank new EEPROM, set to A0 from the start, no luck and out of ideas. Maybe I should try the Microchip EEPROM, no Atmel? Just to be sure, in AC you save preset while in 1st menu (BNK|PRG), right? The other strange thing is that my display instead of the separating sign '|" shows small '12' upperscript, doesn't seem to affect performance, but still interesting.


Nice idea to use schottky diodes as a voltage clamp for AC input from modular, I'll give it a try when I sort out the EEPROM thing, hopefully.





Dear Sneakthief, Audiocommander and Kulka,

I'm very sorry that I didn't reply to Kulka's problems. I feel stupid cause I had the same problems and frustrations and was REALLY glad Sneakthief helped me out. I'm aware that brings the responsability to help others. But I just saw this post by coincidence. I didn't have my messenger notifications set up right. I changed that immediately and I'll be notified when others are in need here! 


2 Kulka, I understand that you're ACSensorizer software is OK now, you only can't save/load your programs. I had that problem also at the end, and didn't understand it cause the eeprom wiring looked OK and worked well before. But in the end I just soldered a complete new bankstick and after that my problems were solved.




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