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Everything posted by Antix

  1. Uhm.... I dont believe there is tea in that glass :whistle: Lucky man...she has got a charming voice. Greets from South Italy Antix
  2. is really amazed by MB6582 :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jojjelito


      The 6582 rocks, as does France :) Well, and a whole host of places. There, noone's offended...

    3. Antix


      And I have only 3 SIDs on it...just Ebuyed a C64...hoping it haz a working 8580 into

    4. Hawkeye


      opening them up is like christmas -albeit it adds to your bad karma points :) I had one that was totally rotten inside but the 8580 worked (needed some disinfectant, though ;-)

  3. was betrayed by a jumper

  4. Antix

    MB6582 Supply

    http://www.retro-donald.de/pages/hardware/basteleien/powernetzteil.php Here some info :smile:
  5. is etching while waiting...

  6. Antix


    From the album: Antix MidiBox SID

    Waiting for the silk screen for MB6582 panels I etched and assembled my first MB-YM2149 boards.
  7. Hi Thorsten, Are there some red PCBs or only white? Best regards Antix
  8. Antix

    TWINsid V1.1

    Really great job man! :thumbsup: I am starting to desire the .BRD files. Do you will share them? P.S. Do you fixed the problem of the encoders? Regards Antix
  9. Check the soldering of the pin 21 on GM5 chip too
  10. as usual have to wait ( for panels silk screen this time )

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Antix


      getting old ...hoping to become wiser ....surely with the great value sweet MB6582( just phoned to the typist and he ensured me that the panels will be ready on next Tuesday - Have I to believe him? )

    3. jojjelito


      Wish for it, thus making it so. Program your own reality - it sometimes work :)

    4. Hawkeye


      Wish there are no typos on the panel :-) Does he use old-school typewriter? :-))

  11. Antix


    You are welcome :smile: I hope that the hum disappeares Have a nice weekend you to Antonio
  12. Antix


    SID powers Vdd 9 / 12 V Vcc 5 V anyway the ground is common with core so probably 5 V can influence 9V The caps are in parallel 2 x 2200uF ( 4400 uF ) usually I use "larger" capacitors for " large " current power supply so I think that only 2200 uF it is not enough for 3Amps... when you start to need more amperes a little capacitor may cause ripple. try enhancing capacitors value. ( to reduce RS use two caps instead of one bigger for example : two 2200uF instead of one 4700uF) Regards Antonio
  13. Hallo Ihr Fehler ist keine montage. Das gleiche passiert mit mir .... es scheint normal, dass die Tür 5 die LED weniger hell. Es tut mir leid für schlechte Übersetzungen Gruß Antix
  14. Antix


    I used two low RS 2200uF 35 V Nichicon capacitors ( total of 4400 uF )
  15. Antix


    Not really relevant as I made the first test with computer loudspeakers. I heard no hum...only the classical SID noise. I will advice you as I will test with a serious audio setup. Greets Antonio
  16. Hi, As I already saied I am interested :thumbsup: So... I am in WAIT mode Regards Antix
  17. Antix


    Thanks Peter Green for 5 orange for 9
  18. Antix

    MB6582 Supply

    MC78C05T FTW! 3 Amp TO220 5V Voltage Regulator http://www.datasheetcatalog.org/datasheets/166/438769_DS.pdf
  19. Antix


    From the album: Antix MidiBox SID

    Green Atmo
  20. Antix


    From the album: Antix MidiBox SID

    New life for 8580R5
  21. Antix


    From the album: Antix MidiBox SID

    The boxed Supply
  22. now knows...it lives !

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hawkeye


      it really gets alive in bassline mode, when connected to a distortion pedal and an overpowered guitar amp :-)

    3. Hawkeye


      overpowered guitar amp = back to future style :-)

    4. Antix


      but don't break loudspeakers ;)

  23. Just received :thumbsup: Thank you Thorsten Antix
  24. Use for the core regulator 7805 a heat sink for ensure him a long life :smile: Regards Antix
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