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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. I didn't pay, I'm too gangsta. Gimme my knobs, biaortch. OK, I paid.
  2. Yer you got that right. The price breaks aren't anything worth considering either, $1 per chip saving, at 100 chips heheh. Great to see people are finally stocking them again though!! It is tough as heck, especially in the multiples I'm looking at.... I'm actually just now reading my I/O list to see if I could do this smarter, because the routing should be more simple with one big patchbay, than 5 separate 48 point patchbays. I think I can get by on 128x128, which works out to 8x8=64 chips, about 1400 in chips if it's AD, or 1000 if it's zarlink .... So believe me, I'm price-focussed right now ;) But I would hate to spend a grand and be disappointed. Yeh that's the idea... I think a 2*16x16 might be overkill though... Take a gander at that stromeko page I mentioned earlier, he's been there and learned this lesson, and scaled back to a 1-chip solution. Oh, some linkage I forgot to grab from my bookmarks: I think you've got all them now. Audio/Video Crosspoint Switch - This is a really good one! It's a PDF thesis of smeone who built theirs at university, complete with code, schems, layout etc, and most importantly discusses his experiences during the build, which is invaluable info at thi stage. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~concuss/concussor/pp.htm This is a discontinued concussor module. Shout out, midiboxers, what do you think? Let's put our heads together :)
  3. Heh.... I guess they need to do some SEO cause I only did two google searches but they weren't in either ;) Well it's 15 vs 22 vs 35 (8816 vs 75019 vs 8113) per 16x16 matrix.... I think it's definitely worth the $7 extra to jump into the AD chips. Most people will probably only want one or two matrices of that size, so it's not a big jump for them, and anyone who has enough channels that the price difference will hurt a little, has already spent a lot more on their gear anyway and shouldn't complain ;) Don't forget to keep it in perspective with the rest of the parts in project too - the cabling and jacks and casing for a 16x16 matrix will be at least a couple hundred dollars - is it really worth worrying about an extra 7? Especially now that I think about it; because these would often be used for FX routing, a signal may pass through the chip several times (delay, reverb, filter) on it's way between the source (synth) and destination (mixer). Using that example we'd be talking about .48% vs .008% distortion... Ouch. Reading around their sites it's pretty clear why the difference in quality - the AD chips are primarily intended for the purpose which we have in mind, whereas the zarlinks are really pitched at telephony, where obviously audio quality is less of a concern... Anyone else wanna drop 2c on this?
  4. Yeh it's about 30-35... honest such a high distortion figure on the zarlinks kinda makes me feel it's worth it.... But as I said I want it to be good for everyone, and making it too expensive would suck. Gav, where did you find that $4.50 price for the MT8816? I couldn't even find somewhere to buy them! Anyway assuming that's correct, if you consider two chips plus buffers plus board space for them, it comes up to $15.. still a lot cheaper... Well, as DrBunsen pointed out the 75019 might be available again soon. Actually the JP should be today (the date didn't get pushed out!)... It's PLCC with those J legs and you can get/should use sockets for them so no need for SMD soldering. Chip's $17 (by the 100 from AD), but again we'd need the buffers so add $5. Both crosstalk and THD is similar to the 8813, and buffers add so little distortion it's hardly worth considering. Seems like it might be a good middle-of-the-road. Upside for some of you is that it's a bare-crosspoint so there's no fixed inputs and outputs. Also there's some work been done by others from which we can plagiarise take inspiration ;) http://www.circuitcellar.com/library/print/hcs-pdf/45-Ciarcia.pdf http://synth.stromeko.net/DIY.html#Matrix32x32 We're spoiled for choice I guess ;)
  5. OK you made me read the datasheets again :) I thought the 8816 was the way to go, although compared with the AD8113 the distortion figures don't look so hot - 0.12% at 20khz for the zarlink, vs 0.002% for the AD. That's a whopping difference :( You'll need the appendix to compare the figures equally, cause the zarlink site and datasheet give specs at 1khz. MT8806/08/09/12/14/15/16 Analog Switch Array Measurements
  6. When you get some spare time you can sit down with a multimeter and figure out what the configuration of the switch is :)
  7. So was ganchan ;) See, this is why I always harp on and on about 'smart mode' in MIOS Studio.
  8. This topic has been moved to Fleamarket. [iurl]http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=11282.0[/iurl]
  9. You stole darth vader's sid! :o
  10. Mmmm, creatus interruptus. Thanks for reminding me of another reason why I go outboard ;D
  11. Then, you can't fine-tune the patch as you write the rest of the song, which you should always do.
  12. Heh, you expected WRONG ;D Sure they do, hold down the proles before they get enough information, get wise, and realise that if they all rise up together they are unstoppable, and no longer have to battle to eat.
  13. Tadaaa, look at that: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/?do=search&id=ks0066 @All: 6 pages become 2: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/troubleshooting_lcd_displays http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/lcd Tidy. Please avoid the use of tables because they kill searches. Dammit, another bug. Why do I always find the bugs?
  14. Yer I've played with a real one and it's true, they sound hot. Well I should have mentioned, I don't have my rack enclosures yet, so no case, hence not having started. Same goes for much of my midibox stuff. Somehow gotta come up with a grand for cases and 2 for switches. Ugh. From what I read, the auto setting is not everyone's cup of tea... Maybe they're suggesting you disable it?
  15. What a piece of junk. You can mail it over here and I'll destroy it for you.
  16. :-* heheh That's what we wanna hear :)
  17. Heya Peake :) You must be a n00b, or you'd know that I'd rag on you for not searching the forum before you asked that question. I found too many links to post, give it a try: Search I'll forgive you for not finding it on the wiki though, cause the search engine must be busted.... It found no hits, but you can clearly see it on another useful page: If you go to the wiki, and type the word HD44780 into the search, a little menu will pop up, showing the matching page names. Read that. FYI: HD44780 is the chipset which is usually recommended, but as you'll see there are many 100% compatible chipsets. In addition to the busted search engine, there are no less than 5 LCD pages. I will clean up that mess tonight. Don't forget to watch out for negative contrast voltage.
  18. LOL You got that right... some disaster always comes along. Fortunately, I have nothing to do with this project, I'm just a spectator/gift buyer ;) I'll do that, just as soon as I get my seq going. See above ;) (this means, don't hold your breath). TK's advice is bang-on, there's not much else to give in the way of instruction, it's just a matter of doing what he said.
  19. You've been confused by the same confusing diagrams I was confused by. How confusing. It's 8 chips: Inputs 1-8 9-16 17-24 25-32 /\ /\ /\ /\ | | | | | | | | | #---- | #---- | #---- | #------- 1 -16 Outputs | | | | #--------#--------#--------#---------- 17-32 Each set of 8 inputs is split in two and goes to two chips in parallel, so that each set of 8 inputs is capable of being routed to any one of the 32 outputs, which are in two groups of 16. Hehehe Question: When you do a balanced IO I know you have to use an opamp to do the cancelling thingy (I think I understand what it does with flipping the noise to remove it and all but I don't know the electronic terminology properly ;) ) does that become the buffer also, or is that additional? Tilt: Hah! Don't sweat it bro! :) I noticed in my headphone-amp travels that lots of opamps share pinouts so I guess that puts that to bed... I reckon base it on the 074 and leave it to the builder to fiddle around :) First one to try a discrete opamp shall forever be known as "Tinkerbell". It's a tough call about one or two chips on board... Or in fact three. 8 into 16 is probably a bit small to be useful for studio routing, mest synths have more IO than that and are internally routed. However it could be cool for modular analog synth patch storage (yaknow, saved patches on your big moog). Could also be cool for FM or the SID. Of course you'd have 8 outputs spare, but you could route the audio back around into the AINs or the SID inputs and... oh don't get me started... 16 into 16 is probably about the right size for most hobby studio usage. DOCmatrix is clever-clogs and does 24x24 which is smart because almost all patchbays are 48-point (2 rows of 24 each side, total 96 counting front and back), and that's a relatively cheap way to get an enclosure and jacks, all pre drilled etc... My personal tilt (sic) on this: 48x48 would be a great size for me because i can use my existing patchbays which will of course be rendered obsolete (yay, die you manually controlled scum, die.). That's 6x3 chips, which could be 3*boards with 2x1 chip. So, I'm biased toward the 16x16 layout. Also I think that the extra IO could be inventively used if it were for a synth. Only bummer is, it doesn't allow for that 24x24 which people might like ... I get a cool "go team" vibe off this thread, nice one dudes.
  20. Well, I have a full set of parts and PCBs and such here for it, but haven't built it yet... I didn't see the 2nd page, derrrr ::) Oh now I see it... position 6 is auto release, ahhhhhhh, that I knew about. It's not so undocumented if you use that as a search term, but position 6 gets not a lot. I think the brackets are just because it's the odd-one-out..it's not a "value" as such. It's probably obvious that I haven't even begun to consider assembling mine ;)
  21. Guess I got a bit too deep there ;) Edit: nugget from the chat: [stryd_one] 1:07 am: yeh... response is like...wow what a deep video. OK i don't want to think about it that much. Now back to our regular programming. [stryd_one] 1:08 am: programming being the operative word [stryd_one] 1:08 am: and i dont mean cutting code Edit 2: not a diss to you MTE, I know your take on such things :) We've talked.....
  22. Boutique is for fairies. I would want to go with a nice sounding option, but I imagine it's quite possible to put the buffers on a separate board so that people can pick and choose... TL074 seem to be the run-of-the-mill, I guess that's for a good reason... But I magine that perhaps with a little extra you could roll something really nice into it... But I wouldn't know a good one from a crap one until I heard it... Anyone here an opamp guru?
  23. I disagree. What makes it interesting to me is that it's price:features ratio is low, low, low, and it's hardware so I don't have to deal with crappy vst's. If someone does up a chip that has more power for <= money I'll be very interested.
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