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Everything posted by TK.

  1. Very nice melody - it has a certain christmas melancholy! :smile: This issue is related to a corner case that I actually knew, but ignored so far as I thought that it's only an exotic case which wouldn't happen during daily work with the sequencer. However, with the new recording function it can happen quite often! It happened whenever the glide function was activated to stretch the notes to the next step until a new note was played. In this case, all previous notes were cleared (note off events sent) and new note(s) were played. But of course, in this recording the intention was to keep the notes which have been recorded again. I (hopefully) managed to solve the complicated corner case, please try this version: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_088_pre1.zip Additional hints: if you want that the chord is re-played whenever the gate has been set, enable the sustain function in the MODE page. Alternatively disable the glide function for step 11 in the Length parameter layer (change the length to < 100%) However, with V4.088 the "re-played" notes should be kept so that these measure are not required. But they make sense if the sequence is played by piano-like sounds which fade out quickly. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. V4.087 is available: MIDIboxSEQ V4.087 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o new page: "Track Instrument" Can be selected with MENU->EVNT->Trk Inst (GP #8) or from the main page (after Track Event item) Allows to configure the MIDI port, channel and instrument name. o the new Track Instrument page also allows to select Program Change and Bank (Low/High byte) If activated, these parameters will be sent when the sequencer is started and on pattern changes. Please note: a program and bank change can stall your synth so that the first note could be delayed! Use this function only when the device can handle patch changes quickly! o added CV_GATE_SR1 and CLK_SR to MBSEQ_HW.V4 config This is the prefered option to add CV gates and DIN clock/start signals to your MIDIbox SEQ in future. See also updated http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_manual_hw.html o 8 individual DIN Sync clock outputs with individual divider and pulsewidth values are provided now. A clock output can optionally be turned to a Start/Stop output. The outputs are available at the configured CLK_SR DOUT shift register pin D7..D0 (D7=first output, D6=second output, etc...) The clock parameters can be configured in the CV configuration page. o Mixer page: channel events can be dumped by pressing the corresponding GP button. This also allows to prepare different mixer setups, sending to the same channel, triggered by a GP button o Mixer page: press SELECT to activate/deactivate "live sending" mode (values are sent while moving an encoder) o Mute page: the synchronized mute/unmute option can be temporary overruled by activating the FAST button function o improved step recording display for drum tracks o Selected Datawheel mode in edit page now stored/restored to/from SD Card o STM32F4: support for bootloader "enforce_usb_device" flag Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. Although it seems that the requestor (benwa) has vanished and nobody else wanted to try this frequently requested feature, it's now released in V4.087 "as is" in the hope that I don't needs changes which conflicts with the updated documentation. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. Datawheel mode is now stored in V4.087 Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. Option 1 is now implemented in V4.087 Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. Option 1 and 2 are now implemented in V4.087 Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. I need your session files to explain the reason (and give some hints how to avoid this). Could you please attach the session directory in a .zip file to this thread? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. Hi, yes, a MIDI clock could disturb the upload. You can recover the device the following way: power-off the sammichSID in MIOS Studio, load the setup_sammich_sid.hex file and press the start button power-on the sammichSID -> upload should start immediately after power-on Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. Ja, http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_manual_m.html ganz unten, in Deinem Fall sieht das erste Bookmark wie folgt aus: Slot 1 Name Mute1 +Tracks 1000000000000000 +Mutes 1000000000000000 Der naechste: Slot 2 Name Mute2 +Tracks 0100000000000000 +Mutes 0100000000000000 usw. Gruss, Thorsten.
  10. Du solltest vielleicht erwaehnen, auf welchen Schaltplan Du Dich beziehst (jedenfalls nicht auf den neuen Schaltplan) Man benoetigt die RCs, wenn die LEDs anfangen wild zu flackern. Das wird bei einer sauberen Verdrahtung mit den neueren MBHP_* PCBs nicht passieren. Bei den alten PCB Layouts war das noch ein Problem, weil die Module bspw. nicht ueber Flachbandkabel verbunden wurden. Auch wer das Frontpanel komplett auf Lochraster aufbaut, und dabei auch noch die DIN/DOUT Shiftregister wild vermischt, laeuft Gefahr, dass die SR Signale nicht mehr sauber uebertragen werden. Siehe auch Das Problem ist also eigentlich mit den neuen PCBs von SmashTV seit einigen Jahren geloest, ich lasse jedoch den Hinweis im MBSEQ Schaltplan, und werde ihn in keine anderen Schaltplaene uebertragen, weil er in den meisten Faellen nicht relevant ist. Gruss, Thorsten.
  11. Ja, an der Standard-Belegung hat sich in den letzten 10 Jahren nichts geaendert (ansonsten wuerden mir einige User aufs Dach steigen! ;-) Ich habe das HW Manual (-> http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_manual_hw.html) jedoch gerade um ein neues Kapitel ueber das "Reduced DIN/DOUT" Kapitel erweitert, in dem die spezielle Verdrahtung von Wilba's Frontpanel PCB erklaert wird. Siehe auch http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq/mbseq_v4_dio_wilba_layout.pdf Hierfuer wuerde man also nur ein MBHP_DIO_MATRIX und ein MBHP_DINX4 (und kein MBHP_DOUTX4) Modul benoetigen. wenn man es benoetigt: ja Es gibt nur 4 Pattern - fuer jede Gruppe (bestehend aus 4 Tracks) eins. Diese kann man auf der PATTERN Seite sehr schnell mit den GP Buttons anwaehlen, die Gruppe waehlt man mit den Group-Tastern aus Die 16 Buttons sind ja nicht zum Pattern-Switching geeignet. Doch Du kannst sie zum Muten verwenden. Dazu legst Du sie auf die Bookmark-Funktion (BUTTON_DIRECT_BOOKMARK1 .. BUTTON_DIRECT_BOOKMARK16), und schreibst in das Bookmark-File, welcher Track ueber den jeweiligen Button gemuted werden soll. (Der Begriff "Bookmark" koennte hier etwas verwirrend sein, doch dahinter steckt eine maechtige Funktion, mit der man noch viel mehr machen kann also nur Tracks zu muten ;-) Gruss, Thorsten.
  12. Hi Tim, the firmware doesn't allow to enter notes exactly the way you want. You could play the notes in the Live page with the 16 GP buttons (they can be optionally forced to the selected scale) - but I know that this is no perfect replacement for your request - but it's currently the only possibility. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. Did you ever connect the LCD wrongly, e.g. with some cables swapped? This could damage the LCD, with the result that it can't be initialized. Possible effects: sometimes you will only see a black bar at the upper line, or you won't see any pixel at all. If you are sure that the LCD was never connected the wrong way, then it makes sense to doublecheck the connections between microcontroller, the 74HC595 SR and the LCD by comparing the signals at the source/destination with the two probes of your scope. If this still doesn't help, then I can only recommend to try another LCD (I'm not writing a different LCD type, Displaytech 162A works fine at my side) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. I'm lost, please help me! I'm unsure if we are speaking about the same behaviour, resp. if you've misinterpreted a change in the firmware and therefore come to this conclusion, or if we are talking about an actual issue (which is unknown to me). I changed the behaviour of the status LED with V3.019 - if you've used an older version before, the LED was dimmed (not so bright like with newer versions), and not fading/cycling. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. Ja, entweder DIN Sync oder (zusammen mit dem BLM Port) MIDI IN3/OUT3 option fuer das LPC17 Modul. Gruss, Thorsten.
  16. It works like intended. The flashing LED with PWM modulated fading effect is a sign of life (application still running) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. Looks good! So, it seems that the configuration isn't the problem, MIOS32 tries to initialize the LCD Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. I fear that it isn't working anymore, StrydOne started with this but he left the forum long time ago. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  19. "=!" isn't a valid C operator, try "!=" Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. Hi Matteo, yes, this is possible! :) Just push the CC button so that MIDI events will be sent by MBSID, and can be recorded by your DAW Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. yes, it should work this way you've to define the "EVENT_LED_MATRIX id= 1 type=CC chn= 1 cc=0x30 led_matrix_pattern=LcAuto" events three times, each one has to listen to another USB port. Yes, you need three DOUT_MATRIX components, and each one has to listen to another USB port. It works like intended. Rename your file to "DEFAULT.NGC" so that it will be loaded after startup Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. Nein, das geht leider nicht, der STM32F4 ist leider nicht so flexibel im IO Multiplexing. koennte ich in die MBNG einbauen wenn es wirklich jemand benoetigt. Gruss, Thorsten.
  23. TK.


    Sauber! :) Gruss, Thorsten.
  24. Hi Chris, it won't be possible to load a .NGC file without switching to another session, otherwise this could lead to inconsistencies (e.g. while storing/restoring snapshots, when labels are used, etc...) However, it's possible to switch to another setup. Please try this version: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_ng_v1_033_pre2.zip There is a new .NGR command called "LOAD" e.g. if you want to switch to XXX.NGC file, write: if ^section == 1 load xxx endif and trigger this section from an event Best Regards, Thorsten.
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