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new MB project and tutorial


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Hi, I've started to publish the tutorial of a MB project I'm working on and was wondering if it's ok to publish the link here. Apart from enjoying the project, my intention was to give something back to the community, so I'm taking plenty of photos and documenting in as much detail as I can with my spare time. Anyway the link is here;


I couldn't find where the best place was to publish the link - hope the tutorial may help or inspire someone.

-Mike (noofny)

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It's certainly OK - nay, encouraged, to post the link here. It's a really good blog, will be great for new members to read that one :)

It's just a real shame you didn't document it on the wiki :( Offsite documentation goes missing, cannot be updated, gets out of date and confuses people, etc etc etc....

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Thanks Goblinz, yeah it's added a little more action to the project that's for sure!

Cimo - Cheers also - yeah I wouldn't dream of doing anything until I get TK's & the community's approval...will be doing a bit more on the frame this weekend so hopefully get more posted in the next couple of days.

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I added an RSS feed to the blog so you can subscribe to it now, also added some download links for layout files. Got a fair bit done today but holding off posting until tomorrow when more is done.

We had the most amazing electrical storm in the middle of me doing a bunch of soldering today - a couple of lightning hits came down very close so I stopped, unplugged the computers, modem, TV, etc, then continued soldering. Gotta have priorities.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey cheers for the comments! I've been working on the software and RGB LED matrix the last few weeks so haven't updated in a while - but once the LED's arrive from China in a week or 2 i'll have the final phase done and will post updates and move the doco into our wiki.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

hey! pretty impressing and inspiring.

i am trying to understand the remote script you wrote and allthough i am a noob when it comes to programming i was able to understand most of the script.

what i didn´t understand is how you handle the knobs. i found the line "def Handlepot" and "def HandleChannelButton" etc. there are some entries for the buttons, which i can handle and change for experiments. but there are no entries for the pots. i tried to make some, but nothing seemed to work.

i tried something like this:

def HandlePot(self, trackIndex, controllerIndex, potValue):

        if (self._LOG_HANDLER_EVENTS):

            self.logger.log("HandlePot > TRACK=" + str(trackIndex) + " CONTROLLER=" + str(controllerIndex)  + " VALUE=" + str(potValue))


        if (potValue > 0):

            if (trackIndex == 0):

                if (controllerindex == 10):

                    self.SetDeviceParameter(self.GetDeviceByName(trackIndex, "Beat Repeat"), "Offset")


            self._appInstance.show_message("HandlePot > TRACK=" + str(trackIndex) + " CONTROLLER=" + str(controllerIndex)  + " VALUE=" + str(potValue))

i am willing to learn, so maybe you can push me into directions.




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sorry about the longdelay - have moved house and been offline for a while. in my midibox sofftware i kind of hard-code the pot values to various control change events. you wont see any handling of these specifically in my liveapi script because I used the UI to 'learn' these pots. Later down the track I'll probably move this into the api script so it's easier to understand.

Hope this helps.

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thanks noofny for the reply,

and, yes it helps. i thought, you somehow automapped the pots in the script like you did with the "Device On" function of the three channel buttons. that is what i tried to to, but haven´t been succesful yet. so, i guess i keep working on that and following your great work.



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