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MIDIbox SEQ V4 Release + Feedback


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OK here is what i got from the terminal using sdcard.

[21019.078] sdcard

[21019.069] SD Card Informations

[21019.069] ====================

[21019.069] --------------------

[21019.069] CID:

[21019.069] - ManufacturerID:

[21019.069] - OEM AppliID:

[21019.069] - ProdName: SD   

[21019.069] - ProdRev: 16

[21019.069] - ProdSN: 0xc5600722

[21019.069] - Reserved1: 116

[21019.070] - ManufactDate: 150

[21019.070] - msd_CRC: 0x7b

[21019.070] - Reserved2: 1

[21019.070] --------------------

[21019.070] --------------------

[21019.070] - CSDStruct: 0

[21019.070] - SysSpecVersion: 0

[21019.071] - Reserved1: 0

[21019.071] - TAAC: 47

[21019.071] - NSAC: 0

[21019.071] - MaxBusClkFrec: 50

[21019.071] - CardComdClasses: 1525

[21019.071] - RdBlockLen: 10

[21019.071] - PartBlockRead: 1

[21019.071] - WrBlockMisalign: 0

[21019.072] - RdBlockMisalign: 0

[21019.072] - DSRImpl: 0

[21019.072] - Reserved2: 0

[21019.072] - DeviceSize: 3869

[21019.072] - MaxRdCurrentVDDMin: 5

[21019.072] - MaxRdCurrentVDDMax: 5

[21019.072] - MaxWrCurrentVDDMin: 5

[21019.073] - MaxWrCurrentVDDMax: 5

[21019.073] - DeviceSizeMul: 7

[21019.073] - EraseGrSize: 31

[21019.073] - EraseGrMul: 29

[21019.073] - WrProtectGrSize: 31

[21019.073] - WrProtectGrEnable: 1

[21019.073] - ManDeflECC: 0

[21019.074] - WrSpeedFact: 5

[21019.074] - MaxWrBlockLen: 10

[21019.074] - WriteBlockPaPartial: 0

[21019.074] - Reserved3: 0

[21019.074] - ContentProtectAppli: 0

[21019.074] - FileFormatGrouop: 0

[21019.074] - CopyFlag: 0

[21019.075] - PermWrProtect: 0

[21019.075] - TempWrProtect: 0

[21019.075] - FileFormat: 0

[21019.075] - ECC: 0

[21019.075] - msd_CRC: 0x22

[21019.075] - Reserved4: 1

[21019.075] --------------------


[21019.078] Reading Root Directory

[21019.078] ======================

[21019.078] Retrieving SD Card informations - please wait!

[21019.078] SD Card: '': 2003 of 2024 MB free

[21019.078] [......a] 09/24/10  00:53:46 AM     384546 MBSEQ_B3.V4

[21019.078] [......a] 09/24/10  00:53:46 AM     384546 MBSEQ_B4.V4

[21019.078] [......a] 09/24/10  00:53:46 AM     384546 MBSEQ_B5.V4

[21019.078] [......a] 09/24/10  00:53:46 AM     384546 MBSEQ_B6.V4

[21019.078] [......a] 09/24/10  00:53:46 AM     384546 MBSEQ_B7.V4

[21019.078] [......a] 09/24/10  00:53:46 AM     384546 MBSEQ_B8.V4

[21019.078] [......a] 09/24/10  00:53:46 AM     995 MBSEQ_C.V4

[21019.078] [......a] 09/24/10  00:53:46 AM     4742 MBSEQ_G.V4

[21019.078] [......a] 05/26/10  10:05:20 AM     12052 MBSEQ_HW.V4

[21019.078] [......a] 09/24/10  00:53:46 AM     35618 MBSEQ_M.V4

[21019.078] [......a] 09/24/10  00:53:46 AM     66850 MBSEQ_S.V4

[21019.082] [.....d.] 09/24/10  00:59:48 AM   <DIR> 0 PRESETS

[21019.082] [.....d.] 09/24/10  00:59:48 AM   <DIR> 0 SESSIONS

[21019.082] [......a] 09/24/10  00:53:46 AM     384546 MBSEQ_B1.V4

[21019.084] [......a] 09/24/10  00:53:46 AM     384546 MBSEQ_B2.V4


[21019.084] Checking SD Card at application layer

[21019.084] =====================================

[21019.084] File MBSEQ_B1.V4: doesn't exist

[21019.084] File MBSEQ_B2.V4: doesn't exist

[21019.084] File MBSEQ_B3.V4: doesn't exist

[21019.084] File MBSEQ_B4.V4: doesn't exist

[21019.084] File MBSEQ_M.V4: doesn't exist

[21019.084] File MBSEQ_S.V4: doesn't exist

[21019.084] File MBSEQ_G.V4: doesn't exist

[21019.084] File MBSEQ_C.V4: valid

[21019.084] File MBSEQ_HW.V4: valid

[21019.084] done.

[21110.531] [SDCARD_ERROR:-150] see seq_file.h for description

[21110.531] [SDCARD_ERROR:-134] see seq_file.h for description

[21110.531] [SDCARD_ERROR:-134] see seq_file.h for description

[21110.531] [SDCARD_ERROR:-134] see seq_file.h for description

[21110.531] [SDCARD_ERROR:-134] see seq_file.h for description

[21110.531] [SDCARD_ERROR:-165] see seq_file.h for description

[21166.796] [SEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:21, Pin:2 not mapped, it has been pressed.

[21167.062] [SEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:21, Pin:2 not mapped, it has been depressed.

[21167.218] [SEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:21, Pin:2 not mapped, it has been pressed.

[21167.265] [SEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:21, Pin:2 not mapped, it has been depressed.

[21167.295] [SEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:21, Pin:2 not mapped, it has been pressed.

[21167.578] [SEQ_UI_Button_Handler] Button SR:21, Pin:2 not mapped, it has been depressed.

[21172.687] [SDCARD_ERROR:-162] see seq_file.h for description

[21176.577] [SDCARD_ERROR:-162] see seq_file.h for description

I was messing with the panel while I was trying to press buttons and the SR21 pin2 errors came up.

After taking the pcb off of the panel I found a little piece wire on a shift register. So I booted back up and the weird constant sr messages were gone! Now when I try to load sessions it gives me a response. However the response is "session invalid". Before all of this I backed up the entire sd card and formatted it then loaded all the files back onto the sd card.

Did I miss some hidden files maybe? such as from code above "MBSEQ_B1.V4: doesn't exist"

I dragged the sd card icon in "my computer" to a folder on my PC to copy the contents.formatted. Then I went into the pc sd card folder and did "select all" and dragged them to the sd card itself.

I will look into the "[sDCARD_ERROR:-162] see seq_file.h for description" when I get a chance tomorrow.

Edited by Echopraxia
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Fine that you found the HW error!

To the "sdcard" command: I just noticed that it doesn't tell you, in which /SESSIONS/<session-name> the files are searched.

Therefore the terminal output wasn't helpful, resp. it is confusing because your files in the root directory won't be read (exception MBSEQ_HW.V4 and MBSEQ_GC.V4)

The session name (and complete path to the files) will be print with the next version.

As long as this version is not available: the directory is also printed on the LCD when you press the MENU button (from where you are accessing the session)

Let's say it's /SESSIONS/FOO

Now look into the /SESSIONS/FOO directory of your SD Card from your PC - are there any MBSEQ_* files?

Anyhow, if malfunctions were caused by the HW error (and this seems to be the case), please create a new session and check if the error happens again...

Ignore all error messages which are caused by previous sessions!

It could be possible to recover an old session by copying the appr. files into a valid session directory.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I have the same "session invalid" message. I got around it by copying the session directory and contents to my laptop, erasing them on my SD card, recreating the session, and then dropping the session files from the old directory on my laptop into the new session folder... It works...



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Thanks for the tips guys.

Some weird things happened when i copied files from sd card and later put them back.

I deleted everything out of the session folder on sd card and put the card back into the seq and created a new session. I then put the new session in my PC and copied the old session I wanted from the hard disk to the sd card.

The display will only show the "last one" at any time no mater which session I try to load. Say I have session# 1,2 and 3 in there and i'm playing #1 and decide to switch to #2 It will say session invalid (but will load) and the session name will not update. I know you said don't woory about invalid pop ups but it also does it with brand new sessions.

I had something weird happen too where a lot of tracks reverted to group #1 and midi ch's 1-4. I am very tired right now so I will try to better explain myself later.

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Yes it happened when I updated from V26 to V27.

Echopraxia: I will check to see if I am having any of those issues also... I have been working more on sounds, as opposed to sequencing out stuff so I wouldn't have necessarily noticed... I hope I am not!


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I think that I found the case where this can happen: if the new global configuration file /MBSEQ_GC.V4 doesn't exist (because you haven't changed a global parameter yet), the file handler wrongly assumes that something is missing in the session directory, and it "invalidates" the session, although it is valid.

Invalid means, that neither patterns will be loaded, nor mixer map nor song will be updated.

Temporary workaround: change any global parameter, such as the metronome port, and exit the menu page (resp. change to any other page) - this will create the /MBSEQ_GC.V4 file.

The next version will handle this properly.

Echopraxia's "sdcard" output confirms, that he has no MBSEQ_GC.V4 file on his SD Card yet, therefore I'm sure that this is the reason.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Funny how a hardware issue ends up also digging up a software one. No more invalid sessions here:)

I did have some other weird stuff happen when copying files back to the sd card after erasing it. I had for instance all of the track groups load with track group 1 instead of the appropriate group #. For instance track group #3 was set to group #1. Easy to fix of course. Also my drum maps got scrambled and was only left with the presets I had luckily saved. Hopes this helps. If you can benefit from any sd card files let me know.

Thanks again,

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Beta28 is available now; ChangeLog:

o fixed bug in session load function which happened when no MBSEQ_GC.V4 file exists on SD Card

o added new "udpmon <0..4>" terminal command which allows to monitor incoming and outgoing
UDP packets, e.g. to debug OSC settings and/or to determine the port of incoming OSC
In MIOS Terminal, use "udpmon 3" to display all packets with port number >= 1024

o now we have a special CV configuration page which allows:
- to select V/Oct, Hz/V and Inverse curve for each CV channel
- the slew rate 0..255 mV for each CV channel
- the pitch range (for pitchbend events)
- the gate polarity for each CV channel
- to calibrate each channel
- to set the DIN Sync Clock PPQN Divider and Pulse Width
- AOUT Module Type (previously hard-configured in MBSEQ_HW.V4 file)

o each CV channel has now an own notestack.
This is especially nice if AOUT channels are controlled through the MIDI Router
from an external MIDI keyboard (live)

Grizz: it would be very interesting if your AOUT_NG module is working with the new version, as I changed the interface timings to make transfers more robust.

Go to the new CV Configuration page and select AOUT_NG (rightmost item)

The new calibration feature will help you to explicitely set certain voltages for testing.

It's now also possible to re-connect the module during runtime.

Whenever you are doing this, select a different interface, and go back to AOUT_NG - this will re-initialize the chip

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...
o if the track plays multiple notes, gate is only cleared if

all notes are set to "---"

Tahnks a lot! Messing around with multiple note layers is real fun :-)

But sorry, just cant stop nagging:

I noticed that the All Button does no longer work relative when keeping it depressed and turning one encoder,

it now works always absolute. Ist there a reason for this nice feature being skipped?

And one proposal for the behaviour of the all button when several layers are assigned to NOTE:

It would be nice if the ALL function would only affect the currently selected layer and not all layers at once.

Best Regards,

always nagging Gridracer ;-)

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Welcome back! :)

But sorry, just cant stop nagging:

I noticed that the All Button does no longer work relative when keeping it depressed and turning one encoder,

it now works always absolute. Ist there a reason for this nice feature being skipped?

No, it neither has been skipped, nor it has been changed.

Could you please check that the BUTTON_BEH_ALL variable is set to 1 in your MBSEQ_HW.V4 file?


And one proposal for the behaviour of the all button when several layers are assigned to NOTE:

It would be nice if the ALL function would only affect the currently selected layer and not all layers at once.

it only affects the currently selected layer as expected/suggested.

Could you please describe me how I can reproduce this misbehavior with a freshly initialized track?

If it only happens with one of your already existing tracks, could you please export the track to a preset file and attach it to this thread?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Oh shame on me, BETA 28 is working perfectly, but not my memory as it seems:

I just messed up to remind the correct assignment of the relative and absolute mode according to holding or not holding the button depressed....

So I was holding the All Button depressed and expecting the values to change relative and vice versa argh..

and so i also managed to write values to unset steps which suprised me later when setting their gate,

which lead me to think that this was caused when i used the ALL function on a different layer.

At the end, all just a simple user faiure.

I schould have checked before posting, sorry therefore

Best Regards


Edited by Gridracer
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TK, I just noticed that v28 is released so i will work on uploading it and testing it out with my AOUT_NG tonight.

I tested my SEQ and AOUT_NG with my bandmates setup this weekend.

Results: His AOUT_NG works just fine with my MBSEQ, and mine does not work with his. This would lead one to believe that my AOUT_NG does not work at all, and is the culprit. The weird thing is that my AOUT_NG DOES work with my MB6582. Hmmm.... Are there maybe some pins on the AOUT_NG that are just used with MBSEQ? Could it be possible that I have a bad solder joint (maybe on the surface mount chip on the AOUT_NG) that matters with MBSEQ and not MB6582?



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Gridracer.Karma -= 1;

Just kidding! You can still feel welcomed for reporting any anomaly that you noticed, you found a lot of issues in the past! :)

Grizz: I'm still puzzled about your issue and don't have an answer. There is neither an additional pin, nor something else which would be special.

I know that you already checked the SPI connections... so, everything should be fine.

On the other hand I improved the initialisation part of the AOUT driver that is integrated into MBSEQ.

It should work more robust now - therefore it will be interesting if this already solves your issue.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Press the MENUEXIT button and scroll with the datawheel to the end of the list.

CV Configuration is the page before the ethernet configuration.

There is no special button combination available to enter this page.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hmmmm.... If I press "Menu" and turn the datawheel either way nothing happens. It seems there aren't any other pages other than the ones on the screen. My datawheel definitely works... Is there a setting in the config file?

Nevermind... I found it :whistle:

Edited by grizz
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hi there...after upgrading i´m now also with the MBSEQv4 ...yippie....some great improvement here must say, wow...great job!!

beside some problems with my SDcard thing it´s all working really well...


after a while fiddling around and exploring i think i found two bugs...

1. i discovered the exclude from "All" function when pressing "select" ...it works so far but not on the first step, is that right?

2. when using glides or long notes on a monophonic track and also accent, it seems that accented notes are ignored on the longer steps or on steps with glide on...

and a suggestion...maybe it would be nice to have also a dotted quantization in the FX Echo part...

like 16, 16t, 16d, 8, 8t , 8d...? what do you think?

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Welcome to the club! :)

1. i discovered the exclude from "All" function when pressing "select" ...it works so far but not on the first step, is that right?

I will check this soon

2. when using glides or long notes on a monophonic track and also accent, it seems that accented notes are ignored on the longer steps or on steps with glide on...

Thats related to the MIDI protocol. It isn't possible to change the velocity while holding a note (for glide) w/o retriggering the gate!

and a suggestion...maybe it would be nice to have also a dotted quantization in the FX Echo part...

like 16, 16t, 16d, 8, 8t , 8d...? what do you think?

Unfortunately your request comes too late - the values are hardcoded, a change would make all existing patterns incompatible for all users.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thats related to the MIDI protocol. It isn't possible to change the velocity while holding a note (for glide) w/o retriggering the gate!

yeah right...but it should work on the first note then, or?...ok i found out : when having long notes or binded notes and the velocity on the first note (which is held then) is high, it works as normal....but when using accent (which is full vel. imo ) its ignored...just use a note with a long gate and put accent on instead of using high velocity values and see the difference...


Unfortunately your request comes too late - the values are hardcoded, a change would make all existing patterns incompatible for all users.

mm...sad...ok i was late ...hehe, so no possibility to add them after rnd and rnd2 either?

Edited by nuke
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I have not had a chance to update to beta 28 yet.

I was using a midi keyboard controller going to the midi in of the seqv4 and had a question.

Right now, to pick which midi out port and channel for the seq to respond to the keyboard, you use the midi router correct? Is there a way that we can have another option that would be on/off selectable that can change the midi router to what ever track 1-16 is selected? I was using one keyboard and was using the live record feature and thought it would be very productive to be able to just select the track you want and have the keyboard automatically get routed to that midi out port and channel so you can quickly record to several tracks one after another without having to go into the midi router each time to hear the corresponding track while in live record mode. Is this workable?

Also can more than one keyboard controller get connected by way of another midi in on the seqv4? Its limited to 2 ins right now yes? I guess you could always get a midi merge box and merge several keyboards upto 16 for one midi in :santa: I would probably use 2 maybe 3 keyboards at most to do appregiators on one,keys on another and samples on another. 16 would be crazy though and I bet someone will try it. Can the seqv4 and midi router handle this ammount of input on top of a master midi clock at the other midi input?


Edited by Echopraxia
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I have not had a chance to update to beta 28 yet.

I was using a midi keyboard controller going to the midi in of the seqv4 and had a question.

Right now, to pick which midi out port and channel for the seq to respond to the keyboard, you use the midi router correct? Is there a way that we can have another option that would be on/off selectable that can change the midi router to what ever track 1-16 is selected? I was using one keyboard and was using the live record feature and thought it would be very productive to be able to just select the track you want and have the keyboard automatically get routed to that midi out port and channel so you can quickly record to several tracks one after another without having to go into the midi router each time to hear the corresponding track while in live record mode. Is this workable?

This is already implemented:

-Go to MIDI -> Transposer and Arp.

-Select 1 Bus and choose the right Port/Chn/Range.

-On "Mode" select "Play".

Also can more than one keyboard controller get connected by way of another midi in on the seqv4? Its limited to 2 ins right now yes? I guess you could always get a midi merge box and merge several keyboards upto 16 for one midi in :santa: I would probably use 2 maybe 3 keyboards at most to do appregiators on one,keys on another and samples on another. 16 would be crazy though and I bet someone will try it. Can the seqv4 and midi router handle this ammount of input on top of a master midi clock at the other midi input?


Not sure I completely understand you... There is a 3rd MIDI In/Out on the Core for the BLM now. But you can use it as a normal MIDI port. I have 2 keyboards and 1 sequencer connected to the MIDI INs of the MB-SEQ v4. Using all 3 Core inputs without any problem.

Hope this helps.

Edited by vcfool
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