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I've got a few spares of the ETH and SDCARD module available, and there's about 50 spares each of both SSM PCBs.

The ETH/SDCARD spare PCBs are meant to bridge the gap until SmashTV will eventually start offering these, so please only order these if you know you won't just put them on the shelf for years but you will use them in the next months. I won't sell more than one of each per person if you don't come up with a good explanation why you would need 10 ETHs immediately ;)

If you want to order some of these PCBs, please follow the instructions below.


[original post]

Hi *,

lately I've been working on the layouts of two new official MBHP modules, the ETH (ethernet) and the SDCARD (SD reader) and I'm now offering them in a bulk order :twitch:. Both have the standard ribbon connector so that you can attach them with a 1:1 two or three connector ribbon cable (like TK showed in this pic of his protos). For now, these modules are mainly useful for a MBSEQ V4 or for programmers (your own projects). Support will increase as TK makes progress in porting stuff to the new MIOS32 platform.

The ETH uses the classic MagJack connector that is widely avalilable. PCB dimensions are 80x35mm.

The SDCARD is 45x40mm in size and includes the matching Multicomp SD socket already presoldered. This socket is a very nice "push-in/push-out" type.

As a lot of people were asking for a second run of my Dual SSM2044 VCF PCBs and I'm facing the usual bulk order madness anyway :drool:, I thought it'd be nice to offer these, too, and even my new . Please note that this time, there's no extra bulk order for the SSM ICs, but you can get the 2044 from several eBay dealers and the 2164 is still in production by AD, so you can buy them new at various places like Digikey, Farnell etc. It probably makes sense to combine orders with fellow bulk orderers to save both on shipping and IC cost.

As this bulk order is about 4 different PCBs, please keep this thread clean from "why would I need these, can I do thisandthat with it?" posts, instead post this type of questions e.g. to a new thread in the Design Concepts forum.

now the terms and conditions:

All PCBs are 5 EUR each, except the SDCARD including the presoldered socket is 7 EUR.

Deadline for ordering is April 11th. This time I won't setup a wiki page to collect orders, instead please fill out the form below and send it to me via PM.

I'm accepting payments via PayPal or EU bank transfer. When paying via PayPal, the usual PayPal fees will be included into the "shipping" price. If you want to pay via bank transfer, tell me and I'll send you my account details.

Shipping will be done with Deutsche Post. Registered mail ("Einschreiben") is optional (+ 2.05 EUR) and includes basic insurance, but please note that I won't be responsible for lost shipments if you decide against this option.

Shipping rates (including 20 cents for a padded envelope):

1-2 PCBs:

Germany - 1.10 EUR

Europe - 1.45 EUR

World - 2.40 EUR

more PCBs:

Germany - 1.65 EUR

Europe - 3.60 EUR

World - 6.20 EUR

---- Order Form -----

Real Name:

Postal Adress:


Number of MBHP_ETH PCBs:


Number of SSM2044 VCF PCBs:

Number of SSM2164 VCA PCBs:

eMail adress:

PayPal eMail adress:

Shipping insurance (+2.05 EUR): [ ] yes [ ] no


Happy DIYing :rolleyes:




Edited by seppoman
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  • 3 weeks later...

did you get my order seppoman? sorry it's just you never confirmed :)

I didn't promise to send any instant confirmations - you can take the Paypal invoice that you'll be getting after the order period has ended as a confirmation. :)


Edited by seppoman
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  • 2 weeks later...

just a short reminder that today is the last day of the regular bulk order period.

I'll start sending out Paypal invoices on Monday and am planning to order the PCBs about a week later, so I'd be happy if you could pay reasonably soon. As long as the PCB order isn't placed yet, I will still accept orders from late-comers and I'll order some spares, too. So don't panic if you're a few days late. :)

Still, after experiences from previous bulk orders, I have to point out that I won't wait for payments forever and will send a reminder one week after the invoice :poke: and consider the deal cancelled after three weeks if you don't contact me and come up with a good excuse :whistle:


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I've sent Paypal invoices to all participants of the bulk order. If you didn't get an invoice or there's any mistake in pcb numbers etc, please contact me as soon as possible.

Expected time frame - as said above I'm planning to order the PCBs in a week, then it will take about two weeks for manufacturing/shipping to me, so you can expect to receive your shipment in around 4-6 weeks from now.


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  • 1 month later...

The PCBs are ordered but not yet here. As soon as they arrive, I will need another few days to solder all these card sockets ;). In the next days I will start writing all docu and parts lists etc. so people can already acquire the necessary parts.

As soon as something's happening, I'll post updates to this thread.


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your link is a complete module which could probaby be used as a replacement for the ETH module if you know how to connect it. There are several similar modules on offer, but using one of these wouldn't be very DIY ;)

I would be very surprised if there's really no shop in Australia carrying the ENC, it is available virtually everywhere in Europe and the US. And it's a cheap item and you need only one per module, so shipping cost will probably kill any discounts in a bulk order. If you're not too much in a hurry and are planning to order at Digikey or Mouser in the next months, better get the ENC there, together with the MagJack - which is much harder to find than the ENC even in the US.


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