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About technobreath

  • Birthday 04/29/1983

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  • Location
    Vigrestad - Small town in the southwest Hoth
  • Interests
    A security systems tech manager, at the moment playing carpenter taking on a huge renovation project.

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  1. Phone back from repair. And those bastards managed to distroy my memory card! Backup.... hmmm I remember something of that name from way back.... Can't rememer what it is though...! C R 4 P!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. technobreath


      News is that today the repair shop concluded that this didn't happen at their bench, therefore not responsible. bla bla bla. Now I'm dealing with the shop I bought the card from. I have written off the data as lost, and now treat it like a normal guarantee case... So I guess that's it. Too expensive for me to get a pro to retreive any data. Not end of world, but still a taste of the sour apple...

    3. technobreath


      I kinda get it too, if they refuse that they had anything to do with it breaking, what can one do..? It's my word against their word, and for all they know I could have been placing a faulty card in there to make em pay for getting my data. But I guess I will never ever trust anyone with my data - frankly - I should've known better.

    4. Lamouette


      yeah, and your word are ''light'' against their... i'm qfraid the only thing they will purpose to you is a simply replacement of the card... and I know how much the ''pro'' company charges to recover data on damaged storage (i lost a full disk of personnal data last year...)

      Good luck !

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