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About technobreath

  • Birthday 04/29/1983

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  • Location
    Vigrestad - Small town in the southwest Hoth
  • Interests
    A security systems tech manager, at the moment playing carpenter taking on a huge renovation project.

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  1. Sharing files in Windows 7 and 8 is about the worst thing I've encountered in my nerd-career. It just does not work the way it is supposed to work.

    1. technobreath


      Like, I share two of the drives on my studio PC - two drives that contain all the goodies - like videos and pics and other programs. I setup sharing on the two drives the exact same way, and I go to the other computer and try to access. One of the drives is access granted, but the other one tells me that I have no access here, and to contact sys-admin to get access. WHAT is UP with this shit??

    2. kristal=


      What is the advantage of Win8 anyway? ;) Win7 is great and the 30EUR update fee is better invested in a SSD.

    3. technobreath


      The advantage is that I updated my win7 tortuga edition for that very same fee. Windows 7 licenses are hard to get by now. And frankly - there are no disadvantage with win8 as far as I can see after using it for a while. I needed a fresh working OS, coz there were some minor bugs in my copy of win7, but I wouldn't upgrade unless I needed it, no ;).

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