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Everything posted by jojjelito

  1. You need to create a user in the Wiki since it's on a separate web-server. Then you can edit the page. After that is done you better make sure that you have PayPal or can get bank details if any are stated in the first post of this thread. Then you'll need an LCP17 core PCB from SmashTV and also the LPC Xpresso board that costs 20€. If you search the forum the latter might be available to hobbyists at Watterott in Germany. Edit: Someone hurry so that we'll hit 100 before Advent!
  2. If we can load it with the old Korg M1 pianos we can haz an instant house piano module. Wonder if a 2nd hand M1 is cheaper though? Or use the VSTi - shudder. Still, this would make a mighty cool Wavetable/DCO thingy if you don't have other plans in mind. PPG or VS for the masses.
  3. jojjelito


    Any chance of getting more cases? Kick ass!
  4. Hafta get me a pair for some tabletop control. This looks like a winner!
  5. jojjelito

    2149 Mxr

    Aww, cute! Personally I make everything into half or full euro card size, but that means that simple things get very sparse and some complicated circuits end up interesting. You, Sir, found the happy medium here.
  6. When I did mine (with the help from friends - there were too many components to keep track of!) I first placed *all* the diodes on on PCB. Then I went on to all the resistors, then caps on that PCB one section at a time. There are still no completed circuits to speak of. I still checked for shorts between Vcc and ground each step just to satisfy my paranoia. Also, I measured all the passives before soldering them in place. Add all the IC sockets and pin headers so that all is done by height. There are still no completed circuits to speak of, but measure just to be safe. Add transistors. Measure. Still OK? Add ICs section by section. Check! I did the MCU and MIDI first so that I could check that part and get triggers and velo for the voices. I first faked triggers to each drum voice, then I went with MIDI notes. Last I did the outputs for listening and the pots. Before then I just watched the drum sounds on the oscilloscope - I recognize those sounds just by looking at the waveforms... Nerd alert! :geek: Still, there were a couple of errors that got by me anyway - the 3080 in the clap was broken. Replace and it started to sound like a proper clap. Then, there was an error with the crash or something - a R2R DAC resistor got mixed up so it had the wrong value. Interestingly enough no other resistor was off so there was no simple component swap. Phew! It did sound very crappy and nasty though. Distortion from hell idea... Lots of board real estate was wasted by the toms - I did them just for completeness - it's unlikely they'll ever see much use unless I want to cover the Miami Vice theme by Jan Hammer or any other 80's pop. I would have gone with moar claps or any of the other, fun voices instead. Good luck with your boards!
  7. is assembling the Rockit 8-bit synth while waiting for parts. Classic Burt Bacharach lounge from Spotify plays in the Sennheisers.

    1. Hawkeye
    2. rosch


      you already have yours... i'll probably need to cuddle with customs first

    3. jojjelito


      It was a fast build, but the weekend and other after-work activities made me leave it half-fisnished until next week :( Still, it was a nice clean build. Good luck with the customs!

  8. I have a bunch of these, but I need to round out my collection: I'd like to get about 15-25 blue transparent and some 15-25 red transparent knobs if we ever came to a new bulk order. Meanwhile, if there's people out there in a hurry I could sell you a few white or gray knobs. References available on request. /Johan
  9. Why is it that you always have to shop around in so many places in order to empty your Einkaufsliste?

    1. Hawkeye


      cause average aunt emma stores don´t carry ´em flux compensators, but the necessary chocolate cookies for the operator :)

    2. jojjelito


      Those store don't even have Technobabble powder to sprinkle your everyday cooking with!

  10. I want your loaf - speak with a northern UK accent!

  11. Hmm, I want to integrate one of those in my next TV so that it can boot the full MAME ROM set directly from some SDXC card :thumbsup: Then if it also did UAE and a decent C64 emu all the better! Total 80's nirvana would be if it also did a decent Juno-106 or some very plasticky Casio CZ sounds.
  12. Aww, cute! But, can it max out Crysis?
  13. Respect to the true originators. Plus send V/oct and Hz/V some love too!
  14. Rocking out, jamming in front of the monitor with two xox:en, a Launchpad and a Nord. What's not to like? The intro and buildup were great!
  15. was born to synthesize. Energize and catalyze

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jojjelito


      Cool song and vid!

      But the red polygon's only desire Is to get to the blue triangle!

    3. Hawkeye


      that was great :)

    4. jojjelito


      Lots of folks have sampled it before :( Simian Mobile Disco, Mona Lisa Overdrive and moar.

  16. Aww, just turned 29 the second time around. Happy xxx day nILS!
  17. is working metal. Mad scientists with power tools are a fun bunch. Chainsaws at dawn!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Antix


      I hope you dont wear a leather mask using it.... ;-)

    3. Hawkeye


      or invite the neighbors kitties to the party :)

    4. jojjelito


      Once you go hardcore you stop duelling with handbags at dawn. Chainsaws are more for those who like to live on the edge...

  18. jojjelito

    mbseq assembled

    Your iceberg edition seq looks very nice! It looks cool in any studio plus the software is really good
  19. Well done! Save from the intro reverb, I started to ask what hi-quality you were rambling about. Then it struck me: The mix hangs together very well! The NES sounds very lo-fi, but the guitars give it away. There are some really nice production values in here. By the outro we hear more guitars and it sounds very hi-fi. NES cat grants you some power-up mushroooms and an extra life.
  20. I have an MKS-50 and have been dithering whether to build a dedicated cs, or to use iControMIDI and an iPad. That would support several machines I have and some of my friends synths, but a real CS is fun... Choices choices. But, it's a great project nonetheless! Also, it looks like it won't cost a lot. This will be interesting for sure.
  21. Electronic plastic. Jaro Gielens. Respect!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jojjelito


      You made me buy Cosmic Motors, so I returned the favor :) Have a good one!

    3. Hawkeye


      oh thx :) hope you liked it :)

    4. jojjelito


      Enjoyed it immensely :) Retro Chris Foss gone modern day modelling.

  22. jojjelito

    the brothers

    The 128K is the best looking computer of the 80's! Truly classic design. Also, I miss mine which I foolishly sold...
  23. jojjelito

    LCD windows

    Looks good enough to eat! Those LCDs and windows are nice.
  24. Apart from that issue - its very cute! Well done!
  25. Thanks! PML is the mystical workings of me and my friend FS. We've been talking about setting up a domain, a build blog, maybe we'll provide factory-made PCBs. At least we'll make most of our designs known and described - we have discussed it but not made any firm decisions so far. It's not going to be some kind of invite only cult with secret designs - or is it? We're going to finish the build and upload a demo somewhere. Once we tested it enough it's good to good to Stay tuned and something will happen. It's soon x-mas... But, I' don't want to use MIDIbox to advertise any own operation, even if it's non-commercial. Also, we're not going to sell or give away any of the non-published bits made by others like TK and Thomas Henry! Only the PML gear. Look at it more as a give-back to DIY - it's not intended to make money. Just doing it for the lulz.
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