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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. 90degree pots do exist, as do 60 and 45degree pots. I'm holding some in my hand. Search harder.
  2. No sweat man, keep us posted, it sounds interesting!
  3. Heh, don't be sorry man! there's no "rules" as such, but some things just don't link up right, and some things seemed to become a habit pretty quickly. just add in whatever you think works and if i see a problem I'll zap em, and let you know if I'm unsure of what to replace them with :) (generally if I can, I just fix them) Lower case is definitely the go, and the leading space makes them not work, and you don't need a "SID" tag because it's in the SID forum (and not about SIDs which is really just the chip). There's a "psu" tag in use already (using existing tags is the way to go!). Maybe "rectifier" too... because this does come up quite often. It seems it's hard to find, perhaps because of the misleading symbol that looks just like 4 diodes, people search the wrong term? Whatever it is, hopefully the tags will help the next guy :) Tag away, m00ny! :D
  4. Hmmm maybe this is just that you're unfamiliar with midiboxing then... we get a lot of PC programmers trying to code midibox like windows and you know that ain't gonna work ;) But.... I think maybe you're seeing an obstacle that isnt there... If you have a look at the BankStick page you can see that it's up to 512k of storage. Browse around, and hit the search engines dude!
  5. Somehow I know you thought of me when you wrote that last paragraph :D
  6. Oh har har har... FWIW I've seen chainlinks to pots, both geared and just multiturn pots, it's not as complex as you make it sound :)
  7. That's a road case, not an enclosure, and it's 12RU which is big enough for 4 MBSeqs ;D
  8. Let me guess: you don't usually write code for embedded stuff? :D Yeh it is nonvolatile. You can use the banksticks as AC mentioned for nonvolatile storage.
  9. Yep, the way the addressing works, the extra columns will just fall off into space. :)
  10. Mount a roller on rails on top of a spectrasymbol slider.... If you're gonna do that you could just use a chainlink and gears to a pot.
  11. And the award for smallest LCD goes to......... ;D
  12. I'd be more surprised if those guys didn't blog it heh
  13. Yeh, you usually have every religion and every drug represented on your panels, why the change of heart? ;)
  14. If your sequence data is entered at run-time, which you said it is, then it needs to be dynamic...better to save it in the PIC's internal SRAM (IE, use a variable) or an external bankstick, than in the codespace where it cannot be changed. On top of the 32-96k of codespace, you also have 2-4k of variables, which is way more than you need :) Do you prefer to code in C or ASM?
  15. Multi-word, all uppercase, prefixed with spaces, not relevant to the thread tags have been removed. :P
  16. Doh! ... no mod powers in bulk orders for me... admins? :)
  17. I just love the waxy look the old resistors get :D
  18. Well for the driver, I've done some of the work for you... Example app and Driver Skeleton This is really bare-bones, it's just to give you and idea of how the driver makes its functions and variables available to the app, and vice versa. It will actually compile but it doesn't do much ;) The idea is, that you can search the files for the string "mod_skel" and you'll find everything you need to change. If I were you, I'd hang out for a bit and just mod my driver hehehe. The hardware implementation differs only slightly from yours, and I'm including some higher-layer functions as well which you may like to use or you may like to dice out. 4066 was for two reasons: It's thru-hole, and I could actually buy them locally ;) It played a part that the board was originally going to be stackable with the ultracore and also has the arbiter chip onboard, so board size wasn't an issue. When I have the app fully working, I may make an all-in-one board with all SMD parts, and then I'l be checking for 3245's again...
  19. They're all different, so if you want to stay on the eagle interface, you'll have to stay with eagle.... A few reasons I chose kicad: Cross platform Multi language (german is kinda important around here heh) No limitations, open source Scripts for converting from eagle There are things that kicad does better, and things that eagle does better, but all up I think it's a pretty close run. The hardest thing, is if you are used to one app and have to get used to a new interface, which admittedly sucks... but you'll have that problem no matter what package you go to :-\
  20. Yeh spun aluminium man it's gotta be. That's lookin sweet!
  21. I'm finishing the driver module now... I was going to wait until it was all final and hardware tested before I posted the schems and layout and such but I'll fire them off when the driver is done if you like? (IE, tonight/tomorrow) I used the hierarchical sheets in kicad for the different parts of the schem, it's quite cool.... I have a sheet for the SRAM, with a pair of latches for the addressing; a sheet for the arbiter chip, and a sheet for the bank of 4066's used as a bidirectional buss isolator. Each sheet appears on the top layer of the schematic looking as though it is a single component, which makes it easier to wire it up. I probably could have used it to greater effect but it was a cool thing to have... You'll see what I mean soon :)
  22. Yep, I second that. The more I use kicad, the more I find myself enjoying it. And I can make CS panels (big ones) without being a dirty lowdown thief ;D (yeh, I said it. (sometimes I think that should be my signature)) A few guys have tried it and we're yet to come up with any complaints aside from "this doesn't work like it does in eagle". If anyone wants to jump on the kicad train give me a shout in the chatroom. Due to said space constraints, there's a chance the audio matrix boards will wind up being in kicad too ... And my SRAM board is done in kicad. I'm a fan. Cimo one thing was suggested - make the ground 'arrows' point down and the +5V point up :)
  23. Dammit I lost my post, I hate when that happens! Heh. Heheheheh. I'm so childish.... It's still funny. Ah of course! That makes a lot of sense... the LEDs aren't eating juice until after the init... This should definitely be top of your list. before the encoder, as it is likely to cause problems with those (logic levels being screwed with) LOL take a guess! ...no, i jest.... Well actually now that you mention it... yeh ... ; pins of SRIO shift registers #define SM_SRIO_LAT_SCLK LATD ; Pin D.3 #define SM_SRIO_PIN_SCLK 3 #define SM_SRIO_LAT_RCLK LATD ; Pin D.2 #define SM_SRIO_PIN_RCLK 2 #define SM_SRIO_PORT_DIN PORTD ; Pin D.1 #define SM_SRIO_PIN_DIN 1 #define SM_SRIO_LAT_DOUT LATD ; Pin D.0 #define SM_SRIO_PIN_DOUT 0 ; I guess if you change those pins, you can run a second chain of DOUT/DIN modules for the scan matrix. Anyone see any problems there? Seems to me that these two scan matrix drivers could be easily made into modules... what do you think, TK? Should we do it?
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