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Everything posted by jojjelito

  1. Wow! That's one really nice looking Buchla. The only thing I have at the moment in terms of a video is something recorded yesterday with a partially wired up panel. It only showcases the oscillators and the wavolver. I'm setting up a Vimeo account, but some work remain before the machine is fully working. There's no demo yet fit for public consumption. Thanks for your praise, it warms me seeing it comes from one of the masters.
  2. Wow! You've got RSF gear by the truckload! I read about your earlier involvement in the MIDI/CV side of things and sent some thoughts of gratitude. Nice to see more analog hacking meets MIDIbox!
  3. Did you get the prescribed encoder component? Some other encoders are 12 detents per revolution, some 16, 20, 24, 48 etc. If you get a 48 steps per revolution it might explain your observation. Might be worth checking out.
  4. Rosch, Haha, nope. I just like the design choice of a rack box and a huge detachable remote. Like latter Akai samplers such as A6000. I'm happy with my Sequential Prophet VS.
  5. Dat sound soo sweet! Arpeggios on the run. Well done :)
  6. I like it just 'cause it's hilarious. When I grow up I also want to be in videos with scantily clad women like that :whistle:
  7. It was the easiest to use sampler ever. Shame they folded. But, you have the monster Prophet VS rack too. It's really chunky.
  8. Julian F did my panel just beautifully (need to put it on Flickr) so I'm going at it Prophet 3000 stylee since the rest is already done. I fear a dramatic failure, but you have to take some risks in life.
  9. Was thinking about hex cutouts (Shruthi case style), but haven't made up my mind. Somewhere on that forum there's a case thread which has a bewildering array of cool case design variants. Maybe the Sammich is also using hex cutouts, I don't have one so I haven't looked that closely. I need to fire up Inkscape and draw some shrooms so I'll see what flows out. I won't draw a case this week though :hmm: There's the tiny bit of the panel wiring and finishing the modular first. Cheers, Johan
  10. Do it! The 9090 silently kicks butt...
  11. It's up to TK if he wants to implement that kind of security measures. Edit for clarification: Stronger security around the whole software framework is a good idea! I personally don't think it's cool to require hardware purchases before being able to form an opinion about software. Where's the DIY ethos if you live somewhere remote, can't easily get SmashTV PCBs, so you decide to roll your own? I think both kinds of peeps should be catered to. I'd get Smash stuff any day of the week, I have enough of my own PCBs to etch and drill... However, Mode Machines will lose karma over this. I was contemplating getting a nice wooden end-cheeks Krautrock Phaser, but I'd rather get some PCBs to support the children/family of the late mr Jürgen Haible and build it myself. If MM wants to use shady business practices (this plus associating with Shitforbrains - the master of broken Xox kits) it will come back and haunt them in the end. Cheers, Johan
  12. And yes, I'll publish this for all too see once I sort out web hosting issues etc. Plus takes care of copyright etc. Just as a precaution against being ripped off.
  13. I'd totally be on this like a fat person eating a burger (looks at self) if it was possible to get just the seq PCB. Thinking about putting that in a table top "remote" for the existing rack. Added myself to the list for the SEQ-related bits just in case. Edit: I haz a belly... which is melting off
  14. Once I'm through smuggling seals, I should start an underground railway for PCBs that need to cross the border. Customs should go easy on this one as it wasn't the most expensive thing I've seen. /J
  15. OMG, that's one fugly xox/CBM hybrid design! Cheesuz, get that gfx out of this page... This is the living embodiment of next level aesthetically challenged. Can't bear to watch it any more. I'd kill myself if I designed something like that and put it out to public sale. Now where's that barfing smily, La Kotze? :no: Good thing there's still time to collect myself before dinner. Edit: Shouldn't normally have reacted that strongly. Had this been home-made it would have been quite OK, but the combo of being a total rip-off of a labor of love you love and respect, plus looking like that made me temporarily lose my will to live.
  16. Oh noes! Here's hoping for a fresh compile. Just as the subgenious needs slack, my speakers need moar SIDs when I solder.
  17. Note: To put it more specifially - the input is AC coupled through C13 and C14. The opamps are standard TL074 so they go from -15+1.5V (-13.5V) to +13.5V or thereabouts. You'd have to have a DC coupled input, plus some kind or rail-to-rail opamp instead. Go with TLV2374 if that's what you're after
  18. Not without some modifications :hmm: You can use an LT1054 plus regulators like they do in the Shruthi-1 if you want to invert a single polarity supply in order to get +/-15V. Just change some resistors if you want +/-12V. Breadboard it first if you experiment with supplies :thumbsup: /J
  19. Damn it Peter! You were faster than me 'cause I was chatting with Tim about some options all the while :ike: Feels like my x-mas gifts to self are taken care of :clover: Thanks Tim! /Johan
  20. Enjoy the schems! Write me back in case of questions. You can substitute the 220k pots for 200k or 250k if those are easier to source. Just imagine what I'll do to the future front panel for the Polivoks filters :whistle: Oh, and don't get hung up about the Swedish lab notes. Those are not saying anything worthwhile. The thing as good as is :sorcerer:
  21. Haha yeah! Anything made by Terry Lee Brown Jr (Norman Feller) or The Timewriter (Jean F. Cochois) is bound to be good and worth listening to IMHO :thumbsup:
  22. Wow! Use any you like, we sat on some extra Germanium diodes so it just felt proper. The normal Si diodes will clip at 0.7V, the Germaniums should be 0.2-0.3V-ish. In a modern construction one can get away with Zeners or Schottkys depeding on application but a Zenerizer isn't as cool, unless you happen to like the letter z. The nuke is there simply because we needed a term for harder than hard. I don't like nuclear weapons. Or war for that matter. We must learn to get along and make tea instead. :hug:
  23. Thanks! This uses 1N60 diodes, and some 1n4148 as well. PM me an e-mail address and I can send the docs. Edit: Just to be clear on this: The Germanizer is copyright by my friend Fredrik S (I just happened to be in on the idea). It's OK to build for personal use only.
  24. Chacarron Macarron. Google it!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Antix


      May I am wrong...MACARRON seems maccheroni ( pasta )

      CHACARRON sounds like another familiar slang but I cant traslate it here ;-)

    3. Antix


      May I am wrong...MACARRON seems maccheroni ( pasta )

      CHACARRON sounds like another familiar slang but I cant traslate it here ;-)

    4. jojjelito


      The pasta part is correct. I have a good hunch about what chacarron means as well :)

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