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Everything posted by grizz

  1. Would it be possible to have each individual drum within a drum track mute when using the "utility mute" function? I use it when first powering up, and would like to not have to mute each individual drum within drum tracks. The main reason is that all of my tactile switches are slowly failing... I'm putting off changing them all out because I know it is going to be a royal pain in the butt... Nice tutorials, BTW!!! Alex
  2. I have some leftover MB-LRE8x2CS PCB's for sale. I also have 24 of the 10k SIL Rn chips, and 6 of the 220 Ohm DIL RN. The boards are $12 USD each. The 10k SIL's are .10 cents each, and the 220 Ohm RN's are .34 cents each. On top of those costs will be shipping and paypal fees which are 4% I think. If i'm wrong feel free to correct me. My preference is to sell to someone that wants the whole lot, and if no one does I'll sell them individually. I'll give shipping quotes when I have a committed buyer. I'm in Portland, Oregon USA. Cheers, Alex Sold!
  3. Quick question: I am trying to set up a track to output to 2 sources, and can't figure out how. Here is what I am trying to do. I am using the ssm2044 board, and controlling it through the AOUT_NG connected to my seq v4. I would like one track to control both cuttoff's and another track to control both resonance's. So track 1 would route to AOUT ports 1 and 3, and track 2 would route to AOUT ports 2 and 4. Is this possible? I'm running a stereo source through the ssm2044 and would find it much less cumbersome to be able to control it with 2 tracks as opposed to 4... If this isn't a feature already, would it be possible to add in the future? Cheers, Alex
  4. grizz

    lpc17 aout_ng

    Nice, I'm getting mine up and running slowly. I have found that the cable that I bought from Smashtv doesn't work at all with the AOUT_NG, even though it works with every single other component I've used it with. I got mine to work with a very very short cable, so the AOUT is going to be in the sequencer case, and the breakout will just house the cv and gate jacks. It's been a very frustrating road... Some of the problems I've run into are super weird and unexplainable... Cheers, Alex
  5. No worries!!! Take your time and thanks for the effort! Cheers, Alex
  6. grizz

    lpc17 aout_ng

    Thanks TK... That was my understanding... I can get mine to work properly with a very short cable (10cm), but anything longer won't work... I tried a workaround of putting the AOUT_NG in the sequencer case I built and running the +-12 volts to it through the COM port cable (from my filter/CV/gate box to the sequencer), which led to the -12 volt power resister catching on fire :( cheers, Alex
  7. I have yet another question regarding my epic story of getting an AOUT_NG to work with my SEQ V4. Question: Is cable length an issue with the LPC17 core the same as with the STM32 core? I think I know the answer, but I just need verification. Thanks, Alex
  8. They didn't ... I've never had a problem on my end... I think they only check if they're having a bad day or something... American's are by nature pretty lazy ;)
  9. My knobs showed up yesterday in Portland, Oregon... Thanks!!!!!
  10. The file browser works, but it isn't possible to upload multiple files or folders. That's why I went the other route, plugging my sd card into my laptops slot. Cheers, alex
  11. Great, exciting!!! I got my LPC core hooked up to wilba's front panel, confirmed it works with jbdiver's aout/gate breakout PCB (except that gate 8 is gate 7 and gate 7 is routed wrong due to a difference between J5c on stm and j28 on lpc). I am getting a hardfault anytime I try to copy files to and from the sd card and my laptop... I only get the hardfault with the seq firmware and not with the NG. I am getting around it by inserting my SD card directly into my laptops sd port. Cheers, a
  12. Thanks TK, That sounds like a good option... I am in the process of switching from the STM32 to the LPC core on my sequencer due to never being able to get either of my AOUT_NG's to work with the core32... They work fine with the LPC. In your suggested solution, would I be able to hook the AOUT up to the sequencer core? If so I can use my stm32 for the MBNG end, if not then I would get another LPC built... I would of course prefer to be able to use the STM32. Thanks, Alex
  13. Hi! I have a feature request, which may or may not be doable. I would like to use one of my lre8x2cs boards with my Sequencer. I am using Wilba's panel and envision plugging the lre8x2cs into the J2 on the CS PCB. My request is whether or not we could have a setup page to assign the encoders and switches on the lre8x2cs to various parameters? My plan is to use the first 8 to control the CV outs that are controlling two of the sm2044 pcbs, and the other 8 for various things like LFO's and midi delay parameters. Would this be possible in some form? Cheers, Alex
  14. When I get the board that you sold me I will test it out... I have to order parts first though. I have had similar problems with my stm32, and I'm hoping that your breakout board solves them. My understanding is that with the breakout board cable length is no longer a problem because it is converting the 3.3v to 5v. alex
  15. Hey all, I'm letting go of my ultra core that is fully built and stuffed with all IC's, including the 4 PIC16F88 Ic's from smashtv. I also have 1 PIC18F452 burned with BSL V1.28 MIOS V1.96. If you have a PIC based project that needs 8 banksticks, 4 midi IIc modules, a core, 2 LCD headers, then this might be of some use to you. I'm asking $70 for everything + whatever shipping ends up being. Basically the price is what I paid for the PCB and parts, although I spent a little more than I'm asking. If you search for ultracore in the wiki the project page come up with all header information, etc. Cheers, Alex
  16. Works perfectly!!! Thanks! alex
  17. Hi! I am working on setting up the LRE8x2.ngc with my GLCD. I am trying to set it up so that I have the SCS menu at the bottom of the screen. That way I can have two sets of 2x8 encoder bar graph indicators at the top and middle of the screen. That way I can always have the SCS menu visible at the bottom, and always see 2 banks above it. I've been searching and experimenting on how to change the placement of the menu, but have had know luck. I'm using the standard SCS connected at J10. I am such a programming novice that I really hope this question makes sense. Cheers, Alex
  18. :rolleyes: The CS lines were indeed swapped. I did have them hooked up properly though, so maybe the datasheet for my GLCD is wrong. It is a lot easier to learn how to program it with the CS lines hooked up properly... Thanks TK!! Cheers, Alex
  19. I've been doing some experimenting, and I have a few questions: 1. "This means, that the first display starts at 1:1:1, and the second at 1:21:1" This applies to the GLCD I am using, correct? 2. When I load NGC files text starts halfway across the LCD and continues over to the first half. This seems to be abnormal to me. For example, in the default .NGC file the "Ready" text should start at the left of the LCD, but instead it starts halfway. If I use &b "Ready" bleeds over to the left side of the screen. Isn't this reversed? I'm not sure if I'm missing something very basic here. Cheers, Alex
  20. Update: WIth the latest release (v1.017) of midibox_NG the GLCD works properly!!! :phone: Now I have to teach myself how to set it up so that it displays information aligned correctly. If anyone has any links to a tutorial or something I'd be grateful... Cheers, Alex
  21. I can confirm that these LED's from mouser work great: 604-wp132xid . Also I used bridges instead of the transistor arrays and everything works great. Nice work Jerome!!!! Thanks, Alex
  22. I just tried it out and it doesn't work, so it must be something I'm missing on my end... I've quadruple checked my connections, so I'm going to focus on learning MB_NG... My first task is making the scs encoder scroll correctly with my 2x16 clcd so that I can see the last 4 characters of the menus... so far no luck, but I WILL figure it out ;) Thanks for the help alex
  23. Thanks Tk.... That verifies that I have had it hooked up properly... the orientation of the notch is correct on my board. Its weird that it works with SDA and Vd, but maybe I am seeing the result of just CS1 being hooked up properly. I'll test J28 with my friends Oscilloscope when he brings it over. In the meantime, I'll take apart my SEQ v4 and hook the GLCD up to that and see if it works with the stm32 board. I'll compare how the GLCD behaves with each board and see what I find out. Cheers, Alex
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