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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. For the DIN's, what about the scanning matrix?
  2. heya el-bee I'm kinda in lurk-mode at the moment but I pop by from time to time to try and keep my finger on the pulse... Please feel free to share your ideas, I'll certainly include them if it's at all possible. Please note though, that unfortunately I am a very busy man and as such this project is definitely long-term... Don't expect it to be done until the next 6 months to a year, maybe even more :( I hate saying that, as I wish I could dedicate all my time to this, however as it is, I work about 12-14 hours a day, plus on-call work, plus overtime for projects that require after-hours work, plus spiritual and martial arts training, plus taking care of my very ill g/f, plus I have recently lost all of my possessions (including but not limited to my DIY gear...I don't even own a soldering iron any more) and moved interstate, and I'm currently trying to rebuild my home and my life basically.... All this doesn't leave me much time or money :( Don't get me wrong, I'm very much dedicated to getting this done, it's just a matter of time..... Good news is that the design for the seq includes the playmodes you mentioned already :) Have a search around on the forum for stuff posted by me for more details about the seq.
  3. yo man. shouldnt be a biggie, but they've put me on call and im working like 16+ hour days.... So I'll really try, I know it's a project and an important one, but you might want to get some backup bro!
  4. It's just not good enough Smash. You're not human, you're a geekazoid, and geekazoids never make mistakes like humans do. Just ask one of my customers ;D I know I said I was going to lay off the sarcasm but I thought a little humour might make ya feel better about this :) Just to avoid confusion: This is a joke, I am being silly!
  5. Ha ha, now you can't talk until someone says your name! ;D Is that how it goes in the USA and UK or is that just Australia? Anyway, down under, whoever says his name first gets a punch in the arm! hehehehehe
  6. I assume you've got everything working except for the encoder? If so, maybe you'd like to send the ASM files my way and I'll have a go at it for ya ... No promises I can do it by Tuesday of course, but I'll sure try!
  7. Sounds very interesting :) is the touchscreen for the midibox or the pc? (say the midibox :) )
  8. Man, if you're going to DIY, this is as easy as it gets :) If you want to do something that MIOS/MBHP is directly designed for, just follow the guidelines given to the letter and you can't go wrong. It only really gets hard if you're trying to make the gear do something specialised that hasn't been done yet. And even then, if you like a challenge, it's great fun :) You said you want to make a controller with 64 knobs.. Just make the MB64. scope out the main page www.ucapps.de and read through the pages for that box, it lists out all the stuff you need. TK makes it a breeze. And I reckon the community here is stronger than pretty much anywhere I've ever been, virtual or "real world". I think that I'm fortunate to hang around in here, and I hope you'll like it too.
  9. You might want to run a search of this board regarding using MIOS to control a mixer... This topic has been broached before, many moons ago. It probably works out cheaper to buy it commercially (Think Behringer DDX3216) , but you can't customise it so much that way.... Anyway it's a very ambitious and interesting idea, I say go for it :)
  10. Nice one dude :) I am in the middle of moving house right now so I missed these updates on the weekend... You reacted pretty quickly :) It is fun to learn though isn't it? :) I am really excited, I'm going to be setting up the lab and tinkering with things and breaking them soon :) hehehe Can't wait!
  11. Great stuff guys :) Really excellent! And nice work keeping it secret hehehehehe  ;D
  12. You bloody beauty! :D Nice one TL... Want me to do those code changes? I have to be honest, it doesn't seem that my help is at all required! :) But I'm more than happy to take care of it, you must have spent a lot of time on this already. Thanks man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks TK!!!!!!!!
  13. First off, I'm sure this is possible. I even think it might be really simple. TK has a way of making it so :D I've actually never even looked at the MIDIO128 code before, and I thought this seemed like a good excuse to lose some more sleep ;) so I've taken a quick look at it... But it was a -really- quick look, so I could be miles off here... It's very late, so I'll work on this more in the days to come, however I am moving house this weekend so it could be a few days before I can respond properly.... Sorry about that... The good news is, the new house has a carport which will become the electronics lab, and I have saved up for new equipment to kit the lab out like crazy :D I can hardly wait! All that should need to be done, is to define a register to hold the encoder's value, and then write a small section of code to tell MIOS how to handle the encoder's movements. it would be a handful of lines of code at most I'm sure. In fact, the code could be stolen from the MB64e code :) hehehehe I'll post more later on, if TK doesn't beat me to it. He could probably do this off the top of his head, but he's uber genius :)
  14. LOL :D If I had a dollar for every time I read, and re-read, and read again a section of code, and didn't see that one missing semicolon....... I would pay TK to quit his job ;D I think it's par for the course in this game eh :)
  15. If you have a decent MIDI interface, it will be a mutliclient port driver. This means that more than one app can use the port at the same time.... So you can use a software seq, and jsynth, at the same time, using the same MIDI In and MIDI out.... If you don't have a multiclient driver, then you can use a virtual MIDI port for your PC. There's a good one for 2k/XP at www.nerds.be , which uses WDM interfaces, or there are other's, like Hubi's MIDI LoopBack Device, which supports multiple ports, but uses older technology and is less reliable at times. The details on how to make that software work in place of a multiclient driver are specific to the software you choose.... Check out the webpages, but let me know if you need any other help after that. If you want to use a hardware seq, just set it to Local On, or whatever it calls the feature where MIDI Input to the seq is passed through to the MIDI Out on the synth. Then cable PC(Jsynth) out->in Seq out -> in MBFM, and all the jysnth messages will get passed onto the the MIDIBox through the seq. Hope this helps
  16. She's probably sharing your enjoyment :) what a wonderful friend :D
  17. Run a google search for PIC ASM Programming, for MIDI Technical Fanatic's Brainwashing Center, and search around on here and www.ucapps.de for info about programming eeproms. That should help. Cheers
  18. Good people, Talented people, and a great forum, all combined in no particular order certainly play a part.... But without TK, it would be nothing....
  19. Good luck mate... Get yourself a nice big bottle of water, some food, smokes, maybe a donkey or camel to carry all the supplies... And don't forget some cash to pay the sherpas.... It's gonna take you a while ;D
  20. Heya MrYellow Welcome :D You picked a very turbulent thread to make your first post... Don't let the rumble put you off, this is actually the most friendly place on the net! :) Honestly, this is the most static I've seen on this board, ever (I've been around for over 2 years according to the page, I had no idea!). What kinda of customisations did you want to make? TK has made a truly awesome bit of gear here and you might be surprised at just how customizable it can be... I'll be more than happy to help you out if I can, and there are several others here who have made MIDIBox based drum trigger units... Perhaps if you start a new thread in the 'Design Concepts' board, mentioning your specific needs, someone will be able to hook it up for you. You never know :) Cheers
  21. Heya, Reason will work with MIDI CC's... So what you want is something like the MIDIBox64. I strongly suggest a visit to this site: http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/. It ROCKS. I've been linking to this site every time I see someone new to MIDI for years now, It has everything from the basics to the most complex information. I hope it helps out :) Cheers
  22. It's all good man :D I noticed that this was your first post... Things are really friendly around here, if you ever get stuck, just ask, and others will probably rush to help you :)
  23. Is the OPL chip on this soundcard? It's the next topic up :) Did you know there is a search engine?
  24. As per another post: http://ssl.linuxbeach.net/cgi-bin/LinuxBeach/CT4170.html The CT4170 is a SB Vibra 16X, and according to that image, I don't see the chips...
  25. Hi Ruipacheco, Welcome :) There is another thread where we are collecting up all this information, perhaps you could ask in there, just to keep the forum nice and tidy for future reference? Cheers
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