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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Seen this: http://xlargex.xl.funpic.de/ ? :)
  2. I have to ask... Why are you bothering with mashing together existing stuff? Why the BCR2000? Why not just build it out of the MBHP? Would be MUCH easier!
  3. That's exactly the idea I'm getting at :) Well, I was also thinking that the MB core module could also carry the configuration of the FPAA... So you could use the core to dynamically reconfigure from one synth to another, to an FX machine, etc... Depends on how big the dumps are, that are required to reconfigure the array... But the 4620 PICs have llike 4 meg of RAM on board, I can't imagine it would be more than that. You're right about MIDI IO and LFO's being done by the anadigm chip, that certainly wouldn't happen... I was thinking about UI buttons/encoders etc, but even then, there's not really enough pins for the job. Maybe it's just me, but this chip and the MIDIBox seem very well suited to one another. "... too many ideas and not enough time to do them all :)" Join the club! ;) I'm sure you were here when I started designing my 'uber-seq' about 2 years ago heheheh. Actually I'll be posting an update on the status of that very soon now, which just goes to show that if you are serious, you'll get it done....eventually....If you don't die of old age first ;)
  4. Obviously they didn't want it badly enough to look around! ;)
  5. hahahah Well, it's not as bad as one might think.... You can (if you're clever about getting to the ordering page) order one of the chips (not the development board) for US$15, plus postage (it was $27 all up for me). I'll be ordering on Wednesday (payday ;) ) The beauty of combining one of these with MIOS, is that the control surface would be done by MIOS, so we wouldn't have to work on learning this new chip so much. All that would be needed is to get audio in and out of the chip, and let MIOS handle the control. A little more expensive, using a core module that does work that the anadigm chip could do by itself, but much much easier for us. I know I could get MIOS to talk SPI to the IC, the thing I would be stuck on is designing a circuit for the analog audio IO to/from the IC.
  6. Cant you put something inert in the tank but not in contact with the PCB?
  7. This is kinda old news that I slept on... http://www.anadigm.com/ Pretty interesting... Talks SPI (so does the PIC18F)... It's got me thinking ;)
  8. I own a MIDI Express XT Parallel... Need I say more. Originally, there was no win2k or XP driver... I suspect that they killed driver support for parallel interfaces, in order to migrate existing customers to the new (at the time) USB interfaces. Problem is, apparently the market was more clued-in than MOTU gave us credit for, and users complained that USB was too unstable for professional use, which, at the time, it was, and also, users wanted to upgrade to 2k for the better features for audio, but were trapped running 98se. Some spoke of switching brands. Eventually, after much pressure, MOTU made a modified version of the old win9x driver work on 2k/XP, and released that. It was a beta forever too... I doubt that they'll ever fix it up, because USB2.x is fast enough that it doesn't have such terrible timing problems as the old interfaces had, and a great deal of users are newer to the market and not accustomed to the superior timing that was available on parallel, so the USB interfaces are selling now. The demand for the parallel interfaces is fading, and the interfaces themselves will surely fade too.... Shame :( There's always eBay. Me, I'm trying to find another nice Atari and some more MIDI interfaces :)
  9. Well that's the fault of the driver they write (parmidi.sys, if memory serves...) that gets around that feaure.
  10. I think that guy might already be listing them on eBay... But if he'll do discounts for bulk orders, and can ship to Australia, I'd be interested...
  11. Well maybe :) I have that vinyl too! But I nicked it fom my Mum and Dad's collection :\ Hey, old just means you've had more time to learn how to do stuff right :)
  12. Well I think it's time we started the "More Synth Chicks" Party ;) I know they're out there somewhere! I see them on eBay, with histories full of roland kit and pink shawls and designer dresses! No word of a lie... Where are you, girls?
  13. I was considering the use of a single-dimension LED sensor, EG just a line, not a grid. Doesn't have to be a straight line either... It could be really useful, think of it for replacement of pots/encoders and LEDrings... You could just have the LEDrings...
  14. Very nice. Love the heavy duy jogwheel! Looks like a crankstart for a 1920's car or something ;)
  15. Smash, I feel you man... I don't own a car, but being chased out of my home by gangs has left me with $10000 of debt that it cost to get my life back. I have large holes in the soles of my shoes, which are currently getting to be a large problem, as winter is approaching... My g/f has been ill and subsequently unemployed for over three years, when I got short paid, it meant I couldn't eat. I could go on for hours... I work a 70+ hour week most weeks, so that I can pay for my ill girlfriend and I to survive, and everything left over, goes into my studio... So I've got a pretty nice setup too... I think you and I are in a similar situation, Smash. Thing is, despite the fact that we have holes in our shoes and struggle to pay the bills, and are up to our necks in debt, we're still bloody well off compared to a lot of people. You, I, and this lady, may all have to work extremely hard, but that doesn't stop us from being rich.... And it's irrelevant whether she worked for the money herself, was given it by Daddy, found it, stole it, or whatever... Fact is, she's sitting on a few hundred grand, saying she's not rich. Disgusting. Maybe I'm biased about this because I'm from the ghetto and where I'm from, people have to steal and deal, just to eat. This lady owns her own home full of the most expensive gear around. If she sold it all, she'd easily be a millionaire. That's RICH as HELL.
  16. Nope, still the same.... More trouble than they're worth, those things.
  17. Sitting in a room with a few hundred grand worth of gear in her own house that she owns saying "No, I'm not rich!" Ughh it makes me sick ... She's obviously got no idea what being poor means. What an insult to all the poor musicians out there who can't afford even one synth! I bet they'd call her "rich".... grrr!
  18. An Error Has Occurred! Sorry, you are not permitted to modify your own karma. ;D HAhahahahah No URL hacks here!... Damn us geeky curious types that just have to pull things apart to see how they work ;)
  19. What contributions do you plan on making?
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