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Knobs from ALBS (the "Waldorf" knob)


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Many people have asked about the knob that TK uses on his MB-SID, and the ones on my MB-6582, and it's been posted many times in the forum that these knobs come from ALBS (http://www.albs.de).

Here's a picture of the ones I use ("transparent blue"):


The "transparent red" ones are on TK's MB-SID, here's a close-up from subatomicglue's blog:


As the stock of these knobs have run out, Balthasar from ALBS told me he was thinking about manufacturing more. The minimum production is 5000 pieces, so he asked me what colour I preferred. I assume he means the inner colour, the knob would still be black.

What colour I prefer is a bit irrelevant, so I am polling the MIDIbox community (especially all those people who are building an MB-6582) which knobs they prefer, and then telling Balthasar the results.

There are options other than those shown above, perhaps "opaque white" and "clear" should also be considered.

So vote if you're planning to buy these knobs soon or in the future... enough votes might actually get them produced!

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Hi, I voted to buy anything, but I can imagine someone wanting to build a box with blue leds. In that case red knobs would be not so nice, and that person would probably vote for blue knobs. But if blue would lose to red, that person would rather have clear knobs than red knobs. So, I think there should be 2 more options in the poll: - Anything but red, and - Anything but blue (the above scenario counts for people wanting to use red leds as well). Clear knobs work with any color.

Just my 0.02

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Hi, I voted to buy anything, but I can imagine someone wanting to build a box with blue leds. In that case red knobs would be not so nice, and that person would probably vote for blue knobs. But if blue would lose to red, that person would rather have clear knobs than red knobs. So, I think there should be 2 more options in the poll: - Anything but red, and - Anything but blue (the above scenario counts for people wanting to use red leds as well). Clear knobs work with any color.

The "blue" are not that blue, and are actually quite grey-ish and neutral. I chose "blue" on my MB-6582 because I was going to use blue LEDs, but after receiving them, I actually thought I had got some kind of "clear" because they really weren't blue like the transparent red ones. IMHO I think that any LED colour would match...

(please excuse gratuitous gear porn photo)


Here's the same knobs (I believe) on Jackan's MB-SID


... and just so we know what we're talking about with "red" (no introduction necessary)


I must admit, the red ones look great too, I had a hard time deciding which ones to get (stryd_one can testify, I think we debated about it for weeks!)

If I was voting, I would vote for opaque white for the same reason as Sasha... the contrast would look much better than any of the transparent ones, and match a white-on-black panel perfectly.

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They knobs have been used on an MB-SEQ:


This is the easy way to illuminate the knobs... surface mount LEDs, three per encoder (in series), 12v supply, panel hole wide enough for light to shine through to knob, and also (important) some cardboard "boxes" around them to stop light shining through the LEDs on the panel!




I have plenty of LEDs to spare, by the way...  ;D

But now I've gone and got you all excited about illuminated knobs, AGAIN! Doh!

IMHO it's not really worth all the trouble...

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IMHO it's not really worth all the trouble...

Yeh and you didn't think your synth was such a big deal either. What would you know?  ;D

I think it looked cool.... but maybe after a while the cool factor could wear off and you'd want a dimmer badly. Just my 2c

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these knobs are said to be not recommended for the sequencer because the base is big, but wouldn't it work out anyway with the top of the knob being more thin?

I tried these knobs on my sequencer, and because the reason you mentioned they are not bad at all. You never grip whole knob anyway...

I must add, I have more narrow space between encoders than the most of boxers here as I decided to have knob aligned to corresponding section of display, and not out of it. I am still going with knobs TK used for his SEQ as they are much more aesthetically suitable for my design.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd be interested too. I could go for something like 50, (Prof's rule: always have some spares).

For my sequencer I plan to use two staggered rows of knobs, not as aesthetically pleasing, but more practical for my big fingers. I do like the idea of lighting the panel, but it would have to be green or red. I've got a local guy who can do back engraved plastic, so the aircraft style illumination might be possible, (and thanks again Stryd for the links).

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