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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. ... if you wanna use them for the LC Timecodedisplay, you need CA. Greets, Roger
  2. ... if you have a look at the date of those postings, you see, that this was started more than a year ago ;) I posted the D-Control thing just for completion of information. Greets, Roger
  3. ... they finally implemented the surround touch panel... with a touch-screen. http://akmedia.digidesign.com/news/images/Icon-Panner_72_nws_3375_9591.jpg Greets, Roger
  4. ;D It's not that complex: All this was the thing which made it attractive, that I was doing the bulk order. VAT in Switzerland is only 7.6% and then I sent it to you as samples. So the UK didn't charge any VAT to you. The big difference of the VATs made it still affortable to pay the relativ high Swiss parcel service prices. So you could sell your faders for about €155.- (knobs included) and this is still a good deal for anyone interrested! Greets, Roger BTW: Don't forget to charge for the PayPal service, it's 3.9% of the transfer amount + € 0.35... it will be deducted from the amount you receive. I forgot and the receivers of the first faders I sent out didn't have to pay for this... I did ;)
  5. Hey Fletch I think it's your problem, for which price you resell the faders but I think you should at least charge the brutto price for the material. I hope you don't care, that I print your invoice here. I also would like to make shure, that nobody thinks I charged you a fortune (€ 50.-) for shipping... there was no charge from me for my work (handling and organisation). Fader Bulkorder 2005 Invoice: Fletch 10 ALPS RSAON11M9, N-Type Motorfader € 13.40 € 134.00 10 ALBS FK13x25 Faderknob (silver) € 0.76 € 7.60 Netto € 141.60 7.6% MwSt (Swiss Import Tax) € 10.76 Shipping from ALBS (DE to CH) € 2.70 Shipping from CH to you (763gr./Econ. w. insurance) € 22.50 Brutto € 177.56 PayPal (3.9%+€ 0.35) € 6.92 Total € 184.48 Greets, Roger BTW: "Sounduke" was interrested, when "Incarnation" resold his faders... contact him.
  6. Hallo Im internationalen Forum liest man immer wieder von "carbide drills". - Kann man für PCBs auch normale HSS-Bohrer verwenden? Greets, Roger
  7. I took the "hard-touch" type CHF 128.- (Swiss Francs, incl. Tax) Greets, Roger
  8. I just bought 200 pcs. from them directly a while ago. To prevent any trouble, I ordered them over the studio I'm working for. - I have no idea about they're selling parts to private people. Greets, Roger BTW: Those are standart http://www.sifam.com/-knobs
  9. http://www.elma.de/files/products/rotary_components/pdfs/new_soft_touch_and_classic_knobs_001.pdf Greets, Roger
  10. ... you have to download the additional fonts... it worked on mine V7.0.3 Greets, Roger
  11. ... Yes. Search the archive, this question was asked before and I think, they came up with a solution. Greets, Roger
  12. ... I actually meant the Laptop PSU... since you get the noise when this one is plugged in ;) Greets, Roger
  13. ... what happens, when you change the distance from the powersupply to the audio interface? Any changes in the noise? Could be bad shielding of the units. Greets, Roger
  14. Wow! :( 26% that's a rip off! ...15% for the state and 10% for the mafia? ;D ... just joking :D What you could do: Ask if you can order the faders as a gift and they send it to a buddy of yours. So you actually pay the German tax (about 15%) and they send it declared as a gift to your buddy. This is not illegal (just grey zone) as long as the payee isn't the same person as the receiver. - That's how it works with "amazon.de" Greets, Roger
  15. ... must be a mistake... just ask again and state, that you're from Italy. Greets, Roger
  16. THX http://www.ledtronics.com/ds/CBG1500/ Greets, Roger
  17. ... what German taxes? You're from Italy, so you pay Italien taxes. ALBS won't charge you the German taxes when sending you the stuff (netto price), but when you receive the package, you pay the Italien tax. The reason, why I did the bulk order was that here in Switzerland we only pay 7.6% tax (Germany is about 15%) and then I sent out the stuff as samples. Greets, Roger PS: While ordering only 16 faders, you might get them cheaper from "conrad.de" (search the forum for the link, I think they don't sell those faders on their regular website).
  18. Hey SounDuke Sorry, but "Incarnation" sells them to a guy who contacted him first by PM. It's his decision to whom he's selling them. I don't care who was first and who not because I just waited for the information with whom I have to deal with. Sorry for the bad news for you but I think in just a short time there will be another bulk oder to be done. It won't be me doing it, since my time is so limited that it would take again much too long until everybody has the faders in their hands :-\ I can encourage everybody to do it since there wasn't one problem I ran into... everybody payed as quick as possible, evrybody took the faders they ordered. Greets, Roger PS: To a possible volunteere: Contact me to get all the information about contact to ALBS.
  19. :-\ :( :'( ... hast Du hier alles gecheckt? http://serdisplib.sourceforge.net/ser/pcd8544.html Greets, Roger
  20. ... same price as netherlands: Everything (PayPal fees, shipping) € 276.10 Greets, Roger
  21. Could you please note the exact part numbers here, which are written on the rings... might be easier to google for it ;) THX and greets Roger
  22. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=5389.0 Greets, Roger
  23. ... well, that's a point. But can't you make the meters visible on the left side of each track in your software? ... not with the standard LC-Design (there is a total of max. 128 LEDs)... But you could run with two cores per 8 cannels. You build a regular MIDIBox LC and from the MIDI Thru of this core you go to the second core and use this one just for metering LEDs... so you'd have 16 per channel. ... I don't like the control24 at all... too cheapy, noisy faders Greets, Roger
  24. ... what for? In this case you can read the levels on your computer monitor. Level meters on the controller makes only sense, if they're in line with the channel strip. O.k. they look cool (Las Vegas ;D) but if I'm honest, since they're not precise (with 11 LEDs) you actually really don't need them. What I'll implemant for shure, is a "signal" indication LED and a "clip" LED on each channel. Greets, Roger
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