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flyweight last won the day on February 28 2018

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  1. Ohh yes I did, I order 3 pcb's :-)
  2. It has been many years ago I started this project. Around the same time I started diy synth audio projects. Think the Thomas Henry 555 vco's where the first. This project and Thorsten and the community thought me a lot. For example that you do not need to apply 12 volt to a f16 pic. that way you will just blow up you programmer. Or do not buy cheap dac's from evil bay. Changes are they will not work. But also about shift registers en pot scanning. Like I learned Unix/Linux/BSD from the opensource community this project learned me about digital schematics. The source tree is just a thing of beauty. Meanwhile I fell in love with step sequencers too. Which is a very recent thing really. Thank you to everyone who contributed and many thanks to the legend Thorsten. My build was first usb powered. Now it got 3 iic midi outs ( if I flash one more pic 4 ), 2 midi i/o board, and a line driver. It is also powered externally and I build in a solid usb connector. The usb gave me many issues due to the micro usb connector breaking. I was not able to restore the smt terminal. So I am now on my 3rd stm32disco board. I connected it inside so this cannot happen anymore. Does anyone know if its possible to have usb-b and a separate usb host connector? Can you use the mini-usb connector on the st32disco board for that? The Midibox Seqv4 I will use in different cases 1. in a live set with 2 Pioneer SP16's and instruments 2. With 4 Korg Volca Modulars (with midi i/o) for ambient space 3. For experiments with a Matrixbrute, MS20 and a Eurorack modular. Thanks a great day to all! Cheers Tim
  3. Hi Thorsten, Thanks for the swift reply and this amazing machine. That is great news that that is possible. 32cv's is insanely a lot. I think with sweet 16 i would be happy enough :) But probably i will get greedy. The most important i learned is not to buy 595-TLV5630IDW from evil bay as that did not work out the first time :) Ah not sure why but googling aou-ng j2 gave me a good post:
  4. Hi it's been a while, From this project I learned so much. And I finally finished and fixed my midibox. I checked the documentation but it's not clear to me if and how its possible to use multiple Aout-ng's with midibox v4. Can I use multiple Aout-ng's? How would I connect them? Can I still use the line driver? There is J2 and the documentation is stating no app makes use of this but it is meant for connecting multiple boards. Also in the config I can select up to 32 for the cv channel. Thanks a lot, Cheers T
  5. Hi Steve, Yeah that is exactly what I would like. To be honest I did not know the Seq V4 could not do this then started to build and find this out. I have not tried to record at very high grid settings. But realtime recording for me is a big desire atm. I record often without quantize for beats with nice feel and swing. LoopA looks interesting but I don't want to abandon the seq v4 and build something else. It took me long to complete and it should have become the center peace of my live setup but as it looks like now if it can really only do step's unquantized I made a big mistake. So in a way I am stupid to not check this before starting this building journey. I mean building as fun but its kind of disappointing that in the end I put all this hours to later sell it. Please note this is not a rant. I really enjoyed building the seq v4 and think its an amazing project where I learned a lot about digital logic and electronics. Its just my own stupidity. Lets hope the high resolution grid setting will work acceptable. Or even one day the step delas will be recorded. Cheers Tim
  6. Ah yeah I have see, looks cool. But taking account step delays might offer semi unquantized recording in Seqv4 as well. Although I have no idea what the scope of this is and if Seqv4 has enough resources to handle it. Cheers Tim
  7. I read in the manual that Quantize: than lower the percentage value, than lower the quantization (-> events not shifted to the next step) Does this mean that the MB seq can do unquantized recordings or semi unquantized recordings? Are step delay's used for placing the notes on the right location? I sure hope its the case as its mandatory for my workflow. Last time I checked MB was not able to do this. Thanks Tim
  8. The same happened to me. Its dangerous to buy dac's from ebay. You can't be sure they work. Good to hear its working for you. Cheers Tim
  9. Hi Thorsten, Thanks for the reply. Fully understand. Still great that the metronome is there. Cheers Tim
  10. Hi I tried and found the the midibox metronome. Would be very usefull for livesets using drums. I also found some discussion about the audio dac being able to output the metronome in audio. Is this feature available and how do you enable it? Thanks in advance, Tim
  11. Hi Guys, an metronome on the audio out will be great really. Instead of the beep sound I would prefer the pulse / clicks. When I am drumming these are the only ones that I can hear properly. Anyhow only beeps would also be fine. The online metronome below also has a good sound. Some hybride pulse/beep. Additionally triplets, dotted triplets will be very welcome Actually not sure if its dotted but it can be found here: https://www.imusic-school.com/en/tools/online-metronome/ The button next to triplets, It is very useful when playing swing. Cheers Tim
  12. Maybe the testaoutpin can help you to make sure the connections are ok to the board. For me it wasn't working neither but when i did the following it started to work.
  13. This is awesome, I also have a TR9090 set of pcb's. Doesn't the TR9090 have a midi to trigger that is able to handle velocity? I mean are you triggering from the sequencer from midi or are you using gates?
  14. OK good that you're issue is resolved. Cheers
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