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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. I just noticed there that its the data entry wheel, i never noticed those LED's before. http://www.breun.nl/images/CME_UF_5.jpg I wonder can it be used with vsts etc.. like the behringer BCF/BCR, as in the LED ring updates with the knob on screen. ???
  2. Thanks, i didnt actually know it ucapps was on svn, or that sites could be put on SVN. Must check that out.
  3. heh. If the docs were migrated to the wiki they would have to be locked from public editing i guess. :/ I just realise even the main page can be edited publicly (well regged members anyway) I wonder is there a quick and easy way of converting html to wiki, using an add and replace function, or using a script of some sort. Now, what other suggestions can i throw in your face.....hmmmmm How about a RTFM! link at the start of your sig? :D
  4. No no! Do it the other way round!!!! Out of curiosity I was searching the forum and the wiki like a mofo, trying to figure out if you had to use an AIN to do this with v2 and couldnt find out, then i RTFM! and it was all there in front of my eyes, in glorious detail! :P Actually i was just thinking, what do you think of the idea of having a search function for uCapps too? Even just say a google search box on the frame or something? :)
  5. Here is a possible alternate solution, which i dont have time to look into atm: http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=NLdoNvS16HU The guy in that vid is using a multi platform program called PureData to transform NRPN values, so he can use his BCR-2000 controller with an alesis micron. Of course it means using a computer in conjunction with your midi controller but at least its an alternative way.
  6. TK after reading your replies and also the STM32 page, I would just like to point out once again that your accomplisments never cease to amaze and inspire me, and so many others.... by how you keep pushing the metaphorical "envelope", Constantly adding what seems like an infinite range to its "decay" and "sustain" level... by having such a clinical, dedicated and optimal work ethic, Kicking the MIDIbox concept further into the future than i can ever imagine. It is this amazingly kind,selfless and passionate attitude that makes me realise how beautiful a thing humanity is, and can be. And this is also dedicated to all the other key MIDIBox players who work their asses off, to help this community reach its full potential. Observing this sense of community spirit has warmed my heart many times, and i just felt like expressing my gratitude to help make ye more aware of the positive impact ye have on peoples lifes and their music. BTW - I'm completely sober writing this, (maybe hard to believe due to my nationality ;) ) drugs inclusive i'm just high on that MIDIbox Love. :)
  7. i have a newly acquired Novation KS 4 myself, and it would be a godsend to use that for controlling an unfinished MBSid. In my manual there's a look up chart for the NRPNs recieved/transmitted. I suppose its the same for yours, and it would be a matter of modifying the MB-Sids implementation Chart to make the NRPNs recieved compatible? ??? I'll have to go searching now to see if its simply a matter of editing something like an .asm file, like when you want to modify the default Control surface or if its a more complicated matter involving programming.
  8. My apologies for not spotting that first time sound seppo. I was/am viewing the forum on my phone so that didnt help either. pS whoa :o That is some heavy sid usage there, its my first time hearing what trully can be done with a lot of sids - leads and pads wise i mean, not forgetting TKs poly demos. A video demo would probably max out matrixsynths bandwidth for the month! :P
  9. *Explodes congratulations on such an epic feat Rutger! I'm speechless. Which of the synths that we hear in the demo are sids? Stryd, maybe it would be a good idea for Tk and some other high ranking dudes to store the layout in his safe, incase theses interest for a bulk order in the future!
  10. Are you sure? I'm pretty sure all you need to do is make sure you have to correct Voltage Regulator, in each sid module, and you could have any 2 sid chips in a stereo setup then. Sure the instructions received from the core are the same for all sids.
  11. Smithy

    Max for live

    Ah cool, i didnt know which of ye had full admin rights to the forum control panel. Polite PM sent. ;) Will send it now!
  12. Smithy

    Max for live

    http://www.ableton.com/home?movie=3 heh, you aint gonna be able to embed that vid! Edit: Could someone pulllleeeze enable Flash Embedding on the forum! The button up on the toolbar is a waste of space since the feature is disabled by default!
  13. Does anyone know off hand what the limit is to the amount of encoders and switches you can have with a MIDIbox Sid? For the seperate modules, not the MB-6582 pcb.
  14. Giving this thread a bump! Can anyone suggest good online places to buy either pre made audio cables, or the cut wire and & components for them cheaply. Trying to avoid places like reichelt with heavy minimum orders. Any good ebay sellers out there that people have dealt with? Cheers.
  15. Ah, my humblest apologies for confusing it for a CC chart TK. In future ill just make suggestions if they could be useful to me (i.e when i have an mbsid finished) instead of just wasting the time of others, when it can be put to so much more important things MB-related! I guess people with the minimal control surface, or no control surface at all would benefit the most from direct CC's, so i guess they would be the best people to suggest them.
  16. Ooops, sorry about that, must knock that habit. I dont understand what you mean by an alternative CC map, i was just suggesting linking the main parameter map on the main manual page. Maybe i confused you when i said I changed the name from "Parameter Chart" to "CC Parameter Chart", so it would be recognised as a CC chart easier?
  17. Why dont you ask me to...... um, oh wait! ;) http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midibox_sid Is that cool? I changed the name to "CC Parameter Chart" because its more recogniseable than just parameter chart, at least for noobs like me!
  18. Thats great to see. I think it would be really worth putting a link to that on the Midibox Sid V2 Manual page. Just like each synth manual has a CC table before the appendix. Edit: Just spotted theres a link to it in the Lead Engine: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid/mbsidv2_parameter_chart.txt I wonder would it be worth giving its own section on the manual too though.
  19. Health is my top priority. - Start excercising everday to stop ongoing indigestion constipation dehydration etc... - Start doing the buteyko technique daily (asthmatics should google this - or non asthmatics like me trying to improve oxygen intake, circulation or general health) - Do an IT course, and get a job - Build the MB-sid + mb-6582 - Learn/practice subtractive synthesis for once with a real hardware synth without stopping to check emails!!! - Produce music. - Do videos demonstrating the MB-Sid, and possibly do a mini doc on the history of the sid chip.
  20. First reply and form filled in and sent! ;)
  21. Get that shit up! Some really nice 'lectro sounds i must say! good stuff! Ye've got great energy.
  22. Yeah, cause the whole puprouse of going to gigs is to check if the act's interconnections are okay! :D
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