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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. I'dbe happy to commit changes to the comments, but I don't feel that I know the SIDv2 well enough to see all the errors, or if there's more than just this one. If someone could tell me what they want changed, I'll change it. That said... It seems to me that there are a lot of people who are really lacking some initiative. The filename given only differs from the correct filename by three characters, and the string you need to change is correct... search search search!!!!
  2. Err... sorry flo but much of that doesn't apply here because the OP is modding MB64.... The advice you gave is more suited to a custom app. That said I think a custom app is agood idea here, or better yet, you could use the excellent floorboard project, which has perhaps the best documentation of any project and is built especially for this purpose.
  3. And I thought I had some weird OCD ;D So I guess it's bitshift or nothing! I still like ASM better :)
  4. Sure, math works if you use LSB and don't overflow; but math works if you take MSB and do overflow :) I guess my point is... C is weird / how can you get the correct result without a shift?
  5. I like the "toy style", and the panel artwork came out looking really nice! Would you mind telling us about the sticker vinyl you used?
  6. So long as there's only one such link to ground.
  7. what about this: unsigned int a, b; unsigned char c; a = 100; b = 200; c = (char) ( (int)a + (int)b ); or, yaknow, unsigned int a, b, x; unsigned char c; a = 100; b = 200; x = (int)a + (int)b; c = (char) x
  8. unsigned int a, b; unsigned char c; a = 100; b = 200; c = a + b; Now what should it be?
  9. I don't suppose you tried searching the source code to find out what error 231 means?
  10. Give the signal >1 path to ground
  11. Thx bf... C is so strange sometimes...what the heck would you want the LSB for?! rasteri: try it!
  12. Totally, I use visio like crazy. I'm going to be switching to openoffice soon :) Sketchup was really nice, but again it's crippleware. I came across something similar though, "Wings3D". It's used to create the models for the kicad 3D images which is how I found it, but it does full 3d rendering and exports dxf among other formats...
  13. Well, 90degree pots have to be 3* as accurate as the same pot in 270degree throw....
  14. A good weller will generally last pretty much forever (of course there are expendables like tips and elements etc) I use a hakko clone that's freakin identical to the real deal (like, same factory style... i love china). I've been slowly replacing it's (still working) parts with genuine hakko, now it's hakkenstein with clonespares. I guess if you use credit you could just get the hakko outright, pay the interest instead of buying a clone, and get no clonespares. I scored it from ebay but it's tricky...there are a lot of hakko-alikes out there, as opposed to clones... Look closely at the faceplates, only one of the clones i've seen (my one) is exactly the same, which of course stirs rumour of them being OEM.... interestingly, mine looks like this: and is a 60W iron, the same as a 936..... but the website shows them looking like this: http://www.aoyue.com/en/ArticleShow.asp?ArticleID=371 and says theyre 35W and then if you look at the aoyue 950, which is the same thing with the tweezer-handle http://www.aoyue.com/en/ArticleShow.asp?ArticleID=369 and they're 60W hakko 936's like mine I kinda get the feeling they were made to change that for some reason ;) Whatever you get, just don't kiss it!
  15. That's true... in the chat I said to foona, add-editing is not always a bad habit, it's bad if you do it alll the time (which he was when i stung him for it), or when you edit the post a long time after you posted (because people might miss it, as it doesn't show up as an unread post) Edit: (hahha seriously) I think that a long string of edits or a long string of replies to yourself with updates, are a sign that you should have waited before you post.
  16. 1) werks the same as eeschema for me (snaps cursor to centre and zooms around it) 2) I can see components when moving or dragging, but when i select a group of components (draw around them to select them) and move, it just shows the rectangle i drew around them 3) Yeh I dunno what happened to the guy who used to release the osx binaries. it can be compiled on osx ad the binaries can be shared around though, if any mac users try it please let us know! :) 4) Huh? just select them all, after you click 'add'. In windows you can click the first .lib file, and hold shift and click the last, or just hit CTRL+A.... I'm sure unix has a way to select multiple files as well ;) 5) Oval is what I went with, the difference is just rounded edges so it's largely cosmetic.. I do like the octagon though! Maybe time for a feature request... 6) True, it ain't perfect.... Good though, and for free it's kickass!
  17. Heh, I think that says a lot... Cimo has only been using kicad for a little while less than me, juts a few weeks... I figured I'd tell you guys about that when you were already familiar with it; and you were ready, and found it by yourself already!
  18. Just cut out the shift of the 7bit value to make it 8bit :) unsigned char interpolate(unsigned char i, unsigned char a, unsigned char b) { PRODL = i; PRODH = b-a+1; __asm movf _PRODL, W mulwf _PRODH, 0 __endasm; return a + PRODH; } Uhm how about: unsigned char interpolate(unsigned char i, unsigned char a, unsigned char b) { return ( (unsigned char) ( (b-(a + 1) ) * i ) ) + a; } It's less optimised than the ASM version (actually the function itself takes as long but it uses one more auto register so there are two instructions to save and restore it when the function is called. The speed difference is only calling overhead) Slightly OT: I'm pretty darned sure that *should* work... But uhm... It outputs code that uses PRODL instead of PRODH, which means it's outputting the low byte of the 16bit result.. Shouldn't it be outputting the high byte if it's truncating to 8bit? Is it just me or did I just find a bug? Surely someone would have noticed this before...... but that's not right... Just to simplify: ; .line 111; main.c mytest = MIOS_PARAMETER1*MIOS_PARAMETER2; MOVF _MIOS_PARAMETER1, W MULWF _MIOS_PARAMETER2 MOVFF PRODL, _mytest Uhm... am I going crazy or is that just wrong? Edit: I put the typecast back in there. I took it out for clarity but think I should leave it in for completeness. It compiles the same, either way.
  19. Thanks Sasha... I guess there's no news yet. Give us a shout neb! There's no rush, at all, but it'd be nice to know that the guy with the money hasn't disappeared... you know how it is :)
  20. I think it's a personal thing, but yes, I found kicad to be easier to learn. I had been using eagle for very basic stuff for a couple years, and tried to make a more serious design, worked with eagle for a couple weeks, and got stuck a few times... When I ran out of room on the board, I stole Eagle for a day or two, and when my guilty conscience caught up with me, I tried kicad... within a week I had it down, and it should be noted that was without the assistance that the chatroom gives for Eagle, I had to figure it out for myself. Now that I've done that and Cimo has learned from me, we're getting a good solid knowledge base. The guys who have been eagle gurus for awhile had some troubles with the UI differences (like the zooming) but I think that if you start from an equal level on both, Kicad is easier. I highly recommend doing the tutorials: Mini tutorial KiCad Step by Step Tutorial ...or, just start making your design, and come to the chatroom for help with any questions you have :) Yes this is something I really like about kicad - it separates the components (symbol used in the schematic with pin info) and footprints (physical design), so you can just change the footprint in the PCB editor without any dramas. I did this with the battery holder on my layout, and I just found another very cheap source with a slightly different footprint, so I'll be designing a new footprint (Note: that's WAY nicer in kicad) and replacing the existing one.
  21. Mahahaha... I hope you'll forgive me one day :D
  22. That's not "free" that's "crippleware" like eagle.... The idea is to suck you into the free version so that when you go to a full-featured package you'll choose theirs because changing apps is difficult. It's not a business model I like to support....
  23. Sorry for the brevity - I was at work so I couldn't post much, but I didn't want you guys to waste too much time reinventing the wheel ;) I can't read the part number on these, but they're definitely bourns precision pots. As per my previous tip, joysticks usually use 90/60/45degree throw pots, so that's your starting point....
  24. Judging by the pics in wilba's thread, his and mine are in australia...Wilba?
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