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latigid on

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Everything posted by latigid on

  1. Okay, you've twisted my arm. It's nothing much as I'm still getting used to the different modes. http://youtu.be/bvshXbsrHjg
  2. Can I just say that the implementation of the BLM works impressively well with the SEQ -- hats off to TK. It's really nice to scroll through the tracks and have every one update on the BLM. I can imagine the new step recording will also be great; hold any button and a MIDI key to quickly enter a pattern. Things really start to get wild when messing with the length and direction parameters :).
  3. Hello, I could do a big order from Mouser but being in CH everyone would have to pay extra VAT... there could be a possibility to go to the post if I'm visiting DE. It makes the most sense to bulk order LEDs and the silicone buttons. I have one extra set of 300 blue and 300 green LEDs that I can already let go for cheaper and there's discounts for over 99 pieces of the pads from adafruit. You need 18 sheets per BLM, plus 1/16. I could also provide some of these single buttons to save buying an extra sheet. The other components are readily available from Mouser but it's less effort from my side if everybody orders from them, plus the cost savings are insignificant. As for an update the basic concept is working well with a few tweaks. I am waiting for the case to be made, after that I will start to collect orders in the next few weeks.
  4. Maybe it's a 8/4 bit LCD issue? What driver type is it? Does this help: ?
  5. Isn't it normal that CS isn't enabled for the slaves? The CS can only control/be controlled by one PIC at a time, and that data is forwarded to the others when required (as far as I know). I don't know what's happening with the LCD sorry, but you should check the wiring.
  6. From memory you have to get the SID application on every Core individually at the first install. Afterwards you can "clone" updates via CAN (I guess CAN isn't configured otherwise). Nearly there I think! :flowers:
  7. There's a hex file you can send via MIOS to change the headers. Once each has the correct ID you can address the intended PIC using the "Device ID" box on the middle-left of MIOS studio. I always query the PIC to make sure the transfer works properly before uploading hex.
  8. Please read here: http://www.ucapps.de/mios.html Then flash your PIC with the bootloader. Afterwards, install MIOS Studio on you computer and upload the MB6582 application via MIDI.
  9. If you have bootstrapped PICs, do they have the correct device IDs? Are you addressing the right chip in MIOS?
  10. Any thoughts on just using three pins with PWM control?
  11. White soldermask sure shows up the flux residue!
  12. Humble pie! :turned: No big deal with the 3M socket, just clip back a bit of the plastic and it fits under just fine!
  13. ^^ yep! An upside of this is that they also use less power (i.e. higher efficiency). Generally people stick to linear regulators for audio as the noise can be problematic. But the technology is improving all the time.
  14. This should really be a sticky topic, but: the best practise is to use a high-current linear PSU outside of the box and replace the 7805 with a modern switching Vreg. You can then use linear Vregs (7809 or 7812) to supply power to the SIDs.
  15. Are you measuring the correct DOUT pin? Remember that they're mirrored.. You'd need a scope or logic probe to read the SC/RC/SO data pins correctly. Can you connect to a known working Core and use the MIOS command test_DOUT pin (I don't know the correct method for this, you have to search yourself). For DOUT without AOUT, :whistle:
  16. Are you sending notes on the correct AOUT channel? I haven't done this by the way, I have the old system with a level shifting solution.
  17. Hi, this should hopefully work (TK's words not mine...) CV_GATE_SR1 3 That should send the gates to the first SR on the DOUT. Good luck! Andy
  18. Indeed, you can see the PCB traces here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=wilba_mb_seq:wilba_mbseq_pcb.pdf
  19. Use the adjacent header to daisy chain the next series of shift registers through a new cable. They're the chips on the DOUT in fact.
  20. No worries, and there's no hurry for major changes This was my idea for a 2-3 rack unit front panel for the SEQ: MBCV would be similar but with CV inputs and clock outputs for the right hand connectors.
  21. I think in combination with a BLM, having the ability for each track to send its own gate would be a powerful feature. If a gate event is already defined in the SEQ then it would be great to assign this event to an arbitrary DOUT pin if it's possible. Even if this repurposes the 64 available gates/triggers on AOUT channel 16 gates -- I'm not sure if anyone is using this feature ( ?) Many thanks, Andy
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