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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. Which i had known about that before i destroyed the gm5. :/
  2. Thanks a lot for the reply Wilba. Yeah ive only 6582As to my name now, so I'll probably go with option B in case i get 6581s down the line. I was thinking it was better to use both rails alright, as the current load will be shared between both rather than just the 9V AC. Sounds like hte thing to do!
  3. Yes, I'm finally going to start mb-6582. :wink: However i will like to have a choice of using PSU Options A, B, and C down the line. Im planning on doing this by soldering SIL headers on J71, J72, J73, J74 and using pin jumpers to configure each option, (as opposed to soldering permanent bridges.) Is it possible to stuff V1, V2, V3, V4, C13 and C14 on the board, without them causing any problems provided the jumpers are set correctly? Is there any other important things i have overlooked, or need to be aware of? Any help will be thoroughly appreciated.
  4. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_0YTZJpJ8Jp8/Sj8Yc2lejaI/AAAAAAAAFiI/IWxcJWzLRo0/s400/excuse_me.jpg I was thinking of a monome type thingy at first, But now u haz added sliders so i was lik , wtf i dunno.
  5. It looks epicly fun alright! Oh momma, thanks for sharing. Theres some awesome projects on there. Like individual clones for each TR-808 drum. Mmmmm, must make nao.
  6. Smithy

    All buttons mounted

    Bored again i see? :P I was staring at that pic for a long time, thinking it was just one perfboard, and was trying to figure out what these metal hole like things were sticking out of it, until i realized it was a photo taken much higher than i thought, of multiple perfboards, and lots of buttons!
  7. BAH and +1 to the OP. Isnt the captcha for registration enough to prevent spam?
  8. Is this is about as minimal as it gets: http://www.asciilifeform.com/parallelsid/parasid.html But of course you'll need a computer with an old printer port. Not sure if a usb to parallel cable would do.
  9. U iz 2 slow, so i buyz RS7000 insted, kthxbai. :wink:
  10. Yet? Hes sold a few thousand 6582 (the same as 8580) since then, but unfortunately the stock seems to have dried up since.
  11. This related site is also excellent! http://misuse.su/vse-posty/ One of my favourites:
  12. Awww isnt he so cute all wrapped up in his little bed there. I hope you sent him back home by 1st Class! ;) (Deutsche Post)
  13. Just spotted this through google, didnt spot it on the forum! And its pretty awesome! Is the frog sent by post, or does the blogger actually visit each place? Btw, this should be blogged on midbox.org! :wink: Although MIOS Studio 2 is a bit more important!
  14. Didnt spot the Kaffe logo reply the last time round. And on a seq-related note, you can haz finish this project plz? :wink: http://midibox.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=8364 An MB Midi Looper, would be sweet, if anyone wants to make one! I cant really find any dedicated midi loopers/loop pedals out there.
  15. Knowing TK, he may have added an option where you can choose between Enabling or disabling the original notes!
  16. Heat isnt the only cause of a pic restarting, usually its due to a loose connection or a short.
  17. Everything you need to know is available on: http://ucapps.de http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/ - The Wiki and by searching on the forum. The community encourages people to read first and then ask questions, just to let you know. :thumbsup:
  18. This is absolutely awesome! It is like the Arcade Cabinet of music production, in terms of shape, fun, and ease of use! Google Translation: C'est absolument incroyable. C'est comme la borne d'arcade de la production musicale, en termes de forme, le plaisir et la facilité d'utilisation!
  19. Smithy


    *DROOLS* :frantics:
  20. Smithy

    303% Aciied

    The uber elite ML-303! That community is almost like a Secret Society, i still dont know how one gets the schematics!
  21. Oh and btw Rosch, the guys said 1A was adequate by using a 9V AC (Option C) only! So you *may* need something better rated for the 5V DC line, at this point id recommend you find out for sure!
  22. I guess you could use a 7 Pin male DIN connector for the wires coming from both transformers, (just like the plug on the c64) So you could use a pin for GND, a pin for 5V DC, and 2 pins for 9V AC. That would it make it backwards compatible with a c64 PSU, as long as the correct pins are used.
  23. 9V AC is what you want for MB-6582 Rosch, since its a bridge rectified circuit, 9VDC will not work properly with a rectified circuit. Its designed to convert AC into DC, so passing DC into this circuit will have a different effect. "PSU Option C: People could generate 5v from a single unregulated 9v AC supply." For the gurus: From the wiki you get the impression you MUST use Option C if you're not using a c64 psu. Why cant you just use Option A with a 9V AC Adapter, that has a 7 Pin DIN Connector soldered to it? EDIT: Option A uses the 5V DC rail of the C64 PSU also, (as patiently explained by Flemming in the chat. :thumbsup: ) P.S nils and smash said that a 1A rated PSU is more than adequate.
  24. Lyle i only had a quick look, but looks great. Do you have any future plans to allow a userto create a mixer, add/move knobs, set cc values etc.... at Runtime, via the GUI? And allow the user to save the mixer as an xml file at real time also. Havent tried creating my own through xml yet, but looks cool so far.
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