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I was vegetarian for 9 years.

First thing I ate (which brought me back to eating meat): Roo.

Just the tiniest little sliver. Just a tiny taste.

Next thing, I'm licking my fingers, by hand, my arm...

It was bloodlust. Pure, simple, bloodlust.

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Hey, they're a herbivorous mammal that likes to graze on green grass and such, the only difference from eating a cow or sheep, is that kangaroos do not destroy our natural environment, and cattle do. I could understand if I were talking about some other native cuisine such as crocodile, snake, etc... But kangaroo really is a particularly tasteful meat. If you like venison, you'll LOVE kangaroo. It has the texture of tender beef, with a less gamey taste than deer or rabbit. Recommended.

Koala aren't legal to eat, they're a protected species because we have destroyed much of their habitat (for farms and cities to be built). Regardless, I don't think they'd be too good to eat, they chomp on eucalytpus all day and don't move much. I think it'd be like eating on old boot roasted in cough-lolly juice :D

I love how the bulk order threads always veer wildly off-topic after the goods arrive :D

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I actually never know kangaroos are eatable until you started to talk about it. And I also thought they are on protection program. And, I would expect their meat to be very chewy. But now I`m convinced. Most unusual animal I eat was crocodile. And I liked it.  :P

About their gentleness... I figured out after those video they are bastards. I would eat them all ...with that gravy and things.

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It's not just the Kangaroos you need to be weary of...

BTW, urban legend (and possibly fact) suggests that "Kangaroo" might have been an indigenous word for "I don't understand you"


WHITEY: "I say old chap, what be the name of that odd jumping mouse the size of a house?"

NATIVE: "Kangaroo?"

WHITEY: "Well sir, in honour of your traditions, and as recompense for shooting you all, we shall call it the Kangaroo"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Roo tastes amazing, there's a place at Glastonbury festival in the Uk That sells roo-burgers.

I have a friend who had a mission to eat 52 types of animals in 52 weeks, check out his blog here  http://www.beastfeaster.co.uk/ he put me on to this website http://www.shop.osgrowonline.co.uk/ in the Uk which sell all sorts of weird stuff.

Are Platypus' protected in Australia, always been curious as to what their eggs would taste like.

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Roo tastes amazing, there's a place at Glastonbury festival in the Uk That sells roo-burgers.

I have a friend who had a mission to eat 52 types of animals in 52 weeks, check out his blog here  http://www.beastfeaster.co.uk/ he put me on to this website http://www.shop.osgrowonline.co.uk/ in the Uk which sell all sorts of weird stuff.

Are Platypus' protected in Australia, always been curious as to what their eggs would taste like.

Payment was sent May 19/08. It is now September 9/08. Instead of steering the thread off topic, how about keeping the bullshit out of the thread? Want to talk about kangaroos and platypus' then start a new fucking thread. I'm fucking tired of waiting, and it seems all those that got their knobs think it's alright for those that didn't, to "wait patiently". FUCK THAT!

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Payment was sent May 19/08. It is now September 9/08. Instead of steering the thread off topic, how about keeping the bullshit out of the thread? Want to talk about kangaroos and platypus' then start a new fucking thread. I'm fucking tired of waiting, and it seems all those that got their knobs think it's alright for those that didn't, to "wait patiently". FUCK THAT!

Calm down man, there's no need for the aggression.

I wouldn't have thought this is one of the "wait patiently" situations. If you've paid for something and it hasn't arrived within the agreed time frame then you have every right to enquire whats going on.

Bulk orders take time. The order needs to be made and invoiced, funds need to clear twice, the item has to go through customs and probably be scruitinised before being sent on. Then all the items have to be all counted out, bagged and enveloped. Envelopes have to be addressed, taken down to the post office, weighed, stamped, and customs forms sent out. They then need to go through customs again and be scruitinised before being delivered. All this has to be done in somebodies spare time for no money. Then there's always the chance that the package could go missing on the way, personally when I've done the ALBS order I've had two packages go missing which I replaced out of my own pocket as well as a couple that got sent back to me for some reason...

It has been a long time Neb is the only one that can keep you updated.

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knowgood: If you'd asked nicely I woulda happily split those offtopic posts out for you. Your attitude leaves me lacking motivation to help.

My patience has worn thin. Once my serious post was bumped, that was the last straw. Those with knobs cheer and eat kangaroo, while us without have to sit back and watch people gloat.

I've contacted Steve and have yet to get a response. The balls in his court - nothing more I can do. You'll also recall I was one of the first to defend him, but enough is enough. Leaving me in the dark is BS, and I have every right to get mad in this thread - especially when off-topic banter bumps seriously legit posts! Do what you want, it still doesn't change the fact that i have no knobs now does it?

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You bitch about people flooding the thread with OT, then say it doesn't matter... then say you want to post here, but you say you've already PM'd neb and got no response and there's nothing more you can do... Make up your mind man. I understand your frustration, I'd be pretty f***in annoyed myself to be honest... But just take a while to chill and decide what you want, then act accordingly. Right now, you're acting in anger and frustration and you're not making any sense - or progress.

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