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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. I would take the tolerance into account, specially because you use flat heads. With round heads you still could press the LEDs into the "too small" wholes, which could be difficult with flat heads. 2nd suggestin: As Wilba stated... measure what the tolerance effectively is, it mostly is the same within a production batch. Greets, Roger
  2. ... it was early in the morning for CIMO too ;) I would put a PWM on the DOUT Greets, Roger
  3. ... I don't see the context of "MADI" with this thread "MidiBox LC" you started. Are you mentioning this because you want to send the MIDI signal over the MADI-Link to control preamp- cards of your interface with the LC? Greets, Roger
  4. You should study the Mackie Control protocol first (no 5.1 control supportet), check the interfacing capabilities of your DAW (might be you can control 5.1 directly, "outside" of the Mackie protocol) etc. ... I think that's your homework... I don't feel like doing this for you Good luck Roger PS: You should add "Not really a new idea" and "should I study the possibilities first?" to your voting ;)
  5. nice to look? :P You must bekidding. - I get sick by just looking at it.
  6. Using the full spectrum only makes sense to display e.g. intensity of a parameter. If you want to display the state of function, 6 colours are enough by far. - More colours are nothing more than confusing. Greats,Roger
  7. ... no problem. You just connect them like 3 individual LEDs except that they have a "common"-connection on one end. Why 3 colours? You can mix them: - red & blue = magenta - green & Blue = cyan - red & green = yellow ... that gives you 6 colours. It just needs some testing with the resistors... specially red & green, if you don't want a dirty or even brownish yellow. Greets, Roger
  8. ... durchsuche das Forum, da hat es etliche links. Hier mein Tipp: http://www.rapidonline.com/products.aspx?tier1=Electronic+Components&tier2=Switches&tier3=Keyboard+Switches Greets, Roger
  9. ... how about posting in "Fleamarket"?
  10. Why not? Why did nobody do it before? Not backlighting the slots is patented but functional signaling for audio mixers is the property. It's fed by a RGB-LED. E.g. it shows you the function of a fader (InputChannel, Busses, Masters, etc.) or if you use it as monitor mixer on stage and you go into GraphicEQ-mode to tune the monitoring, the faders all turn yellow and act as the actual EQ band-levels. ... you see... you have to try harder ;) Greets, Roger
  11. Holy shit... what did that punching and bending cost? - Beautiful!
  12. ... it's a www.Studer.ch patent (called "FaderGlow"), but since it would not be commercially used with your project, you're cool.
  13. :P... äääähm, yepp. :-X Thanks for the correction of the correction :D Greets, Roger
  14. ... I wouldn't know anybody who would build the LED INTO a knob... like you wrote in your first post: They are "backlit". So backlit is done by you, you must look for a transparent knob and stick the LED through the frontpanel to backlight the knob. Faders: Keep in mind, that this actually has to be built INTO a knob, which means, that the connecting cables are all the time moving up and down and will break one time. Spending money for two additional taper tracks in the fader just to feed the LED is not worth the money (I'm even not shure about you'll get a fader with that many tracks). Greets, Roger
  15. ... this is the reason why it should be built on solidarity. If only 10% of the members donate a few bucks (even if it's just $1), I think the costs will be covered. - Not everybody has to donate $100. Greets, Roger
  16. ... just forget about the "index". It would tell the software, when a full shaft revolution is completed. Is sometimes used like a "counter-recalibration" if any impulses of A/B got lost. This Encoder is made for high speed (e.g. motors), where the index can be used to count revolution and the quadratur is used for positioning. The Ground pin you just can hook to the boards ground. Greets, Roger
  17. ... yes. Do some investigation on the forum and read Ucapss.de "DIN" for more understanding of how an encoder works. ... you should find out what type you have (resolution). If you have 1000+ CPR (cycles per revolution), it could be a problem. Most softwares let you set the Jog-resolution but so many cycles will stress your Midi-Bus and might end up in buffer overrun. Technically from the Encoder I don't see another problem. I also have some of those (540 CPR) but I don't know yet what I will do with them. Greets, Roger
  18. :o :o :o :o :o :o :o ... I'm shocked :'( !!! 3732 Members. - At least I would expect a donation from each and every one complaining and fighting about guys making money from MidiBoxes and have not been invoved in any actions for the community yet. Greets, Roger Edit: Oooops... 1000 shocking posts with this one. The 1000th post could have been a more pleasant post :-\
  19. ... search the forum please PS: Don't worry, I always play my own game ;D
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