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midibox for TB 303????


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I don't know exactly what the internals of a 303 look like but still I dare say - it's possible.

What modules do you need? Well a core for sure and the rest depends on the amount of pots (AOUT) buttons (DOUT) you wanna control.

Find out how many outputs you'll need and then check for the modules needed, all the info is right here on the forum or here:



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Hello and thanks for the reply....

my idea was to use something like the midibox 808 or seq_v3 to control the TB303........................this would be easly achieved if it wasn't for a little detail........303 has NO MIDI!!! :o only SYNC connection(roland's pre-midi atempt of rulling the world!).....

I dont really know what goes on inside this connection type, but since the 303 its pure monophonic analogue breeded, I've assumed that's something that CV could take care of....anyway the reason why I've posted this message was to find someone who could tell me: Yesss, I've made it happen and it rockks!

Also because 303 user interface is kind of tpoor.......

I really don't believe that nobody tried this before, but if this is the case, than I'll put more effort into my homework =P (This is not lazyness, I'm already building 2 projects as we speak/read??? so my hands are kind of full)...

If I make it happen, I'll share my knowledge with all of you knowledge sharing people =)


greetings from Outter space


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doesn't the TB303 already have an analogue sequencer inside?

otherwise the DIN SYNC (25 ppq signal) wouldn't be necessary i believe.

as far as i know there are people who built x0xb0x. they surely know all about it in detail.

try the forum search function!

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MIDIBoxes already have DIN sync features... If it's just sync you want, there's an easy answer :)

If you want full midi control, I would say that the most sensible (faster, cheaper, safer) way to do this, would be to buy one of the already existing MIDI interfaces for the TB. I love midibox and all, but seriously, you won't do a better job than the devilfish mods, and it will be a verrrry long and expensive journey to replicate what already exists. Sure they are expensive, but if you own a TB then that is not a concern for you, and besides, you won't save any money by doing it DIY - the amount of time you spend DIY'ing it, will be time you could spend even in a low-paying job like McDonalds or working a checkout at your local grocer, and earn far more money than the cost of a devilfish mod.

Of course, if the aim here is not to midify your TB, but to learn everything there is to know about digital and analog audio devices, then DIY is a great way to go - but be aware that you definitely run a risk of killing your extremely expensive synth.

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Hello everybody, thanks for the replies.........

Hmmmm.....well, the thing about devilfish is that I dont want my TB flying around Europe by airmail....I can't believe the amount of people that acctualy send their TB's by airmail to foreign countries....sorry, but my heart tells me DON'T DO IT!!!!

Another thing is....I really want to keep it as it is, I kind of look at it like a Vintage Picasso, you wouldn't repaint a Picasso it in order to better fit our Time and Space....would you???? >:(

The TB is what is and I find it perfect that way, it wasn't easy at all to get it, specially in my country.....still (again with the Picasso example), I wouldn't mind putting this little picasso in a new frame, this wouldn't hurt at all.......

what I'm about to write might even sound weird, but I really don't want for my friends to be allways hassling with my TB, cause most of them don't have experience with studio equipment, and can't really understand its value(not money value, the other one =P from the heart)....still, they just love the sound that comes out from it, and since I love it to, It's hard for me to refuse such a pleasure to anyone!..............

So, if there was a way that I could lock my TB inside a vault and have it controlled from another external machine (so that I wouldn't  even touch it) this would be greeeat =) cause I just want to keep  my TB forever and ever, and ever............

well, but anyways, regarding the sync question, after wondering around the forum I realised that the better solution is for me to build a little midi-to-sync/sync-to-midi external module.....at least this should be my starting point!

Then I can just try to control the TB from one of the midiboxes that I already own in order to start understanding what does what......

And yess , I'm allways interested in learning some more, even if it costs me more money now(I will be able to save some in repair bills in the future) and (as you've probably realised by now)I really hate to have other people going trough my sh&#"......sorry my french   :P

My perspective on the world really changed since the day that I put my first midibox running, It gave me the (very wrong) impression that with time and lots of dedication I could become a MOOG myself =P (yeah!sure.....)

anyways, thank you all, specially TK for this amazing DREAM FACTORY that you've been building, it really changed my life and the way I see music!


with GREAT LOVE......


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you can't control all the TB parameters with midi. Kenton kit allows you to ctrl CV gate in for note, filter, accent.

others have developped midi module to control the notes played, but thats all.

My opinion is that you should get a perect clone (like the x0xb0x) whih is already midi for the sequencer and write your patch for the 5 knobs on a paper.

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Hmmmm.....well, the thing about devilfish is that I dont want my TB flying around Europe by airmail

Not to mention Australia. Fair enough. Devilfish ain't the only mod though. But I get your point.

Another thing is....I really want to keep it as it is, I kind of look at it like a Vintage Picasso, you wouldn't repaint a Picasso it in order to better fit our Time and Space....would you???? >:(

Agreed, but you won't midify it in that case.

Then I can just try to control the TB from one of the midiboxes that I already own in order to start understanding what does what......

DIN sync is only sync. The only control you'll get out of that, is start, stop, and how fast it goes inbetween. I don't think it'll suit your purpose.

.sorry my french   :P

hell, don't worry about it ;)

I think julien hit the nail on the head. What you need is a x0xb0x or similar.

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Yep.. If you want something to stay in perfect condition, don't modify it.

XOX's are a good alternative to a 303... the sequencer is not the same, but in some ways more powerful. With the SOKKOS operating software installed, you can do some pretty cool things while slaved to midi clock. = very handy.

You still will not be able to control most parameters via MIDI with a stock standard XOX.. but who cares.. they are much cheaper than a 303.



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julien hit the nail on the head



The x0x with SokkOS will produce the same effect on your brain : devilish ! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can understand you wanting to keep it mint, but as others have pointed out, you won't be able to play notes over MIDI (let alone control anything else) without at least a small mod.  Two 3.5mm jacks for gate and CV (control voltage) will let you play notes from a sequencer, via a MIDI-CV converter like the MIDIbox CV.  You could probably get away with one 3.5mm stereo jack (ie left for gate/trig, right for CV).

Check out the 303 mods available from Analogue Solutions UK - they are available as kits or installed.  You could either order the kits, and have a trusted local tech install them (or DIY) or if you are in the UK, travel down to their shop with your 303 in its locked, padded flight case handcuffed to a Doberman.  IIRC, the Gate/CV mod is fairly cheap.

A suggestion:  make the hole for the jack/s inside the battery compartment (if there's room behind it for the jack) and take the lid off to run the leads in.  If all your sequences are in a PC or MIDIbox, you don't need the batteries - and the outside of your Threebie stays completely vanilla :D

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