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Everything posted by TK.

  1. I was also surprised that the assembly code still looked familiar after 5 years where I haven't touched it. ;-) Yes, MB6582 users only need to update the master core with MIOS V1.9h, see also Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. MIDIbox SID V2.044 has been released Aside from the encoder handler improvements (which require a MIOS V1.9h update!), we also got a nice christmas present from Lis0r. She improved the OSC Detune function by a new "SuperSaw" mode which is based on the research from this paper: http://www.nada.kth.se/utbildning/grukth/exjobb/rapportlistor/2010/rapporter10/szabo_adam_10131.pdf Your SIDs never played so fat sounds before!!! :hyper: Changelog: MIDIboxSID V2.044 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o This version got an improved rotary encoder handling. Please update to MIOS V1.9h before uploading the application, otherwise the improvements won't be effective. o swapped behaviour of ENC speed control again, so that encoders are at fast speed by default, and slow if SHIFT button pressed. This behaviour can now be alternated in your setup_*.asm file by changing the DEFAULT_SHIFT_SPEED_CONTROL_MODE option o implemented special encoder testmode which can be enabled with DEFAULT_TESTMODE_ENC_SPEED in the setup_*.asm file o envelopes are now released properly when a note is played via the SysEx editor (or with the PLAY button) o added new "SuperSaw" detune mode which has been created by Lis0r. In distance to the normal (legacy) mode, results are much better especially on higher detune values! The detune mode (DtM) can be selected in the OSC page for lead engine patches, and in the O23 page for bassline patches. For your own comfort here some concrete update instructions for the complete update (the last MIOS8 update happened 5 years ago, so that some of you might have forgotten what needs to be done ;-) connect your MIDIbox SID to a MIDI interface (bidirectional IN/OUT connection required) open MIOS Studio, select the MIDI IN/OUT port there Query should result into "Application is up&running" Now upload the mios_v1_9h/pic18f4685/midi/mios8_v1_9h_pic18f4685.hex file of the mios_v1_9h release package Thereafter upload a matching setup_*.hex file of the midibox_sid_v2_044 release package The MIOS V1.9h update is only required for the master core (because slave cores don't use the encoder handler) If a MB6582 or similar MIDIbox SID V2 with multiple PICs should be updated (so: no sammichSID for example), clone the application to the remaining PICs by pressing&holding the MENU button while the version number is displayed on the LCD. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. MIOS8 got an update for the rotary encoder handling in FAST mode as discussed in this forum thread: Especially MIDIbox SID V2 users will benefit from this change! :) The new mios_v1_9h binaries are available at the MIOS download page: http://www.ucapps.de...s_download.html As usual, open MIOS Studio and upload the appr. hex file which is matching with the PIC of your MIDIbox. Thereafter upload the .hex file of the application -> done. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. Hm... one day ago I thought that I could add a Mute/Solo feature in maybe 1..2 hours. But the additional feature requests sound like I've to work on this for several days - not at least to satisfy your ideas, get feedback, iterate. So, how can we come to a conclusion? ;-) The proposed "track settings view" mode sounds powerful, but the information which needs to be displayed (such as several track configuration flags) isn't stored in RAM in a way which makes it possible to pass it to the BLM without loosing a lot of CPU time to fetch the different flags from different variables. Mute and Solo are available as 16bit variables, and can be directly passed without re-arrangements. That's another reason why I would like to focus Solo/Mute. The proposed "button mode" which cycles between 4 states has the disadvantage, that it isn't suitable for live situations where you may want to control the device "blindly" (the big advantage of the tactile feel of a BLM in distance to touchscreens) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. Hi Sylwester, the Frontpanel PCBs are now provided by SmashTV, but there is a very long waiting list (it could take several months) So: feel free to create your own PCB. It isn't possible to add more LCDs, because it's not supported by the firmware. If you've some programming skills, I could give you some hints what needs to be done, but it will be a lot of work (which I don't want to do by myself ;-)) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. Hi, I'm able to power the MBSEQ + BLM16x16+X + TPD from this USB hub: http://www.reichelt.de/USB-Hubs/MAXXTRO-MX-UAP/index.html?;ACTION=3;LA=444;GROUP=EU3;GROUPID=4831;ARTICLE=99781;START=0;SORT=artnr;OFFSET=16;SID=11TVLbZ38AAAIAAG9MIgIec1e46ae3eb4fc2fe4e011f269170227 The PSU delivers up to 2A at +5V (no need for -5V) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. To elaborate your ideas a bit further: replace PLAY and STOP button by MUTE and SOLO on/off buttons would work, right? I can't flash the LEDs, this would be too much Launchpad specific, or would generate some (unwanted) MIDI traffic. But we've three colours, therefore I would propose: Mute and Solo off: no colour Mute on, Solo off: green Mute off, Solo on: yellow Mute and Solo on: red (because the muted soloed track won't output MIDI messages) Ok for ALT+MUTE/SOLO combinations. But I don't want to add more ALT functions. Nobody will remember them in 1..2 months. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. Need more inspirations how it could look like. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. Hi Carl, MBSID V2 works a bit different compared to V1. Instead of Play and Goto commands, you just specify the begin and end of the WT sequence in the WTC menu: In addition you can specify a Loop point. So, for the particular sequence above, specify: Beg: 00 End: 0A Lop: 01 Btw.: there is a wavetable tutorial in the "first steps" section of the user manual which explains the basics: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_fs.html Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. Although I don't really like issues without plausible explanation, I've to say: let's wait until somebody else notices a similar issue under different circumstances which gives me the required input to determine the actual root cause. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. Thanks Rowan! And I must say that it's nice to see that you are successfully using your MBSEQ V4 based on a STM32F4 and with 4 Novation Launchpads, although I don't use this setup at my side. :) To everybody: meanwhile I fixed a glide mode bug reported by jjonas, and another bug for drum tracks (parameter display sometimes doesn't work correct, e.g. if Roll parameters are changed). Please find the pre-release under http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_088_pre2.zip Probably I will release an official v4.088 version this sunday, please help me to test if Glide and Drum mode are still working as expected (because a lot of changes had to be done in order to solve both issues properly) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. Hi Carl, it looks like this is only a static pulse waveform with attack 0, decay 112, sustain 80, release 72 So: no wavetable required. The previous steps apply the so called ADSR workaround, MBSID will do this automatically with the ABW flag set in the CFG page. It will cause a +20 mS delay like in the original tune that you've ripped. Unfortunately not so nice for live playing - dammed SID! Blame Commodore that they never initiated a SID redesign to fix the bug :-/ Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. Merry Christmas! :santa: Thanks to all donators! The money will be invested into special PCB prototypes to give you some kind of reference design instead of my usual breadboard work (which works for myself, but doesn't help you to reproduce the circuit on a comfortable and less error-prone way). Last community-invested work was the MBHP_LINE_DRIVER boards: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_line_driver.html Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. I just remember that some applications (such as the bootloader update application) have an inbuilt LCD interconnection test. After upload, just enter the "testlcdpin" command in MIOS terminal to get a list of available options. By setting the pin to logic-0/1 you will be able to measure if all connection are working properly. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. Wow! :hyper: Thank you for sharing this moment with us! Best Regards, Thorsten.
  16. I'm glad that you managed to solve this critical part - your core has the latest and greatest firmware now, and additional issues (noticed by other users in the past) should be solved with this update! :smile: There is no need to recompile the firmware, this is only intended for developers. The configuration has to be done in the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file as explained here: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_manual_hw.html It requires a working SD Card connection via J16. The LCD should work without any configuration. The MBSEQ firmware has an inbuilt test function which allows you to check the connections, just enter "testlcdpin" in MIOS terminal to get a list of available commands which allow you to set a certain pin and to measure the expected voltage with a multimeter. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. Great to know that it works! :)
  18. MIOS32_IRQ_Install, the ISR handler together with some EXTI register configurations should be sufficient. I don't see the need for MIOS32_IRQ_DeInstall() Best Regards, Thorsten.
  19. Hi Paul, I guess that a very old bootloader version is running on the core, therefore please try to update to the latest bootloader V1.018 the following way: enable bootloader hold mode with a jumper on J27 (it's located between the two J15A/B sockets) re-power the core module, re-start MIOS Studio upload the mios32_bootloader_update_v1_018 application if successfully uploaded: remove the J27 jumper wait until the update happened (see README.txt of this application what should happen) power-off the core power-on the core, it could be that your OS (Windows?) needs some time to re-install the USB driver, because the USB device characteristics have changed in newer bootloader versions start MIOS Studio Now you should be able to upload newer applications which are available at the MIOS32 download page. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. Hi Yogi, using an external interrupt will be the right choice. I can't give you a ready made example for this yet, but according to the STM32F4 reference manual all 140 GPIOs can be mapped to the EXTI unit (see chapter 10.2.5, External interrupt/event line mapping), so that any free GPIO pin can be used to trigger EXTI interrupts. I'm planning to use this function soon for the DIN Sync inputs of MBSEQ - so sooner or later I can give you more information and even a programming example if required. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. Interesting, I didn't know this failure more yet. Yes, if course - the two RC pins should be separated, there shouldn't be a short between the two pins. You can doublecheck this by removing the STM32F4DISCOVERY board. If there is still a short, check the appr. solder joints Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. Currently I've only one simple explanation for this issue: your GP button don't work properly anymore, it seems that the contacts are defective. E.g. you are writing "often the pressing+holding the GP button also gives you some note" This indicates, that the GP button function has been triggered twice. Are you using the 612-TL1100 switches from Mouser? I'm using the same (with Wilba's Frontpanel), and after some years and a lot of usage some buttons behaved erratic, so that I replaced them completely. It was a lot of work to desolder the buttons, but it was just necessary. You can doublecheck the need for a replacement the following way: Edit the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file with the MIOS Studio Filebrowser. Add a # before each BUTTON_GP* parameter to disable the button assignments: # SR Pin #BUTTON_GP1 M5 0 #BUTTON_GP2 M5 1 #BUTTON_GP3 M6 0 #BUTTON_GP4 M6 1 #BUTTON_GP5 M7 0 #BUTTON_GP6 M7 1 #BUTTON_GP7 M8 0 #BUTTON_GP8 M8 1 #BUTTON_GP9 M4 0 #BUTTON_GP10 M4 1 #BUTTON_GP11 M3 0 #BUTTON_GP12 M3 1 #BUTTON_GP13 M2 0 #BUTTON_GP14 M2 1 #BUTTON_GP15 M1 0 #BUTTON_GP16 M1 1 store the file. Thereafter enter "reset" in the MIOS terminal to take over the new configuration. After reboot press the GP buttons and check the messages in the terminal. E.g. pressing the GP1 button should only show a single: [718809.425] [SEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:28, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been pressed. and depressing the button should show: [718809.969] [SEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:28, Pin:0 not mapped, it has been depressed. If you get multiple messages, you know that the button needs replacement. Or alternatively work with the SELECT button in future (because it seems to work reliable at your side). Note: after this experiment, remove the "#" characters before the BUTTON_GP* parameters to undo the changes. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. Hi John, I'm relieved that there is a plausible explanation for this behaviour. :smile: Best Regards, Thorsten.
  24. Great! :) It's documented here: http://www.ucapps.de/mios_bootstrap_newbies.html You can check if the pin #40 repair works by connecting the LCD, because Pin #40 is the D7 dataline to the LCD Best Regards, Thorsten.
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