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About technobreath

  • Birthday 04/29/1983

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  • Location
    Vigrestad - Small town in the southwest Hoth
  • Interests
    A security systems tech manager, at the moment playing carpenter taking on a huge renovation project.

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  1. Sharing files in Windows 7 and 8 is about the worst thing I've encountered in my nerd-career. It just does not work the way it is supposed to work.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. artyman


      I couldn't get the Win7 sharing to work.. so I built myself a 6TB NAS server to share my files between my various machines

    3. technobreath


      Yep, that's what waiting for me too. Maybe not 6GB, but maybe 4gb. But several other things are more pressing (for my wallet) than a NAS right now, but soon. I have a server, but it's outdated - hardware is old, so I was planning to use it for gateway instead now.

    4. kristal=


      @techno: sure, nothing wrong with a fresh OS. hope you'll find a solution to that problem soon.

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