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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. I posted a link to a zip file with the .jar file inside. I have no idea how you're seeing class files unless you clicked a different link to mine?
  2. Why do you want to make your own project with the ICs? Have you got the necessary experience and skills in electronics / board design, and programming? Sounds like you'll have to reinvent the wheel! If you do have all those skills then I guess it won't be a problem for you. I guess the question about 4 channels can only be answered by you and your personal needs. For making dos style "chiptunes" one chip should be enough but for the professional tunes it might be nice to have 2 or more. its pretty cheap to add more anyway. I presume you've seen Sauraens thread about his custom MIDIbox FM with the 4 chips? That would be a good start to see exactly what's involved, he did say it's not an easy project to replicate though mainly due to his custom control surface that doesn't have a designated single PCB.
  3. Apologies for the 3rd post but I've noticed that either my LED count or yours is off. Here is a link to my Google Sheet for the LEDs required for Quad Genesis without Light Pipes for the LED Rings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e7PeWjyg9Qxluu4zSR4OnmTipwN3ZEPqNWFs5G1rmXw/edit?usp=sharing (I'm going to use Green instead of Blue LEDS for the LED Rings as you can see) When I add up all the LEDs in my sheet I get 533 in total (bottom of the document). But when I add the LEDs in your dokuwiki I get 553, which is 20 extra. I presume you know the total amount of LEDs required for the project or at least can find out easily using Kicad or whatever, so we can see which figure is wrong. Thanks. BTW: I'm not including the Numerical LED Displays in this total, just the 3mm leds and 4 x bicolour leds (5mm)
  4. And one last thing that mystifies me. For the TriForce parts TF1-TF3, you have Red Green and Blue next to each. But for the life of me I cannot see any holes for LEDs for TF1-TF3. Were you thinking of adding on 3 extra leds to create a coloured Triforce or something?
  5. So getting real close to ordering everything. Im currently writing up a spreadsheet with a list of the LEDs required for the version of the front panel without the light pipes for the the LED rings. Sauraen just one thing I noticed about the FM widget, particularly the 4x BiColour Red/Green LEds for the operator nodes. I noticed you're not using light pipes for these in your video, and also they're not pushed through the front panel. It looks like theres a gap or a hole if you will. Is it possible to push these through the front panel? Edit: I see now you're using 2 single / separate Leds in yours, 1 green and 1 red with the anodes of each in common. I presume if I order the Mouser ones you linked I can easily push them through the front panel?
  6. It's not Java Script, it's a Java executable. Just download and install Java on your machine and run the .jar file. Make sure the midi in and midi out of the MIDIbox SID is connected properly otherwise you won't be able to open the patch editor interface.
  7. Do you know off hand what maximum height the oleds need to be? both the ones Peter and Johey linked are 9.3mm high.
  8. Totally forgot you suggested this at the meetup. Cheers!
  9. Hi johey! Any chance you could post a link to the polish site you bought the OLED's from? Hoping they have some green on black in stock!
  10. Right now I'm trying to figure out which LED colour scheme for the full LED Rings. Theres 4 options here, basically the encoders are turned all the way clockwise so all leds are illuminated. The first option shown (ATK Rate) is how Sauraen has his configured, (except with Blue LEDS instead of green.) Technobreath prefers this option. I think the first and second from the left look good. The 3rd option has a yellow LED to indicate the midway point. And the 4th is like how a dj mixer or mixing desk shows the volume on a channel, although looks a bit weird in a circle. Thoughts?
  11. I have to say I quite like the alternative Genesis Digital FM Synthesizer logo. its a bit like having a Commodore logo on the mb-6582.
  12. Since this post isn't getting much replies I'd recommend posting a thread in the SEQ forum with much more detail. Like the record mode, track & quantize settings you're using and maybe uploading the pattern files to see if someone can replicate the problem. Give as much detail as possible. I'm afraid I don't have a SEQ yet to help you.
  13. Actually it might be worth adding this information to the Wiki. I can do it if you like, and maybe embed the photo you sent. What length are the nylon spacers you used to stack the Genesis Modules? And also the male headers and female sockets for the headers? I see the 4th Module is using longer spacers but I presume you were just using up what you had to hand.
  14. This is answered in the wiki me thinks: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=mbqg_fp "The spacing between the underside of the front panel and the upper side of the PCB is about 0.27” (7 mm), which is originally defined by the encoders and the 3D printed buttons are made to match this. I used 1/4“ nylon spacers/standoffs from eBay plus a flat washer (4-40 or M3) to achieve this spacing. I used 0.75” 4-40 screws to put together the front panel, in which case the depth of the assembly was 0.75“ with the electrolytic capacitors and pin header / IDC connector sticking out past this. The panel and PCB can be fastened together with 4-40 or M3 screws. "
  15. Thanks a lot Sauraen! I didn't realise that you stacked the genesis modules on top of each other, I like the idea of using headers instead of cabling for the data lines and power lines.
  16. Thanks a lot man! Technobreath has volunteered to design a wooden case. I wonder if its possible to get the dimensions of your own case when you get the time? Maybe the angle of the slope of the wedge shape also. And if its possible to make them even smaller if theres a lot of space. Looks like the missing parts of the puzzle are coming together with help of the community! :)
  17. For the power supply I'm thinking about going with this 5VDC 1.5A Switching Power supply. http://cpc.farnell.com/powerpax/ptd-05015b/ac-adaptor-5v-1-5a-regulated/dp/PW02343 Would you recommend connecting 2 Voltage Regulators like the OKI-78SR-5 you suggested to it as well as the fuse holder? I want to keep it simple, so would just like it to run from a 5V power supply only. Also, I may be getting ahead of myself but where can I download the compiled firmware for MB Quad Genesis? I checked the MIOS SVN, especially trunk/apps/sytnhesizers, expecting it to be there.
  18. Sorry for the vagueness! I mean the enclosure for the synth! Do you by any chance know the model of the project boxes you found? I wonder if they can still be purchased as they're perfect! Edit: I see in your original MB FM video that its an electronics training kit. Id almost buy a kit just to use the enclosure!
  19. Just wondering if anyone else out there is building this project also? Has anyone found a suitable enclosure for the Front Panel? I'd like to have these things finalized before I order the front panel parts.
  20. Okay here's a legitimate question. In the parts list is says to not populate R14. But in the Parts Chart it says its needed for "Any board you want to include a SN76489/94/96". Have i spotted an anomaly?
  21. Thanks guys. More stupid questions to follow...
  22. Hi Sauraen, I'm compiling my parts list on mouser and just wanted to confirm: Chip U3 - 74HC137 - 3-to-8 decoder with enable, for selecting board and sound chip Only one chip and one bypass capacitor is needed in total for a Quad Build right i.e. Genesis Module 1? Since I'll be using jumper wire to specify the number of the other 3 Genesis Module boards. Thanks.
  23. Theres a log here of a build which uses the MB-6582 base board and a C64 (not c64c). http://www.subatomicglue.com/sidl0g/#07.21.2007 it should give you some insight as to whats involved.
  24. Its sad it came to this after 15 years of service and it won't be the same without you as the go to guy. But thanks for being such a huge contributor To MIDIbox over the years and for everything you've done for us. Wish you the best of luck in the future.
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