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MIDIbox SEQ Aluminium Desktop Case


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was bypassing the threads too long... Okay: I want at least Desktop Case as well.

(actually, may i get TWO ? i have a klee sequencer which i'd like to put in a case as well.

Those are the 19" Version, but do they fit ? Maybe i can add wooden endcheeks then (similar to the FR Mobius)

It should work if you change it to a 17" panel (resp. if you reduce the sides which are used to mount the panel into a 19" rack)


Can you glance at the linked FPE panel and confirm these are the changes that need to be made for correct slots?

Modified Wilba Panel

Currently I cannot confirm your changes as I'm waiting for input from Heidenreich.

Background: I made some errors with my backpanel. The "rectangle in rectangle" wasn't specified correctly, so that only 1 mm of the border has been milled away instead of 2 mm. As a result it wasn't possible to plug the panel into the slots.

Fortunately I was able to fix this with a file...

Thereafter I noticed a misadjustment of the panel by ca. 1 mm, which doesn't look so nice. My tools are not good enough to measure dimensions with such an accuracy.

And maybe it's better to have a frame of 1.5 mm at top/bottom (but not left/right side) instead of 1 mm...

Therefore I have to redesign the layout based on the exact specs from Heidenreich, and probably should order a second prototype before publishing the .fpd file to ensure that you won't do the same errors.

I also want to say: I'm the wrong person to ask for confirmation - somebody with more experience should do this! ;)

The good news: mounting of internals is almost finished, pictures soon!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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That drawing helps a bunch. So add 1.8mm tall, 1.5mm thick lip to the top and bottom of the front panel. One question however, the drawing shows 1.3mm lip on the sides of the rear, front, and bottom panels in addition to the 1.8mm lip on top. I dont see these in any of the pictures and I dont really know why they are there, can you confirm/clarify?

Also, the front panel as Wilba designed it is 431.8mm wide, the print shows the width as 434.50 (which is 431.9 wide when you subtract the two lips, within tolerance), is there a slot on the end panels for those features to fit into?

Is that print available in DXF? Id like to go over it in autoCAD if possible..

Edited by Altitude
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That drawing helps a bunch. So add 1.8mm tall, 1.5mm thick lip to the top and bottom of the front panel. One question however, the drawing shows 1.3mm lip on the sides of the rear, front, and bottom panels in addition to the 1.8mm lip on top. I dont see these in any of the pictures and I dont really know why they are there, can you confirm/clarify?

The sidepanels have slots as well.

Also, the front panel as Wilba designed it is 431.8mm wide, the print shows the width as 434.50 (which is 431.9 wide when you subtract the two lips, within tolerance), is there a slot on the end panels for those features to fit into?


Is that print available in DXF? Id like to go over it in autoCAD if possible..

I got it as a .pdf file, and I don't know if the original format was a DXF file - is a DXF really required?

(I don't want to bother Heidenreich too often with such special requests...)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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So to get it right: in order to use the 19" panel for the Case:

- cut it down to 17"

- make lips on top and bottom of panel.

Or can i omit it ? It does look very closed to me ...

TK: When the Backpanel is ready, can you make it avail for download / order ?

Edited by janvanvolt
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So to get it right: in order to use the 19" panel for the Case:

- cut it down to 17"

- make lips on top and bottom of panel.

Or can i omit it ? It does look very closed to me ...

TK: When the Backpanel is ready, can you make it avail for download / order ?

No, you cant add the lip to an already made panel, it is already the right height. It will fit just like TK's and can be attached with fasteners like shown in the pics. The panel with the lips needs to be made that way from the start.

@ TK. Thanks for the pic of the slots. Do you think it is worth it to add the lip to the side of the front panel also?

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@ TK. Thanks for the pic of the slots. Do you think it is worth it to add the lip to the side of the front panel also?

Yes, if you have the possibility it would be better.

What connects to to the inner side of the CV expansion port?

J5A/B/C (Gates/Clk) and J19 (AOUT interface)

I'm using the same pin layout as on my MB6582, so that I can connect the same breakout-box

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I just noticed that there may not be enough clearance between the SD slot and the expansion port to accomodate a D25 plug and an SD card at the same time, or at least allow one to swap cards while the plug is inserted.

Another thing... Analogue sequencers (ie Dotcom Q960 or Moog Q960) are capable of being used as complex waveform generators if you run the sequencer fast enough. Midi is too slow for stunts like this. Is MIOS capable of driving CV outputs that fast?

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I just noticed that there may not be enough clearance between the SD slot and the expansion port to accomodate a D25 plug and an SD card at the same time, or at least allow one to swap cards while the plug is inserted.

Fortunately there is enough clearance, see also:


Another thing... Analogue sequencers (ie Dotcom Q960 or Moog Q960) are capable of being used as complex waveform generators if you run the sequencer fast enough. Midi is too slow for stunts like this. Is MIOS capable of driving CV outputs that fast?

MIOS (and MIOS32) can do this, but the software architecture of MBSEQ isn't designed for generating events with a period of less than 1 mS (1 kHz), because it needs this time for doing complex calculations on all 16 tracks.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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As i am ordering tomorrow at reichelt: Which standoffs (size) do you use for the mounting ?

DA 10MM and DA 20MM

Some news on the backpanel ?

I'm still working on the backpanel.

Today I got an idea for solving the SD Card issue: by flipping the SD Card PCB inside the case there is no collision with the frontpanel LCD connector anymore.

Disadvantage: the SD Card has to be inserted upside down (but thats acceptable for me)

-> http://midibox.org/forums/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&section=viewimage&img=470

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I ordered a new backpanel and asked Schaeffer to compare it with the dimensions of the original panel before producing it.

You don't really want to use (or even blind-order) my .fpd file before I tested the new panel, because it could cost you some money (ca. 75 EUR) or some fixing effort (three evenings at my side) if anything is still wrong!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Is there a chance I could have a sneak peek at the back panel fpd?

I'm not planning to build this case you are making, just wanted to know the size/distance of the holes for USB and MIDI ports of the core32 , and the size and position of the Ethernet hole. from the look of your pictures those seem to fit at least..

Also I see you are drilling your own holes in the bottom plate .. are you selftapping the spacers into them? Or are you using a tapping drill bit?


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you got mail...

i'm using 20 and 10mm spacers, no 'double female'

the screws are at the bottom side, i guess that there are better solutions?

if a spacer was not long enough, i added a screw nut to extend it - this was the cheapest solution for me, no special reichelt order required.

best regards, thorsten.

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