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Everything posted by Wild_Weasel

  1. hi! das kann ich dir leider nicht beantworten ... ABER: schau mal unter "bulk order", dort läuft gerade eine andere Midi-Usb-Bestellung ab, für weniger als 5€ pro stück. grüße Michael
  2. Hi rasteri! That is absolutely amzing work!! I would be happy if you could add some photos to the wiki, shematics and so on. Great work again, keep it up! Kind regards Michael
  3. got mine. took only 3 days. incredibly fast. thanks. michael
  4. You can find it here too: <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> regards Michael
  5. I did scuff of the black coating with an dremel cut off disc. Afterwards I did clean it with some kind of breakdisc cleaner [automotive stuff]; not sure how it is called in english. But I didn't use the JB weld stuff since I think it is not available in Austria but some kind of Loctite metall 2 component epoxy. Be sure to scuff your stand offs as well. This will ensure a clean surface for the glue to stick on. regards Michael
  6. hi folks! Received my panels yesterday. They look gorgeous and I could not ask for more concerning the cost an the ease of ordering. Thanks a lot. Kind regards Michael
  7. Hi! Could you please resend the invoice. My harddisk died on me yesterday, so no chance to get to my e-mails. Thanks a lot. Michael
  8. Hey folks! This is my first attempt to create a frontpanel layout. As previously discussed, it will be printed onto seld-adhesive laser printer foil. Layout has been made in Illustrator. Enjoy! Kind regards Michael http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0327352/midibox/denon%20MB%202%204/Selektor%20II%202.pdf
  9. Hi! Where do you source this chips? Are they as hyped as SIDs are? Kind regards Michael
  10. No. It was me ;D http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=wild_weasel
  11. just got mine. thanks a lot. btw I am in Austria.
  12. Or just do it like wilba, like collecting the money via paypal before actually buying the chips. cheers michael
  13. This is very dissapoiting. I would like to know how much such a kit is. cheers Michael
  14. jep. I am in. cheers michael
  15. printing the pdf will result in a 1:1 model (kind of, depends on how acurate your printer works)
  16. One for me as well, please. Shipping to austria. thanks. Michael
  17. One set of the alternate design please. cheers michael
  18. hello! I am in for one. Thanks and kind regards Michael
  19. Has anybody got the plugin for the frontpaneldesigner to create dxf files? I might then do some panels on the laser machine here at university. Kind regards Michael
  20. Hi! Hätt auch gern 4 bitte Grüße m.
  21. hi! Sag kannst du mail die Firmware online stellen. Hab ja hier ein scratchwheel aus einem CD Deck und wollt da mal deine Scratchfunktion probieren. Grüße m.
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