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Everything posted by xarolium

  1. xarolium

    module box

    Salut Ksir, Connais tu les modules de chez e-licktronic, il ressemble étrangement à tes modules de 8 potentiomètres
  2. This is Mouser 's mistake it's a 40x4 LCD look at datasheet
  3. beau projet en effet, :thumbsup: Avec quel soft as tu créé le design?
  4. En fait ce ne sont pas 1378 parametres car a chaque changement de layer tu enregistre tous les parametre precedent dans l'eeprom ce qui fait que le programme ne gere que les parametre directement accessible et pas ceux des autres layers. Tout dépend de ceux que tu veux faire. Si tu cherches un soft pour créer de circuit je te conseille vivement Eagles qui est pour moi le meilleur soft de conception de circuit. Sinon si tu veux simuler ton circuit la il te faudra utiliser Proteus ISIS qui est un excellent soft aussi mais je trouve que l'interface est moins accessible pour faire des circuits que celle d'Eagles Ce n'est pas forcement vrai car tu peux faire un fonction de "rattrapage" de l'ancienne valeur du paramètre un peu comme sur le JUNO106 ou 60 ceux qui veut dire que lorsque tu changes de preset la valeur de ton potentiometre ne changera que lorsque tu auras rattraper son ancienne valeur (je sais pas si c'est très clair). Exemple: tu bouges le potentiometres 1 sur le layer 1 jusque la valeur 127 (MAX) ensuite tu passe au layer deux et là la valeur de ton potentiometre sur le layer 2 vallait 20 (par exemple) et bien tant que ton potentiometre 1 ne sera pas egale a la valeur 20 le parametre ne changera pas. Ceux qui fait que tu sera toujours obligé de remettre "à jour" tes potentiometres. C'est vrai que l'alternative des encoder avec un led ring est beaucoup mieux car tu visualize tout de suite la valeur sur le led ring.
  5. Salut Juice721, oui tu peux leur assigner autant de fonctions que tu veux. Tout depend de ton programme oui, idem à la 1e question oui encore. En fait suivant le programme de ta Midibox, tu peux assigner autant de couche que tu veux à chaque controleur dans la limite de la mémoire du processeur mais tu es loin d'arriver à ces limites. Dis en plus sur ton projet cela pourrai interesser la communauté.
  6. Thank you Nils for this precision but i ever try to contact Doug without any answer that 's why i ask the question on the forum I hope he will answer soon.
  7. Dear diyer, I would like to build my own design of the MB808 but i could not find anywhere the PCB file or the eagle schematic file. Do i miss something on the forum or the file aren't available. Do you think Doug you can share your work? Thank you Xarolium
  8. it 's very generous!! how much is shipping to Reunion? Have you got some picture? thank you
  9. On the juno 106, there is AOP with the capacitor how S/H the voltage from the 4051. Look at here
  10. Dear Midiboxer, I was looking for analog synthesizer and i found this think http://www.leboncoin.fr/instruments_de_musique/331571618.htm?ca=26_s i don't think this guy respect the rule of midibox community :ermm:
  11. I'm waiting that TK approve that i could sell it. but i think about 350$ or an exchange with an other analog stuff like preamp, synth, compressor ...
  12. Dear TK, I would like to sell my Midibox SEQ V4 because i don't use it anymore. It's complet and working, in a woodbox with a front panel from schaffer... Ps: Sorry for the PM.
  13. I was looking on the web site Dorkbot but i didn't find any information about Shipping. Someone can tell me how much is shipping to France. thank you xarolium
  14. Dear Midiboxer, I would like to build some new module for my modular synth and i need professional PCB. I saw on the web that there is a lot of different company (PCBcart, Eurocircuit, expressPCB, RayPCB...) who make PCB but i don't know which one is the "best" in price, quality, delay... Thank you to share your experience with this different company or other. Xarolium
  15. UP! Dear Midiboxer, I tried to send "DCB string" (keycode 0xfe,data 0xa4 note on C2, 0xff end of the string) trough MIDI out in my JUNO60. Like DCB protocole is 31250 hz communication ( same as MIDI BAUDrate ) i hoped that my Juno 60 played some note, but nothing happend. I believe that the clock signal have to be send too, i'm right? I reed this Wikipedia article about DCB protocole here and i dont understand what's the "Busy Data" Is there aénybody how could explain how interfacing DCB protocole with MIOS8 core Thank you Xarolium
  16. UP! Dear Midiboxer, Is this project still in developement ? I bought a matrix 1000 1 year ago and control it with my BCR2000 ( a behringer controller) Unfortunetly the Matrix 1000 Cpu is very F---ink slow. Any live control are impossible. That 's why i ask if this project still life ? Best regard, Xarolium
  17. Hi Midiboxers, Thank you TK to fix MIDI In Bug I would like to know if its possible to improve IMPORT MIDIFILE fonction. Like you describe on the V4.0Beta19 when you import midifile every note came with the same lenght. Do you think it's possible to change it that when i import my MIDIFILE i keep the lenght note i edited on my Software sequencer. I don't know if it's clear what i'm trying to explain Sorry for my Frogy english Xarolium
  18. xarolium

    Midibox CV

    Yes je vais t'aider t'inquiète je te lâcherai pas tant qu'il ne fonctionnera pas
  19. Ok i think i'll buy some 10k potentiometer it would be the easiest solution thank you for your help
  20. Dear Midiboxer, I just buy a Matrix 1000 and i would like to built a Chaos Matrix I have a big stock of 10k Log Potentiometer and i would like to know if it's possible to change the AIN response to match with 10k Log instead of 10k Lin potentiometer Thank you, Xarolium
  21. thx for zour fast answer I already have the Ultracore but how did you connect the matrix 1000 in Midi? Midi In MX1000 to Midi Out Core Midi Out MX1000 to Midi In Core Keyboard out to Midi In I2C is it good like this ? An other thing . Why, in your din.h file do you define two time the DOUT pin 4. once for DOUT_DCO2_CLICK and the second for DOUT_DCO2_NOISE Is it the same Led?
  22. Dear Julien, I bought a matrix 1000 and i would like to built the controler I know that i need : -Pic Core module -1x AIN -1x DIN -1x DOUT -1x I2C module But i don't know how did you connect the DIN, DOUT , AIN on your Pot, Switch and Led Could you please tell me how do you do ? Thank you Xarolium
  23. Le problème est résolu Merci votre aide (sur le forum international)
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