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Everything posted by TK.

  1. TK.

    Fader Automation

    Did you already consider to write a .NGR script for this purpose? -> http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual_ngr.html It allows you to send multiple MIDI events at once and set the LED accordingly based on (if/else) conditions. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. Hi Chris, I remember that you requested this feature some time ago, and I implemented the "set_min" and "set_max" command for this purpose which can be executed from a .NGR script. E.g. together with a conditional EVENT_KB (active when a dedicated button is pressed) you could execute a .NGR section which sets the min/max ranges based on the pressed key. You've even the flexibility to set multiple split points this way... Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. Hi Kai, this is the white list: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midi_interface_whitelist There are many MIDIbox users in the UK who could help, but I fear that they won't read this posting. I would recommend to create a new posting with a meaningful topic Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. TK.

    Fader Automation

    Hi Zam, I would expect that following configuration works: EVENT_LED id= 1 type=SysEx stream="0xf0 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 ^value 0xf7" This should switch the LED based on the ^value which is part of the SysEx string: LED on: f0 01 02 03 04 7f f7 LED off: f0 01 02 03 04 00 f7 (can be sent with the MIOS Studio based SysEx tool) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. I noticed two errors: 1) beside the IO pins, you also have to initialize the SPI protocol. Here the appr. code for APP_Init(): // initialize SPI IO pins and protocol MIOS32_SPI_IO_Init(2, MIOS32_SPI_PIN_DRIVER_STRONG); MIOS32_SPI_TransferModeInit(2, MIOS32_SPI_MODE_CLK0_PHASE0, MIOS32_SPI_PRESCALER_16); // ca. 5 MBit 2) MIOS32_SPI_RC_PinSet() sets the RC2 pin instead of RC1 Use: MIOS32_SPI_RC_PinSet(2, 0, 0); to set J19:RC1=0, and MIOS32_SPI_RC_PinSet(2, 0, 1) to set J19:RC1=1 After the modifications the transmitted values look ok on the scope. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. Yes, correct. The IO pins have to be configured for push-pull mode (and not open-drain mode). Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. Hi, welcome on board! :smile: MIOS32 is more like a framework for MIDI applications. Together with FreeRTOS (the actual operating system which handles the multithreading) it gives you many functions which are typically required, and some kind of abstraction layer which simplifies porting to other microcontrollers. For your plan there are two possibilities: either you start from scratch by learning the MIOS32 basics, then start with the tutorials: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_c.html Tutorial #029 explains how to scan a FATAR keyboard, but you shouldn't go into this before reading the first tutorials. Alternatively start with a premade application. MIDIbox KB matches exactly with that you are looking for: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_kb.html MIDIbox NG is more advanced, because it also allows to connect additional control elements: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_ng.html Last but not least: search in the forum for "fatar" and you will find some postings with additional information. Maybe somebody has the same keyboard? A picture and/or type number would help... Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. Well done :thumbsup: Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. I've no experiences with this topic, and won't be able to help you on the mechanical part. But: MIDIbox NG allows to control digital outputs with PWM quite easily. See also the "first steps" section in the user manual: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual_fs.html search for "Dim me!" Note that more than 16 velocity levels are not supported by the MBNG firmware, but this could already be enough? (I doubt that you will get a noticeable change with a higher resolution) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. I agree, it was a bad decision to invert the mute LED behaviour. Please try v4_088_pre4: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_088_pre4.zip LED Colour coding: - LED off: Track neither muted nor soloed - LED green: Track muted - LED yellow: Track soloed - LED red: Track muted and soloed - solo has higher priority, therefore track will be played As you can see, the red colour makes it easier to identify muted tracks in solo mode. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. Hi Jo. I wish you a happy new year as well! :) Thanks for reporting the finding! I agree and remember that I had similar experiences in the past, therefore fixed it immediately without additional testing at my side. Well, wouldn't it be nice if we would have some automated tests for such complex routines? ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. Hi bsa, Sauraen created a MIOS32 based firmware for the OPL3 chip. I'm sure that he could give you some schematics and his source code for some inspirations. :smile: -> Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. The warnings can be ignored Your other questions actually need your source code as reference for an accurate answer, and some time for the guy who analysis your code and gives you proposals... However, all those memory limitations and C compiler quirks where a strong reason why I moved to the MIOS32 platform more than 5 years ago (!) which is much more comfortable to use :smile: It was your idea to use the old PIC based platform ;) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. Here something for testing: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_088_pre3.zip From the ChangeLog: o BLM16x16+X support for Mute and Solo The new functions are available at Extra Row Button #3 and #4 (if a BLM16x8+X is connected, they replace Start/Stop at Extra Row Button #1 and #2) If Mute active: the extra column buttons mute/unmute tracks If Solo active: the extra column buttons solo/unsolo tracks LED Colour coding: - LED off: Track won't play (due to Mute or Solo) - LED green: Solo not active and track not muted - LED yellow: Track soloed Special Key combinations: - ALT+Mute clears all mutes - ALT+Solo clears all solos Updated emulation app (V1.4) can be downloaded from: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_manual_blm.html Documentation hasn't been updated yet... Note that the Solo function wasn't available this way before. The legacy Solo function only soloes the selected tracks. The new Solo function (which is only accessible via the BLM) soloes the tracks independent from the track selection. It also has a higher priority than Mute Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. ja Angenommen, DOUT SR 5 und 6 sind noch frei, dann schreibe: TRACKS_DOUT_L_SR 5 TRACKS_DOUT_R_SR 6 Nun zeigen folgende Ausgaenge die selektierten Tracks an. DOUT SR5, D7: Track 1 DOUT SR5, D6: Track 2 DOUT SR5, D5: Track 3 DOUT SR5, D4: Track 4 DOUT SR5, D3: Track 5 DOUT SR5, D2: Track 6 DOUT SR5, D1: Track 7 DOUT SR5, D0: Track 8 DOUT SR6, D7: Track 9 DOUT SR6, D6: Track 10 DOUT SR6, D5: Track 11 DOUT SR6, D4: Track 12 DOUT SR6, D3: Track 13 DOUT SR6, D2: Track 14 DOUT SR6, D1: Track 15 DOUT SR6, D0: Track 16 Gruss, Thorsten.
  16. Maybe Not-Mike can give you the data. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. The author of the MIOS8 based MBMixer software wrote some parts in assembler, I've no alternative sources available. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. Ich muss mich korrigieren: es gibt bereits BUTTON_DIRECT_TRACK[1..16] buttons, und auch LEDs (TRACKS_DOUT_L_SR und R_SR - die LEDs muessen direkt an zwei SR angeschlossen werden) Generell ist mir aufgefallen, dass Du noch keine LEDs vorgesehen hast - absicht? Gruss, Thorsten.
  19. Hi, Because I wanted to test predefined SendEvent commands. LearnEvent will also work without pre-definitions. Yes, the described scenario is almost correct. But the button is working in momentary mode. Means: learning is active as long as the button is pushed, and will be finished once the button has been released. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. I missed your message... Are you using a MBHP_CORE_STM32 or MBHP_CORE_LPC17/MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 module? For MBHP_CORE_STM32 the MIOS32_SPI_PIN_DRIVER_STRONG_OD mode would be correct. But MBHP_CORE_STM32F4/LPC17 require MIOS32_SPI_PIN_DRIVER_STRONG_PP Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. Thank you very much! The beer supply for 2015 is secured! ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. The "LearnEvent" command is available now: -> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_ng_v1_033_pre4.zip In the example script it's assigned to SCS soft button 1 for ENC:1 and soft button 2 for ENC:2 Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. memcpy() isn't available, copy it with a for loop... Best Regards, Thorsten.
  24. TK.

    Tuning (MBFM)

    The algorithm to calculate the tables is described in this perl script: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fsynthesizers%2Fmidibox_fm_v1%2Futils%2Ffrqtab.pl Best Regards, Thorsten.
  25. TK.

    Tuning (SID)

    It's described in the SID datasheet: http://www.waitingforfriday.com/index.php/Commodore_SID_6581_Datasheet#Appendix_A_-_Equal-Tempered_Musical_Scale_Values Best Regards, Thorsten.
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