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MIDIbox SEQ V4 Release + Feedback


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Hey TK,

Is there a function in place to copy drum track configurations to other patterns (note and chord tracks as well)? I made a pattern in A1 and used the copy function to get the notes over to A2 but I want to be able to also copy all the mappings of the track ect. When you just copy notes over to A2 the drum note configuration is the default. Is there a second copy command to copy these additional parameters to the other patterns. Would be handy if its a separate function that's not tied in to the regular copy command.



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Gridracer: your idea isn't lost - I like it and will see what I can do.

Echopraxia: the recommended method is to store the complete track from which the drum map should be exported into a preset (MENU->EVENT->PRESET->SAVE AS NEW PRESET)

Now you can import the drum map into another track with the PRESET function as well.

Note that you will be asked for several import options, e.g. you can exclude the pattern import (Steps: no), etc.

This function not only works for importing/exporting drum maps, but for anything related to a track.

It's the most powerful copy function (especially since you are able to edit preset files with a text editor) - you will like it! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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just completed the build of my MBSEQ, I am having trouble with the SD card. The firmware reads the hwcfg file ok and I can create session files but sometimes get error messages, E3 and E11 (these are not displayed for long enough to read all the details).

This extract from the manual states: "Some additional files are required for Patterns/Songs/Mixer pages. The firmware won't create them automatically, instead it will ask you to go to UTILITY->DISK menu, where you will find a "Format" option at the left side. Activate this function to create the files."

I have nothing in the left display when in the UTILITY->DISK menu so cannot create these files.

Have I missed something or is this function no longer applicable, do I have to create them manually?



PS I have tried several different cards and changed the cable between the core and sd socket.

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With the session concept the format function under UTILITY->DISK got obsolete, therefore I removed it from the application (but haven't updated the documentation yet).

E3 means that the volume information (part of the filesystem) couldn't been read

E11 means, that a file couldn't been written

Probably E11 is a side effect of E3 - means, there seems to be an issue with the format.

Phil has created an application which formats a SD Card properly, it can be found here:

(please continue discussion there)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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With the session concept the format function under UTILITY->DISK got obsolete, therefore I removed it from the application (but haven't updated the documentation yet).

Ahhh. So I can take this point off my little list of "bugs" discovered so far. :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I seem to be having trouble getting a drum track to go for more than 16 steps without having to adjust the options page measure function. It tells me that sync to measure is active for 16 steps when I try to make the drum track 64 steps. that means the pattern will change/update at 16 steps for changing to a new pattern or scubbing right? And it still just loops the first 16 steps even though I have pressed the 64 length. I thought this behavior was odd because my non-drum tracks are not doing this. Is this a bug with drum tracks?

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I seem to be having trouble getting a drum track to go for more than 16 steps without having to adjust the options page measure function. It tells me that sync to measure is active for 16 steps when I try to make the drum track 64 steps. that means the pattern will change/update at 16 steps for changing to a new pattern or scubbing right? And it still just loops the first 16 steps even though I have pressed the 64 length. I thought this behavior was odd because my non-drum tracks are not doing this. Is this a bug with drum tracks?

I get the behavior you mention when I got the "Synch to Measure" enabled under the track's "Divider" page. Maybe your drum track has this enabled and your non-drum tacks have not.

Just a thought because I still don't really fully understand the Synch to Measure feature.


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I get the behavior you mention when I got the "Synch to Measure" enabled under the track's "Divider" page. Maybe your drum track has this enabled and your non-drum tacks have not.

Just a thought because I still don't really fully understand the Synch to Measure feature.


Ah man thank you! Good call. Working just fine now. So many things to forget ya know?

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  • 4 weeks later...

The long summer break is over and I continued with MBSEQ development :)

Beta24 is available now:

o support for OSC (requires MBHP_ETH module)
4 OSC ports are available, currently they only send MIDI packets.
A MIDI<->OSC proxy is currently only available for MacOS (on request)
An easy to use Juice based Proxy is planned and will be released soon.
(Firmware-)configurable OSC packets will be available in one of the
next releases.

o new network configuration page for the MBHP_ETH module

o the debug terminal now supports a "network" command to retrieve
the current status of the network configuration.

o now we have global configurations which are stored independent from the
session configuration in the "/MBSEQ_GC.V4" file

Following parameters have been moved to this file:
- MetronomePort
- MetronomeChannel
- MetronomeNoteM
- MetronomeNoteB
- RemoteMode
- RemotePort
- RemoteID
- ETH_LocalIp
- ETH_Netmask
- ETH_Gateway
- ETH_Dhcp
- OSC_RemoteIp
- OSC_RemotePort
- OSC_LocalPort

o probability parameter now incremented correctly in edit page

o if the track plays multiple notes, gate is only cleared if
all notes are set to "---"

o BLM: triggers now displayed correctly in all stepviews
[/code] The new network configuration page can be found at the end of the menu pages list (press EXIT button, scroll the list to the end) eth1.gif One issue isn't fixed yet:
I noticed that the arpeggiator (and transposer) behave different when they are contorlled from external eg. keyboard or from an internal track: - If the contorl notes come from external, the settings HOLD and RESTART work as they are described in the manual - If the contorl notes come from an internal track, the arpeggiator (and transposer) always behaves like if HOLD is ON and RESTART is OFF, no matter to which value they are actual set. Is this behaviour intended?
you will find it in the TODO list at the end of the CHANGELOG.txt file. Here some technical notes:
[code]The handling of loopback tracks differs from normal tracks. MIDI Events are sent
immediately to the transpose/arpeggiator function instead of using the scheduler, so that
note changes take place immediately and independent from the track number before new
MIDI events are scheduled.
Disadvantage of this method: note off events won't be generated, accordingly the gatelength
won't be considered and HOLD/RESTART of transposed tracks won't work as expected.

Possible solution: gatelength counter for note off events, only used for loopbacked tracks.
Problem: how should polyphonic loopback tracks be handled?
It could be sufficient to call SEQ_MIDI_IN_ResetTransArpStacks(<bus-number>) depending on
the gatelength

So - a proper solution will need some time, because I'm currently not sure about the side effects.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello TK, hello everyone,

is it possible to reorganize pattern between differents sessions ?

if yes, i can't find the procedure.

if no, is it possible in future ?

that would be a great things for me.

btw, i'm playing this new midibox on stage since 2 weeks, and this is amazing,

once again, many thanks for this :flowers:

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is it possible to reorganize pattern between differents sessions ?

if yes, i can't find the procedure.

if no, is it possible in future ?

that would be a great things for me.

Such a function isn't available yet, and it will be some work.

But I will add it sooner or later, because it definitely makes sense! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Beta25 is available now:

o now each OSC port has an individual configuration set which consists of
the Remote IP, Remote Port, Local Port and Transfer Mode

o an OSC Transfer Mode has been added, it can be configured in the network
configuration page for each OSC port.

In MIDI mode, all events generated by the track will be embedded into a
'm' type packet. This mode allows to tunnel MIDI events via ethernet to
a proxy which runs on the host (or any device which is able to convert
these messages)

In "Text Msg (Integer)" and "Text Msg (Float)" mode, the OSC packets will
be encoded the following way:
- Note Events: /<chn>/note <note> <velocity>
Integer: note and velocity in range 0 .. 127
Float: note still as integer, velocity in range 0.0 .. 1.0
- Poly Pressure Events: /<chn>/polypressure <note> <pressure>
Integer: note and pressure in range 0 .. 127
Float: note still as integer, pressure in range 0.0 .. 1.0
- CC Events: /<chn>/cc <cc-number> <value>
Integer: value in range 0 .. 127
Float: cc-number still as integer, value in range 0.0 .. 1.0
- Program Change Events: /<chn>/programchange <value>
Integer: value in range 0 .. 127
Float: value in range 0.0 .. 1.0
- Aftertouch Events: /<chn>/aftertouch <pressure>
Integer: pressure in range 0 .. 127
Float: pressure in range 0.0 .. 1.0
- Pitchbend Events: /<chn>/pitchbend <value>
Integer: value in range -8192..8192
Float: value in range -1.0 .. 1.0

<chn> range: 1..16

o OSC option now supports SysEx transfers (SysEx stream is embedded into blobs)

o it's now possible to route USB/MIDI/IIC/AOUT ports to the OSC ports in
the MIDI Router page.

o SysEx streams will now be forwarded by the MIDI Router as well.
The Chn setting has to be set to "All" for source and destination port.

This allows you to access the SysEx functions of your synth - it's even
possible to upload a new firmware to a MIDIbox which is connected
to a MIDI port of MBSEQ now.

o MIDI->Misc menu: BLM can now be assigned to an OSC port

Especially the SysEx forwarding function has been requested by multiple people.

The OSC add-ons are only for nerds ;)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Having some issues with the save function. Maybe I should update to the lateest beta. i think I am still at 22.

When I press the exit button, to go to the session load and save menu, I press the save button and I see that the leds that flash to select a session stop flashing and stay lit for a second and then nothing else happens. I get no response and I thought it used to tell me that it saved. And it was not saving when doing this. I can save by overwriting the session but I have to rename it correctly. I will update and let you know if that fixes the issue.

Also does the clear button do nothing now?

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I press the save button and I see that the leds that flash to select a session stop flashing and stay lit for a second and then nothing else happens. I get no response and I thought it used to tell me that it saved.

it should tell you "all 4 patterns stored" for ca. 2 seconds at the right lcd.

are you sure that the button is working?

Also does the clear button do nothing now?

yes - you have to press&hold the button for two seconds, a message will be displayed which asks you to do this.

so far i remember this special handling was requested by you?

best regards, thorsten.

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it should tell you "all 4 patterns stored" for ca. 2 seconds at the right lcd.

are you sure that the button is working?

Yes button woks fine. I don't get the visual feedback of "all 4 patterns stored" but I can save sessions still luckily. However I may need to send you a system dump to see whats going on as one entire track group became corrupted on one particular session (Sorry how do you do this again?). It is on 1 track group on a couple different sessions that I get errors on. I cannot access any patterns on track group #1 with a couple sessions and I get SD card error. I lost tracks 2,3 and 4 but retained track #1 pattern for some reason and I cannot select any different patterns on track group #1 without getting sd card error. I think the problem duplicated because I may have copied a session after the problem came up.

yes - you have to press&hold the button for two seconds, a message will be displayed which asks you to do this.

so far i remember this special handling was requested by you?

yes I and very much appreciate the feature! It actually still works but I don't get the visual feedback "cleared" anymore.

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Yes button woks fine. I don't get the visual feedback of "all 4 patterns stored" but I can save sessions still luckily. However I may need to send you a system dump to see whats going on as one entire track group became corrupted on one particular session (Sorry how do you do this again?). It is on 1 track group on a couple different sessions that I get errors on. I cannot access any patterns on track group #1 with a couple sessions and I get SD card error. I lost tracks 2,3 and 4 but retained track #1 pattern for some reason and I cannot select any different patterns on track group #1 without getting sd card error. I think the problem duplicated because I may have copied a session after the problem came up.

without knowing the SD card error number (which will be displayed on LCD on failures) it's impossible for me to determine what happened.

my proposal: as it seems that other users are not affected by such issues, try another SD card just to check if this is the reason.

you can copy the files from one card to another with your PC.

it would be interesting, if your PC can access all files...

in the next MBSEQ release i will add an optional logging-mechanism for SD card errors (e.g. they could be sent to the MIOS32 terminal) to simplify debugging.

yes I and very much appreciate the feature! It actually still works but I don't get the visual feedback "cleared" anymore.

a "cleared" message won't be displayed, but the actual operation (all steps cleared) will be performed.

can you confirm this?

is it really an issue that no confirmation message will be displayed?

i think that too many messages will slow down operations too much.

best regards, thorsten.

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Echopraxia: please try the new release, it displays messages in the MIOS terminal on SD Card errors.

Beta26 is available now - from the ChangeLog:

o SD Card error messages will be sent to MIOS terminal

o added MIOS terminal commands "play" and "stop", so that the sequencer can also be
started/stopped from MIOS Studio

o the status LED of the core module flashes on each beat now

o bugfix for FAST button

o OSC support for "Pianist Pro" format (an iPhone/iPad application)
Now you can send notes and pitch changes from Pianist Pro to your
MBSEQ, and convert them into MIDI events

o support for a third MIDI IN/OUT port.
The digital MIDI OUT signal (open drain!) is available at J5B.A6
The digital MIDI IN signal is available at J5B.A7
Note that the MIDI IO circuit (220 Ohm Resistors, optocoupler, etc.) is not
part of the MBHP_CORE_STM32 module and has to be added externally.
This IO port can especially be used for a dedicated BLM connection (this will
be my personal usecase)

o Gate #7 and #8, which were previously available at J5B.A6 and J5B.A7, are
now available at J5C.A10 and J5C.A11


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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During a relaxing session with my BLM I noticed a crash scenario which was caused by a gcc compiler bug.

This crash exists since beta26 (caused by several infrastructure updates), but it cannot be excluded that it already caused nasty random things in the past.

Therefore an update is strongly recommended!

ChangeLog beta27:

o fixed a crash on rescheduled notes (caused by a gcc bug)

o BLM keyboard mode: now inverted (lowest button row plays highest velocity)

o BLM keyboard mode takes octave/semitones transpose values into account

o copy/paste function: if Paste/Clr track is activated in options menu, channel and
port setting will be copied as well.
This allows to copy&paste a complete track from one pattern to another.

o Paste/Clr steps/track setting in options menu is now a global setting and will
be written into MBSEQ_GC.V4 instead of (the session specific) MBSEQ_C.V4 file.
In future versions it might be a good idea to move global settings into a separate menu page.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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SD Card error messages will be sent to MIOS terminal

I am not getting any MIOS terminal feedback when trying to load or save from the SD card. I have the seq connected midi style (not USB). Could this be why? I have not made a hole "yet" in my case for the usb port.

I have also more bad news about my situation. I can do "save as" and make a new session but I cannot save into the one I am working on. it says "SD CARD ERROR !!!" and underneath that it says "E 11 (FATfs: D 0)".

I am having problems loading also.

When booting the sequencer it sometimes would not load the last session used and I would have to press "exit" then load and pick the session. NOW its acting like its stuck on the boot up sessino. NOW when I turn the sequencer on I am given the last session used but I cannot load any other session. In the lcd window, at the load save menu, I see it switch to the newly selected session but then quickly revert back to the start up session. So loading is not available for me as well as saving! I at least can "save as" but that won't do me any good if I can't load.

Please advise,



This allows to copy&paste a complete track from one pattern to another

Thank you!

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Please advise,

First of all: you should update to beta27 to prevent this nasty crash issue!

Thereafter: add the USB socket, because error messages are only sent USB1 (messages would affect the MIDI timings too much if they are sent over a common MIDI interface).

Error 11 means that DOSFS wasn't able to create a new file. So this really seems to be an issue with your SD Card (either physically, or format related)

The message sent over USB1 could give more diagnosis informations.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Yes I tried saving/loading using beta 27.

When I get a chance I will open it up and connect it back to usb and drill a hole out of my case to access it :)

I will also try to back up my seq SD card files to pc then format the card again and load the sessions back onto the seq. If that does not work I may just have to get another sd card.

It could very well be a physical issue as I had a short somewhere which only occurred when I pressed down of the panel firmly and my screen flipped out. Most likely the problem But for sure I will do a proper usb mios test for you.



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The terminal shows that something is wrong with the sequencer. I attached a picture of what its doing. It is pressing and depressing button SR:6 pin:1 very rapidly as soon as MIOS is loaded. Is this encoder #5 or F1 button? Maybe this explains why sessions quickly switch back to the "last one"? I guess I should move this conversation to trouble shooting now.

I did format the sd card and put the files back on it but still received the same errors. I also ran error checking (vista) and it found some error and said it fixed it but that didn't help my situation. FAT32 is the way to go yes?

post-5165-073345600 1285316753_thumb.jpg

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I guess that you are using Wilba's frontpanel?

If SR6 toggles, it means that the last DIN SR has no pull-up at pin #10 (SER)

Check that all resistor (arrays) are mounted and properly soldered!

SD Card:

please type "sdcard" into the MIOS terminal and copy&paste the output into this article.

Note that by right-clicking on the terminal window you can copy the content (no need to make snapshots)

MBSEQ supports FAT8, FAT16 and FAT32

And another hint: type "help" to get a list of some other helpful commands.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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