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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. Most cheap headphones i know of are usually under 60 (Sixty) Ohms, maybe thats what you meant? You'd really need an impedance that low for use with mp3 players, otherwise they'll be far too quiet, and will require a headphone amplifier to get a decent amount of volume.
  2. Let me know how you get on with them Enth, a personal favourite of mine! With ASID XP the appreggiated lead used to mute after a few seconds, for me, and when i tried Sidplayw it had a lot more serious problems!
  3. My midi interface was the E-mu 1616m (cardbus). I'd have been more specific if i knew i was going to be quoted. :wink:
  4. You may have a working c64 with broken PSU also! I chucked out an old c64 that was giving me a black screen when i turned it on, only to find out later that the PSU was ruined, it couldnt even power an mb sid with just 1 sid chip. Re: T-Shirts Maybe we could start a separate thread for them, so people can contribute designs/ideas, for general MIDIbox tees. You wifes art on flickr is awesome btw, maybe you could coax her into painting a design or something hehe! ;)
  5. Not to forget, the impedance value of your headphones will also have an effect on the overall volume.
  6. Tut tut! I'm disappointed with you guys! Happy belated Birthday TK!
  7. Smithy


    Most original design ive seen.
  8. Hehe, i was trying to figure out if you combined "Joe" with "Gerbil", to get your username! :) Im surprised now that you didnt. :unsure:
  9. "nILS" - Is there anything he cant do? Are you sure you're not TK's long lost son? :wink: Ye seem to push the envelope a lot further than anyone can imagine.
  10. NEED MOAR MB tshirts. Ill have an MB-6582 shirt thank you.
  11. Trying to show me up now are we? heehehe good work. :)
  12. If you just want to use the usual chat page in your browser go here: http://mibbit.net/chat/ Type in a nick, and #midibox as the channel and you're good to go.
  13. Smithy


    What the hell is this! A design for a midibox traktor controller or something? It looks brilliant!
  14. I have started a guide to organizing a Bulk Order in the Wiki: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=how_to_organize_a_bulk_order If anyone would like to update it, edit it, add to it, please do so. And when its finished, maybe we this thread could be stickied. Cheers.
  15. Cheers boops, ill transfer the list to the wiki, as soon as i have worked all this stuff out, and im ready to order. Ill most likely create a new thread when im ready to take names, just to keep it clean. I got some good advice and info from the TheProf also, cant beat asking someone with experience. I'm also writing a Guide to Bulk Orders in the Wiki: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=how_to_organize_a_bulk_order Any suggestions and contributions are welcome, feel free to edit it.
  16. Yeah wiki + email when we reach 25 will be good. Ill have to find out the total weight of the package, and the cheapest and best way of packing these things also. Not to mention paypal fees, this will be my first time organizing a bulk order, and i think it would be best to write a guide to doing them also in the wiki. I'll PM TheProf for some of the info i'll need.
  17. Cheers Flip. Just spotted some good news on RS. "Orders for Global Range items with a total value of less than €100 are subject to an additional shipping & handling charge of €15.60" Click here, look on the right hand side. This additional charge is free since we'll be ordering more than €100 euro worth of PT-10s. Some other good news is that there is no standard shipping charge either, i.e from RS to my house, because there is free shipping on all orders over €100. Its only €4.40 for anything under €100 anyway which is really good. I have confirmed this by looking at the total in the checkout. So if we order 25 or more of these babies, the price per PT-10 including VAT is €16.80. Then its a matter of adding on the cost of postage and packaging from Ireland.
  18. Flemming just pointed out that products with the "Global Range" status, must be shipped in from Texas, and additional costs apply. I will find these out tomorrow. PBE in germany also sell this case for about 18 euro inc VAT according to an old post on the x0xb0x forum: http://www.pbe-shop.de/shop/448.html If anyone in germany reading this could request a quote from them it would be great. I'd imagine PBE stock them directly, so it would be much better to buy from them instead, instead of waiting for RS to get them in stock after you order, and having to pay extra for the inconvenience. :ahappy:
  19. Smithy


    OI! Get them nice panels off your lawn! ;)
  20. [:clover: post warning] Not to mention the weird shape it could end up, like a half pyramid or something: Otherwise you'd end up with a lot of unnecessary space around the CS panel if you had to have it square. :tongue: I guess if someone else wanted a Sammich Base PCB only, they could both combine their orders, lol.
  21. Offered 5 dollars. hehe, maybe everyone should follow suit...
  22. Wilba knew well how much sids can go for on ebay, but he decided to be a nice (crazy) guy and sell them to us for one of the cheapest prices.
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