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Everything posted by jojjelito

  1. Hi, The issue with the LM 317/337 is that they require more external components, but: they have lower ripple than the fixed voltage regulators. If you're really picky this is what you want
  2. My go to shop of choice for This would be Small Bear Electronics! Their shoppe... They have some fakes that are half the length and are upfront about it. But they have clones from Cool Audio or Shanghai Belling. I don't have any such, but I could maybe be talked into selling a couple of TDA1022s to a damsel in distress. /Johan
  3. I want an Ambika! Nao!

    1. gslug


      Ooh. Looks impressive.....

      .....and expensive!

    2. Hawkeye


      looks fine! and sounds great! :)

    3. Shuriken


      I am curious too. But i am afraid it will be 300 euro+

  4. Cutting pots. Yuck! There has to be a better way than a saw or a Dremel!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. technobreath


      OR. you could grab a piece of wood, drill some holes in it that the shaft fit into. Make the wood just thick enough to make whatever u're cutting off poke out the other end, and saw it off using an angle cutter or some similar tool. Then u can do several at the time without hazzle...

    3. Hawkeye


      progress on the modular! great :)

    4. jojjelito


      Yup! Too much living in the way, but now... Summertime and sometimes bad weather...

  5. Brooding breadboard bonanza :sorcerer:
  6. Totally not MIDIbox: Had an epiphany, updated to Reason 6.5 and purchased the Fairlight Platinum Refill for my 80's cravings and more. Awesome stuff! http://bitley.laconicsounds.net/

    1. Hawkeye


      what did you see? in the epiphany? :)

    2. jojjelito


      I saw the laptop, self-contained

      The MBseq, the modular and MIDI also running on its own. It all came together in the mix :)

    3. Hawkeye
  7. Awesome! Analog! Artistry! :flowers:
  8. jojjelito


    Got some cheap 2HE case at Banzai once. My 1HE cases all come from dumpster diving
  9. jojjelito


    Have IN tubes, will build the M. Bareille plasma VU meter. Google it
  10. Testing my universal USB programmer. Works with PICs, Flash, EPROM so far :)

    1. Hawkeye


      nice one! me haz only got a very simple 5$ one for avr stuff :)

    2. jojjelito


      Got myself an AVRisp as well. I have to back up the EPROMs of all those ancient synths before they get auto-suntanned.

    3. jojjelito


      But the 5usd thing is a start :)

  11. Stophlex! The man, the myth, the filter box master! Soon, I too will go to Dalarna (home!) and celebrate Midsummer! Skål
  12. jojjelito


    Yum! An evening of solder fun and you're good to go :D
  13. Cool track! Nice to see a little BLM action also! Then sprinkle some FPV on top and it's ready to serve
  14. Smells like a win. Will there be even moar gear soon? Sniff sniff...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hawkeye
    3. jojjelito


      I soo want one! It's not vintage Korg or Roland overpriced :)

    4. technobreath


      Interesting yeah. I have never tried a chroma. On the other side this sounds awesome!

  15. I was able to score a bunch of those for about 2.20€ each a while ago. I bought them at Encitech. If that becomes too expensive, drop me a PM. I could send you one or two in that case. Edit: Encitech were out. Eek! Cheers! /J
  16. I think it's only yet another example of the little bank emulating the crook methods the bigger banks use. It ranges from extortionate fees to sheer economic terrorism (Goldmann Sachs et al, looking at you!). One could argue that the card companies wanting a cut out of every transaction, or PayPal etc do the same thing. But, their fees are less. Wish more people had the decency to accept PayPal or something similar and told the buyers to pay the fee (gifting money thru PP etc) if losing a small amount of money is that much of a trauma. Telling the banks to GTFO is the only way to make them adapt to the 21st century for smaller customers too
  17. jojjelito


    When real (electronic) instruments won't work, such as in a power outage, these plus candles still do
  18. jojjelito


    That's more like it! Lovely desk!
  19. jojjelito


    Eww! Not electronic enough
  20. Tank God Sweden doesn't have the Euro or US Dollar. All those coins could have stayed in the 17th century However, this means that a bank transfer to the Eurozone costs something like 10-30SEK. By law it can't cost more, but the sheer inconvenience! You have to know routing codes, the address of the recipient's bank and correctly write down numbers which are longer than will fit on a 2TB HDD. I'll take PayPal, Payson (local Swedish variant with escrow) or Google checkout any day! Plus most companies take this convenient invention called a card. Welcome to the 1970's! The transfer method is too cumbersome, so I'll just take my business elsewhere. Life is too short...
  21. Yes I'd wish they'd fix the wires 'cause my baby don't know that I'm leaving in the morning and I'm ready to go

    1. gslug


      Haven't listened to Upstairs at Eric's in years.

    2. jojjelito


      My Spotify @ work decided I'd dig some 80's music today :) Took care of passing the time while writing documents...

  22. jojjelito


    Nice! What's in there?
  23. Well done! This was some choice lounge house for those lazy summer days! Cool and minimal
  24. Phew! Dude, be very careful with 230V (or 240V or 115V for those living an ocean away)! Always measure first! Add fuses when in doubt. Take care and good luck!
  25. Just found some missing bits for the modular... Time to clean house and take inventory :p

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. wicked1


      I'm remodeling my basement and workshop, and am in the same situation.. I'm finding parts all over the place, and even a complete module! I just posted a pic of my modular.. should be in the galery. I'll take it out in a few days as it's not exactly midibox....

    3. jojjelito


      Nom nom nom! I'm getting there. My modular uses a MB-seq v4 as sequencer, MIDI to CV so it's somewhat MIDIbox :)

    4. wicked1


      I do have the seqv3 and aout, so it's a bit midibox, too.. just not in that pic. Also, can't wait for the new midibox cv! That'll give us tons of modulation sources, EG's, which I'm not opposed to being digital.. then leave the analog for the audio path. Should make future expansion easier.

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