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latigid on

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Everything posted by latigid on

  1. Use the MIOS terminal command "testaoutpin" and ensure that you can control each of SO SC RC1 (maybe SI but it isn't used for AOUT). The issue could be further up the line.
  2. Hi, For IDC cables, the most important thing is that the red stripe or pin-1 marker is on the same side for both ends of the cable. It doesn't matter if the cables loop back around using the strain resistance or not, or in other words if the ribbon enters from the top or the bottom of the connector. Shrouded headers on the bus boards will force the connection orientation though, so if the cables are "twisted" with the red stripe on different sides, the power polarity will be reversed. Maybe your power distribution has non-standard female headers? Pictures would help. I don't think it's related to this though for the A1 module. Red lights on mean the op amps are correctly powered and with the -5V offset. For the superDAC board, I hope that you didn't plug in the Eurorack power there? Pictures of the murder scene? Overheating is possible; what soldering temperature did you use? Having no output would be unexpected. I know that sometimes channels just become less linear. You should have +5V on the red pins, 2.048V on the blue pins. Yellow should be the DAC output. You should be able to measure this voltage or on the 11-pin header. Check the cables as usual.
  3. +5V or -5V? Inputs or outputs? You mean you can't change the voltage of the outputs? If you followed the tutorial, the LEDs should glow red with negative voltage. Or did you use different LEDs? How are you sourcing the +5V on the Euroceiver? Still over USB or with the regulator/jumper? From the description, I think the DAC is not outputting any voltage, so the transmute8 board defaults to the -5V offset. This could be caused by no +5V power AOUT not configured (select module type AOUT) cables/improper board-to-board connections/cable in wrong J19 missing RC1 jumpers Even without any transmute8 board connected, you should be able to measure voltage from 0-2.048V from the output header when running through the calibration procedure. Can you measure a voltage on the jack output? Maybe the gate output is configured as inverted on the AOUT SEQ menu? You can try another octal board. Check the soldering around R1/LED1/IC1.
  4. The SRIO (J8/9) and J19 SPI require some sort of +5V, the source of which is selected by J5 (or SJ5). So the USB (power only) can be one of those sources, otherwise it can be regulated down from the Eurorack +12V or passed through the DB-25 cable, though I don't recommend the latter as the wires are quite thin and there will probably be a voltage drop.
  5. Hi Niels, you would need some sort of +/-12V power supply for the modules. Do you have any old 12V wall warts or other PSUs around? You might be able to rig up something. Best, Andy
  6. !! Thanks for the beer! 0.01kOhm = 0.02% of 50kOhm, so pretty well matched already. Probably the offset current of the TL074 has a larger effect, but still it is nice to try and match as best as you can. Plus, we will calibrate each analogue channel on the SEQ individually.
  7. Try to hold the yellow backlight button down for a second or so. At least this is how it works for my 87V meter.
  8. Hi Niels, These pins are intentionally bridged; see also http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_aout.pdf (amplifier circuits now a bit different and available on the transmute8 page). The next run of PCBs will indicate this a bit clearer. On the plus side, no need to unbridge these if there's too much solder! Have fun building! Best, Andy
  9. @Cow_Patty ah, I see that I misinterpreted your post, I figured that you wanted to bolt on displays to a BCR2000, now I read that you want to replicate/extend it. I think your idea is feasible and it looks quite similar to what is planned for v2. By all means, go for it as this is what MIDIbox is all about. The limit of banks is 255 I think, just they need a method of selecting them. @FantomXR no firm release date yet, anything in mind from your side?
  10. Alright, I'll bite :) From personal experience, these sort of retrofits to existing hardware never lead anywhere. In fact I have had a BCR2000 in pieces for many years. It is possible to hack it and turn it into a MIDIbox but you will have to understand the layout, connections and so on. It sounds like you don't really have the skills for that, hence I recommended an alternative that would probably accomplish what you are after. If you do have the skills, then I apologise in advance, but it doesn't sound like it from your post. Many of your questions demonstrate a lack of understanding on basic MIDI protocol. Most of the others could be answered by working through the MB_NG pages: http://ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual_fs.html Well you got an extra response out of me, but please be patient when starting out. I know you're probably eager to get started. History shows that if an idea is too difficult to follow through on (hacking a controller, overly ambitious project etc.), 99% of the time the person doesn't complete the build and never comes back. Anything is possible if you have the skill and patience to do it. You could refine your questions. It is a big block of text to read through straight out of the blocks. Here are answers to your questions: 1.1 NRPN 1.2 Incremental encoders 1.3 http://ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual_ngl.html 2.0 Yes 3.1 http://ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual_ngr.html 3.2 Yes 4.0 Yes 5.0 Not sure, but ProgrammA will use a concept of superbanks
  11. You could get the PCBs you want and incorporate them into your own controller. Everything will keep the typical compatibility. midiphy stuff is not final yet, but should be an encoder board and core. Go for it!
  12. And this is what v2 will be . Sorry Bruno!
  13. IMO just wait for ProgrammA v2, it will be awesome :).
  14. You need to assign the shift register to the triggers in the HWCFG. Then the triggers should work on AOUT channel 16. With the new firmware version you can adjust the pulse time of the triggers.
  15. Nice to hear you got it resolved! The (tented) via that you mention is the SO signal, so that ties in perfectly with your observations. The likely short was to 0V, so the 595 registers never received any bits to shift in. Best, Andy
  16. I'm also looking forward to the new design :)
  17. That's the correct orientation for RNs. I think the set dout command should still work after an .NGC is loaded. If you can't set the DOUT pins, then the sink side (cathodes) of your matrix don't work. As the behaviour is common to both boards, my guess is that there is an issue on the Core or one of the connecting cables. Check IC1B pins 4/5/6 (4=0V, 5=buffer output, 6=buffer input for SO) and back to PB15 on the MCU. It could be a soldering issue with the J8/9 header, the IC or that the header pins don't make sufficient contact to the female connector or similar. Check IC1B, pins 11/12/13 (RC1) and back to PB12 on the MCU, though the shift in should still occur on the RC2 pulse, which from your working encoders suggests that part of the SRIO chain is functional.
  18. Sure you can buy protoboard without copper or just drop a normal piece in the etching solution or even file off the metal. It's also no issue to widen some of the holes.
  19. How are your 10-pin resistor networks oriented? The 74HC165 inputs of IC3 should be at about +5V You haven't soldered the switches in, so are you confident that you are properly closing the switch pads? Maybe try to bridge them with metal tweezers or similar. Make sure set debug on is active. You should be able to control the 74HC595 pins (or resistors R1-8 from the MIOS terminal with set dout x 0|1. Each 595 has 8 outputs so IC2 is 24-31 for _R and 0-7 for _L. During normal running of the (correct) .NGC you should measure some voltage on the pins of IC2, which controls the sink driver transistors.
  20. How about veroboard/perfboard? Needs fairly standard spacing to work though.
  21. Photos of the rear of the PCBs would be good. Did you measure any input with set debug on? Try connecting only JA and test with seq_l. Try connecting only lemec_l and test with seq_r.
  22. What is the jumper setting with J5? Choose USB to power it this way. (check the +5V rail is not shorted to 0V)
  23. Thanks for the clarification on the CV channels. I could see a usecase for four modules if the velocity function was added, which I didn't remember BTW! This could add some expression, e.g. as a mod source mixed into a VCA -- great! And the accent trigger on the spare gates is awesome. For the drum triggers, I figured it was a code issue, as the clocks are easy to calculate in advance. In the meantime I think Andrew implemented a pulse stretcher in hardware, but if it is not too much effort I'm sure more software flexibility would be welcomed. Besides, we have the option of the standard trigger length, which I guess is one "step" long? Best, Andy
  24. Wow, amazing! Are the CVs distributed out on J19, so the same RC1 channel or is RC2 used as well to double the transfer rate? What is the maximum data rate? Is there a functional way to use all 32 CVs with only 16 tracks? Polyphonic tracks? While you are in the code, maybe an extra request from Andrew: http://midibox.org/forums/topic/21161-trigger-outs-4ms/#comment-184712 Is it possible to set (or preset) the drum trigger length to something longer? This is already available for the clocks but I couldn't see an easy way to do it for triggers. I find the proposal too cryptic. It would IMO be more intuitive to display more information on the FX page/menu.
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