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Everything posted by TK.

  1. It will work with any MIDIbox, which means: also with MIDIbox NG. It's the right approach for an external pedal board - but let me prove the robustness first before I can confirm that it will really help. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. I was able to recover this, repo is at 2088 again. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. No, this isn't so easy to implement and leads to an unnecessary complexity which I don't want to support (especially if I don't use this HW by myself). Actually the LED rings are already too extravagant: whenever you move an encoder, the parameter name and value will be displayed on the 2x20 LCD Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. Hi, since the old posting got lost, I will write a new one and give you some updates. I've overworked the 25-pin breakout port for MBSEQ (and MBCV V2) to allow interconnections between an AOUT(_NG) module and MIDIbox over long cables (at least 2m will be possible). In addition, the previously direct J5/J28 outputs for gates and DIN clock have been replaced by a DOUT connection, which means that level-shifting is now done via 74HC595 SRs, and more than 10 outputs are available (e.g. I'm planning to provide multiple Clock and Start/Stop outputs, but also the 64 drum trigger outputs can now be made available in a breakout box). Picture of the prototype: Schematic of the transmitter part: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_line_driver_transmitter.pdf Schematic of the receiver part: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_line_driver_receiver.pdf Update: today I created the layouts and ordered at OSH park. Boards should be available for testing in ca. 3..4 weeks Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. Update: I got a reply from Twin-X, (unfortunately) he wasn't aware about the incident and will ask the hosting provider. I fear that it won't be possible to restore the missing postings from this week. If there are important troubleshooting requests, please post again! Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. Hi, as some of you already noticed, the midibox.org server was down yesterday morning; in the afternoon it was online again but with an older forum backup which doesn't contain the postings of this week. I don't know why this happened, and who initiated this. I wrote a mail to Twin-X, but haven't got a reply yet. Hopefully a newer backup is available which will allow us to restore the missing postings. Until this has been clarified, please don't write too much in the forum because it won't be possible to merge old and newer postings. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. Great! :) Let's try it step by step - I hope that with a minor modification it's already possible to fake a B cable: http://www.ucapps.de/tmp/stm32f4_usb_test_files.zip Try app_skeleton_enforced_usb_device.hex If the query button is working with this version, try this MIDIbox SEQ release where device mode should be enforced as well: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_087_pre4.zip Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. yes, the clock divider is still not implemented (and DIN sync input isn't implemented as well) Will be something for my winter vacation, where I (traditionally ;-) work on MBCV CC: all parameters are already available via NRPN, which is some kind of extended CC Is this sufficient? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. +1 MIDIbox is a non-commercial DIY project, we are doing this during our sparetime since several years, we are not Amazon! Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. Hi Robin, why are you still trying to use wget? We already clarified, that wget is currently not working, and you wrote how you solved this (by directly downloading the file with your webbrowser): After download, just unpack the file with "tar zxvf <filename>" Replace <filename> by the filename of the file that you've downloaded - it's that simple! ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. Hallo Sascha, momentan wird nur ein einziges AOUT_NG Modul unterstuetzt, doch ich kann die Firmware so erweitern, dass auch zwei Module funktionieren. Zu den DOUTs: rechne schonmal mit drei weiteren Shift Registern fuer die Gates und Clocks - diese Ausgaenge werde ich naemlich in Zukunft auch hier zur Verfuegung stellen, so dass die "Fummelloesung" ueber J5A/B und den 74HC541 Buffern entfaellt. USB ist eigentlich die einfachste Loesung, schliesse die MIDIbox einfach an einen USB Hub mit externem Netzteil (muss ja nicht an einen PC angeschlossen werden) Falls das Board nicht ueber USB versorgt wird, kannst Du die 5V (nicht 7V!) an J2 anschliessen. Ansonsten gibt es gerade hier einen aktuellen Thread zu diesem Thema: brauchst Du nicht, die Firmware supported jedoch auch hier Duo-Color LEDs als Option. Auch das ist nur eine Option, die von Wilba's Frontpanel verwendet wird: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=wilba_mb_seq Ich habe leider keinen speziellen Schaltplan dafuer parat, werde ich bedarf mal aufmalen. Fuer die Matrix benoetigst Du jedenfalls 1 DIN Shift Register, 1 DOUT Shift Register, 64 1N4148 Dioden und 64 Taster. Siehe oben - die Loesung mit dem 74HC541 ist demnaechst obsolet Ich bin gerade dabei, die Hardware zu vereinfachen - doch das ist ein langsamer Prozess... ;-) Mir ist bewusst, dass deshalb die vorhandene Dokumentation etwas verwirrend sein kann, auch hier muss ich nochmal ran. Im Grunde sollte ich klar unterscheiden zwischen "recommended" und "optionalen" bzw,. "historischen" Loesungen Ja!!! Mit den zusaetzlichen Buttons kannst Du lediglich die Trigger setzen, doch die Parameter (bspw. Notenhoehe oder CV Werte) muessen weiterhin ueber die GP Encoder eingestellt werden. Es gibt uebrigens alternativen zur klassischen 4x16 BLM, siehe auch: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=mididocs:seq:usingblm Gruss, Thorsten.
  12. Hi Sascha, here is a good starting point: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=mididocs:index To the Evolver: I don't know the detailed MIDI implementation of this synth, but if oscillators can be played with individual notes then it will be easy. Alternatively check if it allows to modify the pitch via CC messages for each individual oscillator. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. Hi, this "junk" are SysEx based debugging messages. Your MIDI parser should be able to handle (and ignore them). You can make the message visible with MIOS Studio, the messages should appear in the terminal window. They might give you important hints about the configuration. E.g. the first message says "Button 8 gedrueckt" and the second message says "Encoder 0: 1" Could it be, that these messages are generated from your .NGR or .NGC file? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. Thanks for testing! Meanwhile I think that you are probably using a wrong Micro-USB cable, but I don't have enough experiences with the different cable types yet so that I'm not 100% sure. The cable should show a B (for USB Device), and not A (for USB Host): Do you see a B letter on your cable? Independent from this, it seems to be possible to enforce B mode. Probably this wednesday I could give you some new test applications (the mini-app and a MIDIbox SEQ build) which fakes the B type. If this solves the issue, I will make it available as an option. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. Ok, added to wish list, will be available in one of the next firmware releases. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  16. Das MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 Modul ist besser, weil es fuer dieses in Zukunft (ab 2015) eine erweiterte Firmware ("MIDIbox SEQ V4 Plus") geben wird, die auf den aelteren Core Modulen nicht laufen wird. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. Drum tracks are using the memory space for the track name to store the drum instrument names. So: yes, due to this feature it isn't possible to use the track name for drum tracks. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. Yes, 15k will work as well, just only the signal/noise ratio is lower (means: higher danger for jittering values), but 15k should still be in the acceptable range. Norbim gave some important hints, please follow-up on this. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  19. Hi, so your sammichSID was working correctly before the update, some control elements stopped working after the update and you haven't done any modification on the hardware, right? Could it be that you've uploaded the wrong firmware? The release package contains a "setup_sammich_sid.hex" file, please only upload this one Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. The bipolar setting is a hardware option and should work without additional software measures. It just shifts the offset into the negative range. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. I like such customizations - well done! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. Hi Alex, I've no experiences with this. If you've luck you will find special fader knobs with some kind of extension yes, please start it simple and extend over time before building a case. Motorfaders can first be tested standalone by connecting the MBHP_MF_NG module directly to the PC. Once they are working, continue with the STM32F4 based core module, try to get the communication between this core and MBHP_MF_NG working. Continue with bank buttons, add encoders, etc. step by step Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. Hi Robin, how did you set the environment variables exactly? Here a prebuilt file to doublecheck if it's working better with correctly set variables: http://www.ucapps.de/tmp/005_polling_j5_pins.zip Best Regards, Thorsten.
  24. This case really puzzles me! The MIOS Studio based MIDI IN/OUT monitor log was actually the most useful input, because it shows me that during the query STM32F4 responses with a delay of more than 1 second, which means that something really strange is going on in the application; actually the response should happen within 1..2 mS Let's continue to check different applications, here some prebuilt ones: http://www.ucapps.de/tmp/stm32f4_usb_test_files.zip Please report your observations on all three .hex files. (you can upload a .hex file in bootloader hold mode via MIOS Studio). app_skeleton_r2023.hex: minimal application with the old USB MIDI driver app_skeleton_unmodified.hex: minimal application with the new USB MIDI driver, USB Host and Device mode enabled app_skeleton_without_usb_host.hex: minimal application with the new USB MIDI driver, only Device mode enabled After the app has been started, just check the response by pusing the Query button, that's sufficient. (the MIOS terminal won't work since it isn't supported by the application) Best Regards, Thorsten.
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