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Everything posted by SLP

  1. okok - Ich wollt halt auch mal was sagen ;) bin ja selbst noch 'n noob. Ich hab mir dieses C64-NT-Pdf noch nie angeschaut. Ich hab ja keins. aber jetz glaub ich hab ichs verstanden ;D
  2. naja,.. das wäre meine einzige Erklärung wo die 14V herkommen...
  3. wahrscheinlich hast Du irgendwo die Pins vertauscht. Du wirst ein GND (entweder das von der 9V- oder von der 5V-linie) mit einem + Verbunden haben. 9V+5V=14V
  4. alright,... and what about those?: Connecting the CORE and SID Connecting SID to CORE Core to SID connection * Connecting the SID and the Core I don't know what you mean by that. But have a look at the 11th reply in that thread And in the thread that I've marked with an "*", Wilba said: They don't all match name for name, that's the confusing bit! The pins to connect will be in the same position on those 2x5 headers. And to avoid this confusion the future I'll write a big article in the wiki :) Sorry If you've felt being offended (english grammar sucks, btw. ;D), I wasn't meant like that. regards matthias
  5. yeah, but remember: we've got TK ;D and AC!...but....well....It wouldn't disturb me if you would remove Franconia from Bavaria ;D ;D
  6. That's weird. I had the same problem yesterday. But fortunately my right hand was able to move my mouse to that forum-search field. I've typed in "CORE SID connect" and suddenly my brain was flooded with information! And now my SID is nearly working! ...sorry, for being sarcastic, but posts like yours are just unnecessary and do just waste the forum... regards, matthias
  7. LOL ;D http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=fZqeVnvnaAk
  8. yeah! best language in the world. I remember some article in a newspaper were the name compared the "Oberpfälzer" (certain region in Bavaria) dialect with a dog barking. ;D "dou da dada da dadirn und dou da dada dadirn und dou da dada aa dadirn" http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=MDnByMSXjM4 regards matthias
  9. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,9595.0.html http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,9430.0.html ;)
  10. SLP

    Sid Chips

    If you want a 6851: I've got one lying around. I don't need it cause I've ordered some 6852 at Wilba. I'll sell it to you If you want it... 15$ that's the same price I've paid to the person I've bougt it. I don't remember the name, but he's on the forum, too.
  11. SLP

    Sid Box

    IMHO the questions you've asked are all answered here
  12. After reading Stryd's story about hearing loss, I became curious and wanted to know what the "pros" (yes, I mean you guys :)) are using for protecting their ears from loud noise/music. I'm using those at the moment. The sound is really good, but even the golden filter doesn't damp enough. (I'm just 3 meters away from the drummer) (link, click on the picture for a closeup of the frequency/damping table) I wanted to buy some special plugs a week ago, but the guy said that 27,7 dB damping @2khz is the absulote maximum, so even those special plugs who are being adapted to your ear don't help in case of a hyperactive drummer. The next step would be to completely close the ears with common earplugs, but that'll sound pretty awful :-\ So, what kind of hearing protection do you use and what do you recommend?
  13. As far as I know, the USB_PIC_Module has many bugs (=does not work good). Why don't you buy a USB-MIDI-Interface? They cost only ~20€ Where are you from? (Country?)
  14. Alright.. I didn't take to quite serious anyway ;) I think I'll study electrical engineering at the TUM. They said that they'll take anyone who has passed the A-levels - no matter how bad you were ;D
  15. let's just stay there ;) Yesterday there's been a so called "Studientag" at the university in Regensburg. There you were able to inform yourself about what to do after your A-levels. And now I'm seriously thinking about abroad community service ("anderer Dienst im Ausland") to avoid military service. Has anyone of you already had any experiences with something like that? nILS: Why souldn't I go to university?
  16. Aber sonst gehts Dir schon noch gut, oder?!? ;D Meine MB_SID gammelt jetz schon ein gutes halbes Jahr im Regal rum. Aber irgendwie will ich nicht weitermachen.... wahrscheinlich aus Angst vorm Troubleshooting ;D
  17. well,... it could be that I overreacted a bit... :-[ I'm just a bit sceptical about persons like Chewi. Why? because of this guy that called himself "BlueLantern". He sold midiboxes for profit on ebay, what is forbidden because it's TKs (Thorsten Klose, the "inventor" of midibox) IP, and because it's open source. I'm sorry If you felt offended by me, that was not intentioned, But this was the first thought that came in my mind when I saw your post. The probability that you want to sell MBs is quite small, so I think it would be appropriate for me to say: Sorry for the inconvenience and have fun building your MB_SID.
  18. I think ganchan just wants to know how the SIDs sound. 6581 can often sound very different. sometimes the filter sounds different and sometimes simgle oscillators or/and the filter don't work at all.
  19. I was thinking the same when I first saw that layout. But on the other side your panel will have 3 instead of 2 dimensions as on the picture, so it'll probably be easier to locate the buttons/LEDs on the real panel as it is on the picture.
  20. Versuch einfach die Knöpfe mit dem kleinsten Durchmesser zu bekommen, die du finden kannst...
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