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About technobreath

  • Birthday 04/29/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Vigrestad - Small town in the southwest Hoth
  • Interests
    A security systems tech manager, at the moment playing carpenter taking on a huge renovation project.

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MIDIbox Guru

MIDIbox Guru (4/4)



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  1. Just letting u know I spend little time around here now, since u guys are a bunch of a-holes. Naahh.. :D. I'm having a uberbusy time at work, so haven't got the time to check in here as often as I want, so if sending PMs, please be patient, I'll be there soon :P.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. technobreath


      ...of overtime BEFORE the vacation, not afterwards. Then the workload won't pile up at all, and we all win! yay! Antix - that's why u got more mb6582s than me :P

    3. Antix


      LOL TB.

      Unfortunately I work a lot but the money is less than I expect....no Virus for me this year :(

    4. wicked1


      What's up everyone? I've been away for months, too, after a busy spring and summer of building. Still not quite ready to stafrt building again, but hopefully soon.. month or so.

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