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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. Step 1: RTFM! http://www.mb6582.org/sammichSID/sammichSID_Build_Guide_v0_96.zip Step 2: Search for "R4A" and all is explained. Btw theres an unfinished sentence in the same paragraph.
  2. No need, you only use a burner to install MIOS BOOTLOADER, not MIOS itself. Since the BOOTLOADER is pre-installed (or pre-burned) on your pic, all you need to do is to install MIOS again, click wait for upload request, and switch on the sammich just like you've done before.
  3. Oooof, according to this page the supply is unregelated: http://cpc.farnell.com/jsp/level5/module.jsp?moduleId=cpc/263667.xml But isnt the PSU circuit regulated anyway? Does it matter? meh
  4. I plan on using this "chat approved" PSU: http://cpc.farnell.com/jsp/search/productdetail.jsp?sku=PW00870 I will be hacking off the 2 pin dc socket (for multiple dc plug sizes that come with it), and Soldering a 7 pin DIN plug to it, so i can always fall back to a c64 PSU if needs be.
  5. Nice blog phile. Re: JB Weld, i bought it from this English ebay seller for a decent price, might be handy for other users: http://stores.shop.ebay.com/DISCOUNT-CAR-PRODUCTS__W0QQ_armrsZ1
  6. Before i even read this comment i was thinking the exact same. Very abletonesque indeed.
  7. Reminds me of the McGyver intro for some reason! Im guessing its a "midi delay" i.e. it copies the incoming notes and plays them back a second time, after a chosen time interval, to achieve a delay like effect. but thats just a total guess, i havent looked into the application at all yet.
  8. Smithy

    127 Arps

    With that attitude none of us will end up sharing anything! :wink: Me thinks you should upload the handful of patches, and you can always upload a finished bank in the future :yes: Patch sharing is almost non existent on here, well lately anyway!
  9. Yep, silly me. I was thinking of "how to change to the Ensembles bankstick", instead of changing the ensembles themselves. :/
  10. Uggghhhh. It was you who changed my profile pic to pokemon wasnt it! Ghey. (alarm bells, im guessing that must be the character "misty".)
  11. As seppoman says, the problem was caused by uploading the wrong hex file -> setup_8580.hex setup_8580.hex != setup_mb6582.hex Just making sure others dont think this was solved by some sort of miracle. Always use setup_mb6582.hex for mb-6582.
  12. Have you tried sending the first Control Change listed in the parameter chart? :wink: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fsynthesizers%2Fmidibox_sid_v2%2Fdoc%2Fmbsidv2_cc_chart.txt
  13. Beautiful! How will you be applying the lettering?
  14. Sorry, i cant really understand what your English, could you try rephrasing it? Is there no sound from the Gunshot & Helicopter Patches? Or is there something wrong with the sound? Or are these patches empty? :frantics:
  15. No problem! I went for metal film resistors automatically, didnt really think about which would look nice! As i can see you put more thought into this, so your list should be fine! :ahappy:
  16. Simca you're handling this order like a pro. Thanks again for the knobs. Be sure to update us whenever you finish your mb-6582!
  17. I've been putting together a mouser list here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=smithy#gm5x5x5_part_list If someone could doublecheck it, it would be great. The Sil headers/pins are not included.
  18. I'm currently putting together a CS parts list in my page on the Wiki: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=Smithy When its finalized it will then go into Wilba's CS Parts List, and i will try and clean that page up, as well as add alternatives, e.g the OrientalDisplay Red on Black LCD Feel free to add.
  19. Wilba could you please confirm which of the following 4 cables on this page it is: Molex Linky They appear to be stranded and tinned from your pic, and the diameter doesn't look so narrow, so my bet is on either 24 AWG, or 22 AWG, stranded and tinned. Unfortunately this is the only cable mouser have stocked in a sane quantity: http://ie.mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail.aspx?R=25001-0802virtualkey53810000virtualkey538-25001-0802 Would you recommend it, if i cant get the tinned one?
  20. The colour of the marking too is something i've never seen before. Would be cool if they are fully original, and GOLD EDITION 6581s!
  21. The closest shop to you, is in germany. Have you looked at Mikes Midishop? http://www.mikes-elektronikseite.de/mshop_englisch/ And everyone is in the same boat as you when it comes to paying customs duties when paying postage. Since the goods are of high quality and are the cheapest they can be, its worth the postage imo.
  22. Smithy

    127 Arps

    And btw, it might be a good idea to have a Patch folder in the MIDIbox SID download section. And also, if the restriction on attaching .syx files to posts could be lifted, that would be great also.
  23. Smithy

    127 Arps

    Can we post non arp patches here also? Or should I start another thread? Here is the first patch i've made that im happy with, I started with Analog Dream 2 and start twiddling a few knobs. It could probably do with a little more tweaking / automation, but i think its got a "fat" sound... Irish whiskey.zip
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