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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. LOL! Yes. I had completely forgotten the audio socket was directly above it.
  2. Did you use some sort of black LED holder thingy Wilba for mkI and mkII?
  3. My initial guess was using noise and a high pass filter. I found a tutorial here however, half way down the page. http://documentation.apple.com/en/logicexpress/instruments/index.html#chapter=11%26section=24%26tasks=true
  5. Received a letter in the door from Schaeffer today. It was just a copy of the invoice. Then to my complete surprise, the panel was delivered by UPS an hour ago. I was expecting it to arrive on Thursday, as it was still in Germany last night. The replacement looks great, no paint outside the engravings, no residue. I'm really pleased, and it was nice of them to sent it by some premium UPS, you can check out the deliver speed below: http://wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/processInputRequest?tracknum=1Z4021A50497321627 This company has one of the best levels of customer service i have ever experienced. I would thoroughly recommend them.
  6. That looks pretty cool Luke! Nice and compact 4 x sid(V-sid) beast! Not sure how i missed this first time round.
  7. They must be watching us , *squints eyes from side to side in shifty manner* :shifty:
  8. Schhaeffer got back to me sehr early in ze morgen, 7:15am! saying they would investigate what went wrong, and sent another email 13 mins later: "It seems that the colleagues doing the quality check didn't realize that the colour was not yet dry. When the panel was shrinkwrapped, the colour was drawn out of the engravings." They have agreed to re-manufacture the panel and ship it up tomorrow, i should have it by thursday. Top quality customer support and service imho. And thanks to Wilba and the dudes in the chat for the support.
  9. TK? Can haz nilz banned nao plz? kthxbai! Edit! He changed back the poll results! boo!
  10. Howdy, received my Schaeffer / FPE panels for MB-6582 and i noticed a few minor defects with the infills on the Front Panel, nothing too big a deal. So i said i'd put up a poll to see what people think. Im not sure if this is the "norm" or not. Here are the clickable thumbnails: In the Mod Matrix, the white line next to Pulse Width is duller than the other white lines. Note: Lines appear bent on right hand side, due to bad camera angle. * R is messy * N in Menu is very messy * V is messy in Curve * T in oscillator has a bit of a tail * White smudge around N in Envelope Also, how does anyone know hot to clean inside the Red Lines? I remember it asked on here before, but it was asked before the forum change-over, so the search wont show the post. Any feedback/suggestions would be appreciated.
  11. Nice! Green on black lcd would possibly even be nicer! Blue leds with good if it a "cooler" look too. *shivers*
  12. Have you installed the jumper at J11?
  13. Yay! The first video with midibox source code in it?
  14. Good work David. Im watching your presentation on sound chips @ Blip now, very interesting! http://ploguechipsounds.blogspot.com/2010_04_01_archive.html
  15. This is how Spock would compose music on the Starship Enterprise! :thumbsup: Absolutely beautiful and futuristic looking, i love it.
  16. Smithy


    Ur sammich haz chicken pokz.
  17. I never thought i'd be on here recommending a local artist, but i think this track is seriously good. The chorus is overpoweringly addictive. Broad Bean Band - Okidoki http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy0MAE_gzG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy0MAE_gzG0 Its a single female artist too, not a triple female act like the video suggests almost deceivingly. :wink: Shes big into analogue synths too by the looks of it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXTyPPOZ-Y8
  18. A few days ago i was blown away by this video..... until today. Not knowing anything about formant synthesis that is. Flemming pointed out in the chat, that you need a lot more band pass filters to achieve some vowels, and now that i watch the video again it seems that theres no modulation going on for some words! So is this video 100% definitely fake? Such a shame if it is!
  19. Bump! What fuses would you recommend for the c64 brick, inside the plug itself? (Im assuming the plug fuse can be counted as primary side also?) I was thinking of a 1A Fast acting fuse, just in case anything was to happen the mb-6582, yes i've started it. ;) "Fast-acting fuses have no intentional built in slow-blow and are used in circuits without transient inrush currents. Fast-acting fuse opens on overload and short-circuits very quickly. This type of fuse is not designed to withstand temporary overload currents associated with some electrical loads." Would one of those be okay for use on 230V mains? Have no idea what cases you could have temporary overload currents or not. :/
  20. In the Drum Engine, if you have SQC = * (Internal Sequencer Active), and its playing back, if you then go to the Random Generator Menu, and Press All, i notice that the Sequencer gets deactivated after a random patch is generated and playback stops. Would it be possible to allow it to keep active when random patches are generated? Or maybe its mandatory to reset the oscillators or something.
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