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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Keyboard ----> Palm ----> MBFM ----> DB50XG ^ | | | \-------------------------------------------------/ ? Have you seen the MIDI Technical Fanatics Brainwashing Centre? You should! :)
  2. No, they can't, but not doing so will certainly not help them in court. Not to mention what could happen to a person attempting to bypass the legal implications by moving the operation to a country where they have little legal protection. China, and similar nations, may lack some copyright laws, but they also lack many other laws and ethics (there's that word again) designed to maintain one's safety and wellbeing. It would be a shame if your shipment were to disappear, or a business partner, leaving you minus large sums of cash or friends.
  3. Do you really have to ask? MIOS/MBHP. I should clarify seeing as we're online right now, that's IP as in Intellectual Property, not Internet Protocol
  4. pwx, perhaps you could record the midi stream and upload it for investigation?
  5. That's very generous of you, I'd love to get the plans! Thanks in advance :)
  6. Tasty, and just up the road from me! Thx Wilba! Hey, you might be my MBNeighbour ;)
  7. Hi TK. I don't think you should need to do that at all. As I said in my last post: MIOS and the MBHP are a contribution of goodwill, not a contribution of monetary value. If money might become involved, it is obvious that TK is the only one qualified to make the decision as to how, or whether at all, it is a good idea. What I am trying to say is, that it is a complex matter, and only you truly know what your intentions are and whether they are being met, and that it seems only sensible that your decision should be final. Those who's intentions conflict with yours, will always argue with you, no matter what you say.... So there is no point in allowing the opportunity for any argument.
  8. Unfortunately you don't get permission to do it at all, regardless of feeling good, bad or ugly about it. Doing so after being denied by TK would be in breach of the license issued to use the IP, and would be punishable by law in most countries, and by other far less pleasant means in the other countries. I must admit, that as a very busy man, I have often been tempted to have a mate build a midibox for me at my cost, or thought about the benefits of a midibox "shop", not because I lack the skill or inclination to build it myself but because I simply don't have enough time... That said, I realise that this whole project is about more than getting a MIDI controller, it's about learning, experiencing, and growing your skillset, community, and about people who are enthusiastic and determined enough to DIY, and a whole bunch of far more admirable and honourable ideals than being too lazy, greedy, or impatient to make your own. And besides, with the kits available from not one but two online stores, for cost price or bloody close to it, and all you need to do is follow the clear instructions and be half decent with an iron, why would you bother having someone else make it really? In order to make the operation sufficiently profitable, the manufacturer would have to charge for their time to such a degree that the cost would approach that of commercial controllers (the minimal difference would be the R&D costs, which in your proposed business model, would be money stolen from TK's donation to the greater community, like stealing money from donations made to the poor - We're all knowledge poor, until TK shares). I'm in the rare situation of having little enough time and earning sufficient money to pay for someone else to make it, and at the same time not be able to meet my needs by purchasing a commercial product. The vast majority of people with money enough to pay someone else, will be able to meet their needs with a commercial controller or sequencer or synth, and so wouldn't bother with a semi-DIY approach. I guess that what I'm saying is that outside of your immediate circle of associates who share your enthusiasm for this cool new toy you've discovered, it's probably not that great a business model anyway - the market would be too small and the ethics would probably have you losing sleep at night, assuming you're a half decent human being, not to mention being illegal after TK denied your request. PS that's not an official explanation, that's just my 2c. The official explanation is "because TK says so". Those who respect his contribution need no further explanation :) MIOS and the MBHP are a contribution of goodwill, not a contribution of monetary value. If money might become involved, it is obvious that TK is the only one qualified to make the decision as to how, or whether at all, it is a good idea. Edited: Typos
  9. It doesn't... but applications such as winzip or certain browsers (Netscape or Mozilla in some versions used to do this, not sure these days, I use IE and I no longer do desktop support) can cause IE to see JAR files as a ZIP, so when you get the Save As dialogue, the file types made available are those for the ZIP filetype. If you want the geeky technical explanation let me know, but that's it in a nutshell.
  10. if you see a note on with a velocity of zero you can interpret that as a note off Typo Fixed :)
  11. There's already a RNG in MBSEQ :) ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; This function generates a new random number ;; OUT: new random number in SEQ_RANDOM_SEED_[LH] ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEQ_CORE_GenRandomNumber SET_BSR SEQ_BASE movf SEQ_RANDOM_SEED_L, W, BANKED mulwf SEQ_RANDOM_SEED_H, BANKED movf TMR0L, W addwf PRODL, W movwf SEQ_RANDOM_SEED_L, BANKED movlw 0x69 addwfc PRODH, W movwf SEQ_RANDOM_SEED_H, BANKED return Scope the Humanizer functions out for a scaling example: ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; this function applies a random value to a byte ;; IN: pointer to byte in FSR1 ;; intensity in TMP1 ;; OUT: modified byte ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEQ_HUMANIZE_Modify call SEQ_CORE_GenRandomNumber ; generate new random number ;; scale depending on intensity rlf TMP2, W rlf WREG, W rlf WREG, W andlw 0x78 mulwf SEQ_RANDOM_SEED_L, BANKED ; scaled result in PRODH ;; add/subtract depending on SEQ_RANDOM_SEED_H[0] BIFCLR SEQ_RANDOM_SEED_H, 0, BANKED, rgoto SEQ_HUMANIZE_Modify_Add SEQ_HUMANIZE_Modify_Sub movf PRODH, W subwf INDF1, W ;; saturate on overflow IFSET WREG, 7, movlw 0x00 movwf INDF1 ;; value should never be 0x00 movf INDF1, W skpnz incf INDF1, F return SEQ_HUMANIZE_Modify_Add movf PRODH, W addwf INDF1, W ;; saturate on overflow IFSET WREG, 7, movlw 0x7f movwf INDF1 return :) TK beat us to it again!
  12. Just at a glance, looks like that bottom IC could get turned 90 degrees clockwise ?
  13. How about: Keyboard ----> Palm ----> MBFM ----> DB50XG ? Or is that too simple? ;)
  14. Sounds like (as I suspected) the MBFM is a better device anyway :) Reminds me of the laugh I get, every time I see someone pay a small fortune for a SIDStation ....LOL... Suckers! ;D
  15. Hi mate, I had the same problem, as I don't like to borrow money, I don't have a credit card, and in Australia (at the time) you had to have a credit card to use paypal... The solution is to visit your bank and ask for a debit card. I have a Visa debit card, which as far as the rest of the world is concerned, is EXACTLY like a normal Visa - the only difference is, there is no line of credit, so the money that is charged from the card can only be charged if there is already money in your bank account. The other option, is to find a friend or relative who has a credit card, give them cash, and ask them to pay for you. Hope this helps!
  16. I am just quietly observing :) Keep us posted mate.
  17. Nice one mate, keep it coming :) I'd love to see a multi-channel version! PS.. .Do I know you from IRC as Monome?
  18. http://www.sensorsynergy.com/helpfulhints.htm There ya go :) Edit: While you're at it guys: http://mrl.nyu.edu/~jhan/ check out this fella's other toys! Brilliant!
  19. W :o W I'm googling as you read this
  20. Hahaha yeh, thanks for increasing the publicity of the auction and assisting me in being outbid... We could have had a MB SFX clone, but noooooo! ;) Just kidding mate.. Wish me luck next time and if I win, I'll pull it to bits and report back :)
  21. :o :-* :-* :-* 8) Dream on, buddy, dream on! ;D
  22. :o I've been looking at those chips, thinking of the possibilities... Twice the Program Data, more than twice the RAM.... The mind boggles :) Let's hope rev4 has a fix for the EUSART hey? The SMD UART might not be such a bad thing, given that the chip would most likely go on a kind of daughterboard... But it seems an older PIC would do the job too. But whichever way, the new chip could hold very interesting features for MIOS. I'm excited :)
  23. Hey all Thanks for the words cheater :) Let's just say some disaster happened, fortunately enough everyone's now safe and healthy. I'm now working hard to setup some form of lab so that I can get the hardware built and implement the concepts we've all discussed. Meanwhile I'm toying with a software implementation for the sake of proof of concept. Of course I'll make the source of that available here when it's ready. Unless someone manufactures an extremely affordable sequencer that fits my needs, which I very much doubt will happen, this project will not die. Even if I'm the only one who ever builds or uses this seq, it will exist :) I just wish I could catch a break so I could get the thing done!! Anyway I just wanted to make a quick post and let any interested parties know that I am still around and still working on this. Cheers!
  24. It's the way of all physical things, the shortest distance between two points and all that ;)
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