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Everything posted by jojjelito

  1. Some people think I had a plan. From the beginning it was very loose, so invention was needed as it progressed. The MB-seq made it all come together :sorcerer: Fussylizard did the bulk order and it rocked! The plan then: Looking back, plus *really* good music (as always from this guy):
  2. From the album: Jojjelito's pixx-o-stuff

    In the darkness no one will notice you forgot your tripod... Note to Darth Vader, turn off your breathing mask while hiding in the dark. You don't fool anyone :getlost:

    © Photo Johan T. The rest is TK and Wilba, mad props!

  3. jojjelito


    From the album: Jojjelito's pixx-o-stuff

    My cat had some affinity to the box while I was trying and failing to take some pics. CV/Gate out section.

    © Photo JT. All else sans the cat TK. Massive respect!

  4. From the album: Jojjelito's pixx-o-stuff

    You don't obtain the correct French filter disco feeling without a big whopping filter.

    © Doug Curtis. Love and respect!

  5. From the album: Jojjelito's pixx-o-stuff

    Part of the mixer section. I bet we saved 5 cents on the engraving by writing G A I N but it looks cool in a strange way.

    © Photo and G A I N concept Johan T. PCB by Fredrik S.

  6. From the album: Jojjelito's pixx-o-stuff

    This is part of the story. It's an homage to Deutschland and the Hardfloor-stylee sound. Happy skronking!

    © Photo Johan T, circuit Fredrik S

  7. Cool! Thanks! I need to slap a case with sides together. Otherwise, chances are that my cats will put their paws in there and do something nasty to the electronics. Otherwise it's a cool idea to do it your way :thumbsup: Cheers, J
  8. New York, London, Paris, Munich - everybody talk about pop muzik. Or was it the more somber first we take Manhattan then we take Berlin? Customs around here are wonderfully unpredictable! Less than ~45€/400SEK is gonna get shrugs, if I order from Taiwan they convert the NT to Italian Lira or something, they're not bothered with those parcels. Private citizens and ppl I know usually put $5 or $Gift on the box and it goes right through. In fact, I bet they would save money by declaring that anything below 100€, or in my case 1000SEK, to private customers is customs exempt. But as most often when dealing with bureaucrats, ain't gonna happen. Free trade, bitches, make it work for you!
  9. jojjelito


    Nice alu box :thumbsup:
  10. Cabinet and PSU done. The good ole MB-SEQv4 boots up normally once more, this time it controls a whole lot more show plus blinkenlichts. I want to do all the analog bits ASAP and make weird, wonderful noises!

    1. Hawkeye


      time for some c-ALE-bration! :) demandz blinkenlights + blinkensound vid NAO!

    2. rosch


      your systemS look gorgeous. need to have a look again... but i second the video wish :D

    3. jojjelito


      Thanks! I'll post sound as soon as I can. It might take up to a week or two depending on my work schedule :( Any video is either going to be sth shitty filmed with my jPhone4s, or with a Canon EOS-5/6x0 :D

  11. MIDIbox Snow. I want one :thumbsup:
  12. Wow! That looks really nice. Reminds a little of the Monomachine keyboard.
  13. Yes, we hafta spraypaint the backside. Shrooms? Platypus? Dr Tinycat? The PML logo! TK and Wilba are on top of things as you can see. The MIDIbox logo ought to be cut to a stencil for spraying.:flowers: You give me graphics and I might stencil it :thumbsup:
  14. Thanks! Test firing all the electronics soon :ahappy:
  15. From the album: Jojjelito's pixx-o-stuff

    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

    © Johan T

  16. jojjelito


    From the album: Jojjelito's pixx-o-stuff

    OMG: Also Sprach Zarathustra started playing and we taught ourselves to use our screwdrivers as weapons. The apemen were confused.

    © Johan T

  17. From the album: Jojjelito's pixx-o-stuff

    The woodwork part of the case is done. After getting clad with black foil the new working name was temporarily set to Black Satan. Darth Vader stopped by for a cup of tea and wanted one.

    © Johan T

  18. Brilliance! Combine the above with a control surface and we get Sysex to the MKS-50/JU-1/2 etc plus CCs to anything reasonably modern :flowers: This could be full of so much win.
  19. The trick is that is not always purple, it bends the light. Sometimes it's gold, sometimes it has a mirror finish. But, yes - there will be 'shrooms, Buddhas and such on there. For a moment I was tempted to go with Flaschbier and Werner so I guess it's open for now. Maybe I'll stick with Nyan. Or Cthulu. Have a good one!
  20. Slightly OT, but one of the DIY giants passed away much too soon. RIP Jürgen Haible. Thanks for all the sheer brilliance.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rosch


      oh man that can't be true :(

    3. jojjelito


      Sorry to be the bearer of such sad news. I've been looking at the frequency shifters, wild phasers and the like for a long time. The world is poorer now.

      The Living VCOs and Vocoder will be a mighty testament to his genius.

    4. rosch


      indeed. i've never bought boards from him as i felt the projects were still over my head. eg when i heard the phaser demo i thought it's the best sounding phaser i've ever heard.

  21. I need to figure out a suitable height plus have some time off before something happens. Meanwhile, and slightly OT (due to minimal to none MIDIbox content), here's my Shruthi XT panel cut in Plexiglas Radiant which I'll be using just because I can get away with it: plus the back and sides in black with my fave Platypus: Factory and packing smudge included :thumbsup: Guess I could wipe it, but nahh. Edit: Questions were asked, this has nothing to do with MIDIbox. The Shruthi XT was made by fcd72 over at Mutable Instruments forums. Similar techniques 595's and 4051's were used though. Just in case: Sincere apologies to our mods if this offends anyone or breaks some rule. Thread hijacking is not intended, just wanted to show some Plexiglas Radiant work. Further Shruthi talk can be taken in other parts of the forum Flickr pr0n if you can stand my non-existant photo skills and lack of much natural light this time of year: Plexi Panel Pr0n /J
  22. 5K at 9V gives a current at 1.8mA. That's hardly cause for concern. Use Ohm's Law, it's applicable most anywhere.
  23. BA662 B invasion! Are they all spares for my SH-101 et al, or am I (yet again) going to transistorizzzle my world?

  24. J.S Bach sitting in front of a tracker on a GameBoy-stylee :thumbsup: What was really the contents of that Espresso I just had? Well done!
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