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MIDIbox SEQ V4Lite


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hi, im not good in making files in eps. i drilled them myself. it was a bit tricky, but i got it. you had 4 screws for mounting the case, take 6 , 2 in the middle so the case will close properly. i have to drill them manuly too. any how thanks a lot for your work. i have now a nice case for round about 25€. thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Marcus,


you've to enter:



set rec_quantisation 50


without brackets - the brackets are only used to describe the syntax


Btw.: from Christian I got the confirmation that 20 is a good matching value. 50% is probably too much - but you will see this.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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at the moment I'm working with 50%, I'm satisfied with that.



Interesting to know, thanks for the feedback!


A new version is available:

MIDIboxSEQ V4L.075

   o MIDI remote keyboard function now also deactivated when Note On with velocity 0 received


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 1 month later...

I've tried uploading the Bootloader update app  V1_012 with MIOS32 V2_4_5 in Win XP and I'm getting "Upload aborted due to error #14:Invalid sysex command" error message. I have just the USB cable plugged in (no midi cables) and MIOS does see the SeqLite board. Any help?



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Hi George,


this is strange! Are you using a special USB MIDI driver (could be problematic), or the M$ legacy driver which comes with WinXP?


It would also be interesting, if the upload is working if the core is in "boot hold" mode (close jumper J27, re-connect the USB MIDI cable, and re-open MIOS Studio)


Btw.: which MBSEQ V4L version is currently installed on your core?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Ok, using J27 I was able to load the bootloader, I then had to load V4L 075 to get it going again. It's very erratic now trying to load the bootloader to make the changes I wanted. 2 times it crashed MIOS with an error message and once I was able to load the bootloader and make the changes then store, then it crashed again as I tried the upload again. I'm using the M$ legacy drivers, a single usb port hooked up to the SeqV4L and have had no trouble in the past doing all the firmware updates. SeqV4l 074 was installed before.



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You are the first who reports this; actually nobody reported issues with the updated USB handler yet, especially when the "single USB" option is activated if Windows doesn't like multiple USB ports.


Could it be that due to experiments in the past the Windows USB driver is wrongly configured (or corrupted)?

What happens, if you uninstall the driver (can be done somewhere in the windows hardware settings, right-click on the MIOS32 USB device and remove it)?


After the driver has been removed, just disconnect the USB cable, and connect it again. Windows should re-install the driver thereafter with proper settings.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I'm going to leave it alone for now, it's all working and updated. I did it on a Win 7 computer, the single_usb and name change still don't show on the XP computer though. Time for new latop!


Thanks TK


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  • 1 month later...

it would be nice if the orginal KIKAD file would be released, so i can modify it for "isolation drill - cnc" german: "isolations-cnc-fräsen"

since the isolation-routines should be done directly out of the the orginal PCB-Tool.


thx michael

Edited by mühvial
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yes, the file format is compatible, and the complete engine is available.

So: you could prepare patterns on a MBSEQV4 and play back on a MBSEQV4L

And vice versa (e.g. step/live recording patterns on a MBSEQV4L is more intuitive)

Just swap the SD Card -> done smile.gif

In fact MBSEQV4L is identical to MBSEQ V4, just only the user interface has been reduced (e.g. a LCD will *never* be supported!)

See also http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fsequencers%2Fmidibox_seq_v4_lite%2F

There is a separate hardware configuration file called MBSEQ_HW.V4L (instead of MBSEQ_HW.V4) to avoid clashes with the different hardwares.

yes, it's available as well (-> transpose button)

yes, all CV outputs are available, but only two gates since J5A/B is connected to the button/led matrix

(J28 provides DIN Sync Clock, Start/Stop, Gate of CV#1 and CV#2)

Best Regards, Thorsten.





Hi everybody,




I bought the PCBs and the parts for this project a while ago...I have completed the project but the sequencer does not work... :(((( All the LEDS power up in some sort of sequence and then they switch off in a particular order...then DEAD! Is there something I am doing? Wrong? Is there some initialization procedure? Can you guys help me? The programmed board is fine, I checked it and it says it is OK. I would be willing to pay for someone to have a look at it... I am not sure if the ribbon cables are right...but since ALL LEDS light up it means is Ok isn't it? Please contact me off list dubld68@yahoo.co.uk


If nobody wants to help then I will seel the built project, I am sure someone will be able to make it work in 5 minutes...

You may need to double check your connections from the core to your control surface.

I think I have the same problem as Shimoda


I bought the PCBs and the parts for this project a while ago...I have completed the project but the sequencer does not work... :(((( All the LEDS power up in some sort of sequence and then they switch off in a particular order...then DEAD! Is there something I am doing? Wrong? Is there some initialization procedure? Can you guys help me? The programmed board is fine, I checked it and it says it is OK. I would be willing to pay for someone to have a look at it... I am not sure if the ribbon cables are right...but since ALL LEDS light up it means is Ok isn't it? Please contact me off list dubld68@yahoo.co.uk


If nobody wants to help then I will seel the built project, I am sure someone will be able to make it work in 5 minutes...

I have the top panel in acrylic transparent blue-ish from Formulor...anyone interesetd in it? 15£ only, plus shipping!

contact me dubld68@yahoo.co.uk

Edited by DanDerMann
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  • 2 weeks later...

I built a Seq V4Lite over the last couple of weekends (using parts from Reichelt, SmashTV (PCB) and Farnell (LPC card)) as my first Midibox project.


It worked first time.


Only issue I had was getting some Win XP drivers to work with the NXP/ CodeRed software development environment in a VMWare install . I had to use the "HID drivers" at 100KHz, and it took lots of attempts to get the initial MIOS32 bootloader to flash, but once that was done it was plain sailing. This was nothing to do with midibox, but I got a BSOD using the USB based drivers that came with the CodeRed dev environment.


What can I say?


Excellent project. Excellent software. And last but by no means least, excellent documentation.


Thanks!  :smile:

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  • 2 months later...

A new version is available which inherited functions from the big brother ;)


MIDIboxSEQ V4L.079

   o added new MIOS Terminal commands:
     new, saveas, save, load, delete, session, sessions

     Similar to "the big brother" MIDIbox SEQ V4, you are now able to create multiple
     sessions on SD Card, or to create a backup of your current session.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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