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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. It looks to me, that you're driving 10LEDs from the DOUT. - It makes more sense to hook the Power-LED to the 5V side of the PSU. Greets, Roger
  2. ... BTW Euphonix just showed their new controller on the NAMM (pretty slim design) http://www.euphonix.com/artist/products/mc_control/Brochure_MC_Control.pdf Greets, Roger
  3. ... this has nothing to do with budget but more with support. Specifying a new controller protocol is not so hard but time consuming (+implementation) = costs money. There already are two (three... if you call SlowTools "pro" :P) dedicated pro controller protocols: - EuCon (Euphonix) - Oasis (Merging) - DigiControl (Digidesign) Which one should SSL implement now? - Oasis can only be used for Pyramix, EuCon only for Nuendo and a few others and Digidesign don't even open up, cause they do everything to push customers to the world's worst DAW available (SlowTools). If SSL implements Oasis, it can only be used by Pyramix users. If they implement EuCon, they have to pay Euphonix a license fee, it can only be used by a few more systems than Oasis and they help Euphonix in bringing EuCon up to set the new standard... that's not what they want, believe me ;) So what language does every DAW understand? MackieControl and HUI Greets, Roger
  4. If you're using standard applications e.g. MidiBox 128 with jsut encoders and switches and build the whole thing on e.g. SmashTVs kits and there are no design specific decisions to make (like an intuitive placement of the knobs and buttons). I don't see a problem. Just do all the logics in Max. Greets, Roger
  5. I understood you :) I just wanted to point out that it's only possible with some technical gimmicks. Greets, Roger
  6. ... this is not possible with a regular encoder. The 4 STUDER OnAir3000 CentralScreen rotaries (3rd touchscreen on the right of the desk picture) have a magnetic clutch/break, which makes the non detend encoder feel like a pot. - Left/Right stop and center detend. Greets, Roger
  7. ...I would go for SD-Cards... no moving ;) parts and quick exchange I just bought the Panasonic HDC-SD5EG. - Just perfect! Greets, Roger
  8. My statement wasn't meant for what I personally think about "ripping" off Microchip or any other manufacturer at all. What I meant with Babysitting was... I can think for myself and I think/hope, most of us can. What makes me sick is, that after the first posting nobody was able to know about those are samples or not. That's why I wrote "yes, could be...". Why have people always to be convicted from people of which it isn't of their business? (I remember another similar episode). Yes, if I would have samples left over, I would give them away for free too (you know me Smash). The thing is, that he already received the samples from Microchip, no matter if he's trading the chips or if he gives them away for free now. My statement in clearer words: Let me decide for myself about I wanna trade and about I wanna trade against samples or not... I don't need a babysitter. ;) Greets, Roger
  9. ...you can do it the way you want. Assign it in Ableton so it matches the standard LC assignment of the MIDIBox application (the way I would do it) or reconfigure your box to match the preset assignment of Ableton (probably the harder way). Remember: The MidiBoxLC is dumb. The host application interpretes the function of a received MIDI command. Greets, Roger
  10. From their Website: Union Européenne et autres pays d'Europe: EU countries and other countries of the european continent - Commandes jusque 79.99€: 7€ Orders up to 79.99 -> shipping 7€ - Commandes supérieures à 80€, port offert Orders over 80.- -> shipping payed/free Greets, Roger
  11. ... yep, could be!... and?... problem? - Don't wanna trade? Sorry, but sometimes I ask myself: Are we baby-sitting here? I just wait for the moment when an answer to such a posting is: "I bet you didn't pay for those parts with your money but with your parents' and now you wanna trade them against the hard currenzy - other parts!" ;D Greets, Roger
  12. I did one BO so far (Motorfaders). I have nothing to complain, everything went just perfect. It's just a matter how you organize it. I think instead of setting up rules, it's better like SmashTV stated, to give a guide. If I'm doing a bulk, I make the rules and not the forum. I'm the guy who has all the work and I'm doing a favour to the community and it goes my way. It's every individuals decision to go for it or leave it alone. For example: - If I want PayPal, I want PayPal and if somebody doesn't want to open an account, he just can't be part of the BO - If I say I'm testing the parts because they're e.g used, I do it. If I order new parts, I won't test them but I would take them back and look for replacement from the factory/wholesaler - If I ship the parts and a BO participant doesn't want insurance, it's his problem when the parts are arriving damaged Sorry Cimo but my wive propably would kill me if I would hand out our phone number and some inpatiant guy is calling all day long while I'm at work and perhaps is even talking a strange language ;D For the creative part of this thread: I recommend to set up a Website. http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/UCAppsBulk_Order/BULK_Start.htm There are no spam-like replies from inpatiant guys disturbing the survey and you can publish what you know. I always updated the pages so everybody can check if his mail was received and taken into account. You can post pictures and pricelists in a much better organisation than like in a forum page. Greets, Roger
  13. :D ... you're welcome. - Glad you like it too. From time to time while surfing, I hit on some of the individual PDFs and always thought, it would be cool to get the whole packages. Yesterday I took the time to heavily google for it and... *WHACK* ;D I found the pages. Greets, Roger
  14. ... von Erfahrung kann noch keine Rede sein. - Bin noch zuwenig weit. Greets, Roger
  15. http://www.nime.org/2005/proceedings.html http://recherche.ircam.fr/equipes/temps-reel/nime06/proc/ http://itp.nyu.edu/nime/2007/proceedings.php Greets, Roger
  16. https://www.distrelec.com/distrelec/datasheets.nsf/WebAttachments/535DC8762773E9E2C12570EB00100719/$File/SS94ASerie.pdf
  17. ... ja, das verstand ich schon auf Anhieb ;) Dein Konzept ist ähnlich wie meine Controller-Lösung. Meine MIDIbox LCs sind an einem MicroATX PC mit MAX/MSP angeschlossen. Dieser geht dann per "MIDI over LAN" (http://www.musiclab.com/products/rpl_info.htm) an den Host. Der Grund, weshalb ich so verfahre ist, dass ich am Mixer Touchscreens für's Editieren habe, welche dann MIDI Controller Daten an den HostPC (mit Sequoia) schickt. Diese werden im Controller-PC "merged" mit den LC Daten. Zusätzlich habe ich über das Bindeglied "Controller-PC" die Möglichkeit Ganging, VCA Groups usw. zu realisieren. Auch entlaste ich den Audio-Host von all diesem Controller Handling. Betreffend UDP: Ich weiss nicht, ob das geht. UDP heisst aber ja nicht, dass es Dropouts gibt sondern nur, dass Daten verloren gehen können. - Muss aber nicht. Wenn dies äusserst selten passieren würde, wäre dies in Zusammenhang mit Kopfhörer Monitoring und Talkback ja nicht wirklich eine Katastrophe. Ich dachte nur, dass damit die Netzlast merklich verringert werden könnte. Greets, Roger
  18. ... ganz bestimmt! - Wenn Du das über W-LAN mit den Verzögerungen hinkriegst (Quality of service usw.), wäre das eine coole sache. Ein anderes "kleines" Problem: Wenn das Pult nur für den Erbauer ist, muss er sich mit den PlugIns abfinden. Falls aber fremde Techniker damit arbeiten sollen und die ihre 6000er oder 960er benutzen wollen, müsste doch eine beachtliche Anzahl Audio Channels hin und her geschickt werden, was über das übliche TCP/IP ziemlich satt wäre... oder hast Du vor, die Audio per UDP zu übertragen? Greets, Roger
  19. ... tönt interessant für ein DIY Projekt. Wie siehts mit dem Monitoring und TB am FOH Platz aus, soll die Audio auch über das W-Lan vom/zum Stagebox-Rechner übertragen werden? Wenn ich anschaue, dass zusätzlich ein FOH-Rechner mit Audio-Karte benötigt wird, frage ich mich, ob sich der Aufwand lohnt, da ich ja auch eine "passive" Stagebox per MADI Fiber-Kabel zum FOH-Rechner (welcher dann auch das Audio Processing übernimmt) verwenden kann. Ein Fiber Kabel bedeutet ja nicht mehr einen so grossen Verlege-Aufwand wie bei einem Multicore. Greets, Roger
  20. ... I bet it's done with two hall sensors and a nd-magnet mounted at the slider... just like the "Rane" fader. - No big deal. Greets, Roger
  21. ... I think too, this is the best and easiest solution. I think the stepper thing with a ratio of about 20:1 would give a nice heavy feel, the stepper would get speeded up even in slow motion use of the ring to give enough output and you would not feel any detends (magnetic ripple) from the stepper anymore. Greets, Roger
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