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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. An oldie but goldie! Reformat The Planet Chiptune Documentary - 2008 Uploaded officially in full by the makers, with very insightful annotations. Edit: I can't seem to post the URL without it embedding the video, so here's the Playlist link: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYHDWc9GPZU&list=PL3FF92D5E85762A75]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYHDWc9GPZU&list=PL3FF92D5E85762A75 [/url] "Reformat the Planet (RTP) is a feature length documentary which delves into the movement known as chip music, a vibrant underground scene based around creating new, original music using obsolete video game hardware. Familiar devices such as the Nintendo Game Boy and Nintendo Entertainment System are pushed in new directions with startling results."
  2. Really glad you liked it! :thumbsup: This is definitely one of my favourite SID tracks of all time. Orcan - Solomatic Fly /edit TK: track starts at t=29m57s Download MP3 + SID: http://fonix.dyndns.org:40000/soasc/index.php?av=0&sb=SOASC&ss=solomatic+fly&sr=React&did=0&#did1
  3. Track made by a female artist from Nothern Ireland using a Gameboy with LSDJ: You can stream her album for free on her bandcamp: http://chipzelmusic.bandcamp.com/album/spectra
  4. Feel free to post your favourite chiptunes here, any platform - the more diverse the better! Only found this track tonight, I never knew the POKEY chip could sound so good: I would really like to see more fine examples of Atari 8-bit music if anyone knows any! Here's a performance I think is very epic, especially the last 3 minutes. A Gameboy with 8 foot controllers + an FXdoctor 8bit fuzz pedal: More to come soon!
  5. Thanks a lot TK! In that case, I'll have to build one! ;)
  6. BTW, that site is probably the best place at the moment to find SIDs for sale besides ebay. Its also excellent for buying Commodore hardware.
  7. I just have one quick question, does the Midibox SEQ 4 have all the midi looping functionality of the 4 LE? And can you have 16 Live MIDI looping tracks with the full blown SEQ? As opposed to 2 Live tracks with the 4 LE. Thanks in advance.
  8. http://www.amibay.com/showthread.php?t=30296 I just came across this sale while browsing, so I cannot vouch for the seller. What I would do though, is register on the forum, and look at the users previous posts. Or even ask on the thread if anyone bought from him in the past and the good were delivered. Also might be worth trying to beat down his price of €25 + p+p each. If enough of people ask for a more reasonable price, then they will most certainly get it.
  9. Absolutely fantastic. Just goes to show how well MB-Seq can work for jamming with yourself, or other people.
  10. Yeah, lets hope what he says about the midas team helping him to output better quality is true. Does anyone here own a 32X? It would be interesting to see if the quality of the desk is as good as Uli is saying. I have it's predecessor the DDX3216 á la dodgy Power Supply.
  11. One useful thing about Thomann which Uli pointed out, that I never took notice of before: Thomann have the failure rate for each manufacturer on the top right corner of the manufacturer's page: http://www.thomann.de/gb/behringer.html As you can see Behringer clocks in at a rather low 0.73% in the last 3 years. Obviously one would wonder if that figure is the real figure and not made up. I could only imagine how high the % would be for the last 15 years! ;)
  12. This thread should make an interesting read. And should provide a clearer insight into Behringer and Music group, and the direction they are moving them after the acquisition of Midas. http://soundforums.net/varsity/4299-uli-behringer-music-group-q.html People didn't exactly hold back with the questions also. :wink:
  13. PiMag Volume 2 is out today! ;) http://www.themagpi.com/ Mmmmmmmmmmm......Pin Porn!
  15. Smithy

    Psu main mixer 02

    Do NOT plug headphonez in2 dis! :wink:
  16. Thanks for the nice pms and replies guys, I felt I better come back to clear things up. I think I may have overestimated user cit's involvement with Mode Machines. At first I thought he was defending them so much that he was involved with them internally. But now I realize he was mislead by the completely false story they gave in their defense. link Somebody can allawys redirect him to the thread in the SID forum if he doesn't know the full story. As for me leaving the board. I just feel like taking a new direction the moment, and also feel that I have been spending too much idle time online posting on forums, and could do with a break. I feel this will help me concentrate on being more productive offline and using my time more efficiently. So for now I'm going to go back to just viewing the board, but I might come back in the future to share MBSID patches, demos suggestions etc... Think of it more as: "See ya later, oscillators!" :tongue: I wish the community a happy new year and a bright and promising future. Take care!
  17. Disclaimer: The views contained in this post are not representative of the greater MIDIbox community * Well....as this is will be my last and final post on MIDIbox, I would like to dedicate it to the amazingly kind and hardworking man that is Tim. SmashTV, this is in tribute of you my friend. There is only ONE man who is kind enough to reply to such a rude members e-mail on CHRISTMAS DAY!!!! (seriously wtf?, who else would be kind enough to work voluntarily on Christmas Day when they deserve to spend every second with their family) There is only ONE man who is, and has always been polite and gracious enough to offer an INSTANT solution to such people . (Even though he has every right to reject their demands because of their offensive attitude. This is not solely aimed at you inotec, there has been many, many others......unfortunately) There is only ONE man who is selfless enough, to sell extremely high quality boards and components for such a miniscule price to the community, the lowest price possible believe me, even though that tiny amount of money must feed his family. (this part is what breaks my heart every damn time I think about it.) There is only ONE man who can stay polite and helpful when dealing with an and pushy member, EVEN THOUGH the member is linked to, supported and defended the actions of a company owner which intended to completely break the non profit license, by stealing an open source MIDIbox project and illegally sell it for a ridiculously greedy price of €1500 per unit. Link 1 Link 2 Link3 (The most ironic thing I have seen in my life. I would have completely refused to mail boards to anyone who is linked to such a company. I really hope I don't see the SEQ on their website soon) There is only ONE man, who when asked by an agent on behalf of a global Superstar DJ, to answer many queries over the space of months, in aid of building a tool for this DJ.....was kind enough to agree on the promise that MIDIbox would be given a humble mention when people asked about the device. (Of course, the DJ took full credit for creating the device in all interviews, and MIDIbox was NEVER mentioned. The Elite never fail to shit on the kind, hard working people) There is only ONE man, who has the good will and patience, to put up with this bullshit on a regular basis, and lots of other crap that I may not even be aware of. Tim you are truly a one of a kind, stellar individual, and an incredible asset to the community, and the people that recognize it will be forever thankful. I often feel that you give far far more than we deserve and can't help but feel guilty. Thank you for all that you given us. But of course I am wrong, there IS another man who has always been just as patient and professional in dealing with some of the biggest threats to his community, and creations.... And that is you TK. I have always been taken back by your level of professionalism, and your passion for sharing your wonderful creations with the world for free, when you could easily have sold those creations for extremely large sums of money. Thank you for giving me the pleasure of building and playing with such wonderful hardware that brings me a LOT of joy. To finish up, I would ask that whether you're a viewer, poster or even of a moderator of the MIDIbox community, to be more emphatic in your actions and communication with fellow members, and to refrain from letting any negativity or frustrations in your personal life pour into the community. (I'm knowingly writing this in vain as you'll always get some assholes unfortunately) I honestly wish this community every success in the future. Some of you may find it hard to believe, but I am blood sober while writing this post, I'm just speaking directly from the heart. All the best, Adrian. * If you are offended by any of what I have said, remember that I am an ex-member of the community, and please do not judge entire community by the views expressed in this post.
  18. What's up with you being so anal lately? :rofl: Hehe, as you know I'm a bit "spaced out". :thumbsup: I think spacing out lines in a long post makes it a bit easier to nibble on, smaller chunks at a time rather than having all the text in one big chunk. Looking back now, I went overboard with lines 5-10 though. :unsure: Re: TLDR, this is RPi Admin Jamesh's take on it which I found intersting:
  19. Had a look at the beagleboard.org site on archive.org for 2008, and it looks just like it is now? a nice blog, a lot like the RaspberryPI site. Nothing like that hideous "wiki" and mail archive on the Rhombus Tech Website. At least the beaglebone site links to a google group for public discussion. The fact that some of the people involved are T.I. employees helps generate trust for sales too. You do make a good point about the price tag being seductive though, but this price tag seems unrealistic to me if it has to fulfil 100,000 orders in one batch. For that figure I think the site needs to be far more inviting. Did the beaglebone sales come anywhere close to this figure for their first batch of non-alpha boards? Worst case scenario is that the price will increase but hopefully will stay "seductive!" :thumbsup: Shitty website aside, limiting themselves to a PCMCIA form factor will be quite a challenge, some people reckon there simply isn't the room to have enough layers for traces, and stability of signals is a concern also. One of Rhombus Tech guys, user: lkcl addressed some of the concerns and questions here: http://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/12/17/1429221/pcmcia-computer-project-aims-even-higher-and-cheaper-than-raspberry-pi#comments There is also a thread about the Rhombus Tech project here, where people talk about potential obstacles. http://www.raspberrypi.org/forum?mingleforumaction=viewtopic&t=1551 Those links should make for some good weekend reading! :thumbsup: Edit: Some Piccies of populated boards on the RPI Blog and a testing status update! yay!
  20. Definitely not, especially with their rather un-welcoming website! They're going to need to work a lot harder on seducing public interest to achieve 1/10 of the amount of those pre-orders. While producing the PCB as a PCMCIA interface has excellent low cost advantages, it's also going to present challenges in keeping the signals stable enough at the desired frequencies. Then again in the future, the manufacturer they're working with, might release their own nano sized low cost PC and fulfil the amount of units it would take to get the price down close to $15. It's good to see a bit of rivalary going on though, hopefully it will prompt a lot more of these low cost devices.
  21. I predict an explosion of new SOC devices next year! Looks like the RPi could have a far more powerful and cheaper rival that is in early development atm. A Community Interest Company called Rhombus Tech, which is a daughter company of RH Technology in the UK, is planning on producing a $15 Allwinner A10 processor based PC, in a PCMCIA form factor. http://elinux.org/Embedded_Open_Modular_Architecture/PCMCIA This processor in already in use in Chinese Andriod 2.3 tablets in the sub €130 range. Here's the spes of the Allwinner A10: http://rhombus-tech.net/allwinner_a10/ 1.5ghz Cortex A8 ARM Core MALI400MP OpenGL ES 2.0 GPU 2160p Hardware-accelerated Video playback (4x the resolution of 1080p) up to 1gb of DDR3 (800mhz) RAM a NAND Flash Controller that is capable of 8-way concurrent DMA (8 NAND ICs) as well as supporting up to 500mhz DDR2 RAM 4 SDIO interfaces (SD 3.0, UHI class) USB 2.0 Host as well as a 2nd USB-OTG Interface (USB-OTG can be reconfigured as USB 2.0 Host, automatically) 24-pin RGB/TTL as well as simultaneous HDMI out SATA-II 3gb/sec 10/100 Ethernet (MII compatible) a 2nd 24-pin RGB/TTL interface that is multiplexed (shared) on the same pins for a standard IDE (PATA) interface. GPIO, I2C, PWM, Keyboard Matrix (8x8), built-in Resistive Touchscreen Controller, and much more. Details are pretty sketchy atm, and the Rombus Tech is very bare: http://rhombus-tech.net/allwinner_a10/news/ At first their website looks almost like a hoax, but if you manage to navigate around and find the mailing archives and FAQ section, you can find more info about the project. Their little size mockup of what the board could like doesn't do much to convince us, but I guess it's early stages yet. Hopefully we'll get a lot more info in the new year.
  22. Okay, mebbé we can haz enough I/O's nao! http://www.raspberrypi.org/archives/411 Gert van Loo, who did most of the heavy hardware lifting on the alpha boards we sent out to developers a few months back, is a familiar name to our forum members. He’s a friend of ours who works at Broadcom with Eben, and in his spare time (the spare time that he hasn’t been dedicating to the Raspberry Pi itself) he’s been working on an add-on GPIO expansion board. Use it to flash LEDs on and off, drive motors, run sensors and all that other fun stuff. Beginning to see visually where this will take things. :)
  23. Smithy


    A picture from a digital camera is never truly representative of LED brightness or colour. Can I haz edit 4 "full quoting" 2 plz? /rolleyes
  24. I'll be killed for saying this, but I don't think it looks that bad, I actually like it! Its very faithful to the c64, and very fitting to the whole 8-bit and retro concept. It may not be as conventionally pretty as a x0x or an mb-6582, but for some reason it still appeals to me, in a big way! Dissing the aesthetics of it is almost like dissing the aesthetics of TK's MIDIbox SID, an image which I would actually prefer to the MB-6582 in terms of authenticity. It's funny how that image gives me a different feeling, something that I simply cannot explain in words. Having said that, the SID Groovebox thingy could benefit from nicer buttons, and look a little less x0x like. I like the layout of the knobs though. Edit: After reading the Thread fully in reverse order, I now see where the source of peoples frustration came from.
  25. I can haz make circuit diagram wit dis plz?
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