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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. ... how about an E-Mail list which is always handled with "Answer All"? ... I have an AudioPrecision System2 at work if needed Greets, Roger
  2. ... shielded Ribbon is available ready made. - I have a whole roll of it... was thrown away at work and I was the first seeing it in the container :D Greets, Roger Edit: https://www.distrelec.ch/ishopWebFront/catalog/product.do/para/language/is/de/and/shop/is/CH/and/id/is/01/and/node/is/acagadaeaaap/and/series/is/1.html
  3. I lately was just discussing this with one of our guys who was designing the stuff in our good old analog times. He said that compared to the digital PCB designs, in analog you don't want ground planes, because of building up capacity. I was thinking about 1024 (32 X 32). It's enough, since I do most of my studio routing directly on the 2 RME MADI cards and the D21m Interface. So I would use two MIDIBox Matrices: - 1 for selecting monitoring sources 16 X 16 - 1 for my Guitar rig 32 X 32 Greets, Roger
  4. ... I don't think it's not possible. My suggestion was more to save energy discussing the "real"-problems than how to hadle/design the UI. A few bucks more for an additional core is not much compared what the whole routing chips will cost.
  5. ... no hurry for the LED feedback. Normally when you load a preset, you know what you're doing/patching. I wouldn't care if the LED Matrix hat a few seconds to be built up completely. Even thought that the whole matrix always has to be updated, when a Snap gets loaded)
  6. Was just thinking about the UI: I think the system should be built distributed and the RouterCore is just reacting to MIDI messages which are defined from the development team. E.g. there is a predefined controller message to select and load Snap1. or one to connect source1 to target2 There would be no button handling implemented into the RouterCore application. The MidiBoxers building such a router can create an additional MIOS-Core with the Midio128 application and their own design/implementation for the UI. Now if they want to load snap1, they just have to send Controller xy "127" to the MIDI-In of the RouterCore and "snap1" gets loaded and executed, no matter how they made their MIDIO128 to send the message. In the aaplication of the RouterCore, we just would implenet the rules and handling. Like for source/target routing: e.g. connect "sourceX" to "targetY", the receved messages from the controllerUI would have to be like: - ControllerY "127" - ControllerX "127" #if ControllerY receives "0" before ControllerX received "127", no connection is executed #-> existing connection of target gets overwritten (disconnected) #-> Connection established #-> LED XY "127" (gets sent back to the controller(s) - ControllerX "0" - ControllerY "0" Greets, Roger Edit1: Just trying to be creative :P... One could build the RouterCore, build into the same RackCase a MIDIBoxMerger and e.g. a MIDIO128 with an encoder/button style UI (illmenator) and on the 2nd "In" of his Merger he connects another UI which is placed on his MidiBoxLC surface. The feedback (Crosspoint-LEDs) are distributed from the RouterCore to both ControllerCores over MidiThru. Edit2: This way a MidiBoxer even could control the Router with a Japanese wireless ToiletRemoteControl ;D ;D ;D Edit3: Corrected Typos (... and LMO 1st about of having those new MTE-buttons on my surface, 2nd about thinking of sitting on this toilet in Japan and pressing one button after another while being scared that I could get my face flushed next ;D )
  7. ... if space and money is an issue, yes. When it comes to handyness and usability, no. The big advantage is, that you can label the snapshots (like on conventional Bantam PatchBays or with some 40x2 CLCDs) and pressing a dedicated button is the quickest and most intuitive access. Let's face it: Who needs more than a few presets/snaps (I'm talking about a central Broadcast Router)? If it is for me, I would need about 2 or 3 Snaps and the rest would be direct and individual patching. ... if it would be technically possible (multiplexing), I would prefer one big matrix. I want to see what's going on with one sight, no matter +/- $200 or taking 5 to 6 HE rack space, otherwise I'm quicker with good old patch cords. Greets, Roger
  8. ... true. - Good point. But it's a panel design issue and not implementation dependent. Greets, Roger PS: In addition it would be nice to have 10 or 16 direct access "SnapShot" buttons and a "Store" button. - Press and keep holding "Store" and select the 1-16 button on which the Snap shall be saved. Pressing the Snap-buttons directly loads the saved crosspoints.
  9. I would prefer a xy-matrix (I think DrBunsen was drawing one). - A button for every source on the left and a button for every target on the top. - An LED for every crosspoint - Pressing and keep holding a source- button enables to select targets (-buttons) and the corresponding crosspoint-LED(s) gets lit - Pressing and holding a target-button enables to overwrite the existing source-connection and to select another (only one) source. So the corresponding LED of the former crosspoint gets dark and the new crosspoint is lit Greets, Roger
  10. ... well, the ones on the left seem to be MEC Multimec. Greets, Roger
  11. I don't know nothing about the MidiBox SEQ or the Moog. ... I don't see a reason for a conflict. It seems to me more that you might have a conflict with this. - Why are you doing this concept then, when you think it's not o.k.? ;) Greets, Roger
  12. http://www.studer.ch/index.aspx?menu_id=3&sub_menu_id=12&locale=en&url=includes%2fproduct_sheet_include.aspx%3fproduct_id%3d43 8) Greets, Roger
  13. They seem to use interlinkelectronics sensors... or interlink even produces the whole Frontboard-PCB. From the Webaddress printed on Artesia's PCB: http://www.interlinkelectronics.com/force_sensors/products/forcesensingresistors/standardsensors.html?specs=1 Greets, Roger
  14. http://www.xkeys.com/custom/xkmatrix.php I have one of those left over, since when I bought it, Sequoia did not support MIDI to Keyboard-Commands. Meanwhile I can map in Sequoia every Keyboard shortcut to a Midi command. If you're interested, I might consider to sell this Xkeys module to you (it's brand new). Greets, Roger
  15. ... you mean the "fuse"? - No it does not work. I think there are enough responses of what works. ::) Greets, Roger
  16. ... what now? A Patcher or a Mixer ;) What benefit is expected (thinking in working process) other than Stereo to Mono summing? Greets, Roger
  17. I think you're mixing up some stuff here. The Mackie-Protocol IS Midi. It is nothing else than a implementation of what function is mapped to what command and it tells how a Controller and the Host have to react on certain commands. Normally you can change the mapping in the host without loosing any features or the way the controller is working. Greets, Roger
  18. ... which often have internal jumpers to select the voltage (my DigiTech GSP 2101 and the good old Akai S3000 had jumpers). Releasing products with different transformers only counts, when the manufacturer has a high output count. Greets, Roger
  19. As Ilmenator said: Just replace the transformer. If you can't find out the ratings (e.g. from the part number), ask your Mackie dealer for an original replacement transformer. Greets, Roger PS: And as Ilmenator also already said: Just do it, if you know what you're doing!
  20. ... you're supposed to get horny from MidiBox ONLY anyway! ;D
  21. http://www.swiss-composite.ch/ Greets, Roger
  22. Ich würde mal sagen, dass die pads das geringste Problem ist. Viel schwieriger ist das Design des Buttons, da dieser so gestaltet sein muss, dass er bei einem bestimmten Druck in sich einfällt. - Das Prinzip ist ähnlich dem der Metal-Dome Buttons. Anregung: Du kannst versuchen, normalem, giessbarem Silikon Graphitpulver beizugeben, um diesen leitfähig zu machen. So wird das bei leitenden Termoplast Knöpfen gemacht. Bei den Termoplasten wird das Pulver "eingeknetet". Ich weiss deshalb nicht, ob das Pulver beim Silikon die Vernetzung stört/behindert. Grüsse, Roger
  23. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,1176.0.html ... worth a try. Greets, Roger
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